Well its been a while since my last post i have been rather busy and lazy. So here goes, The first set of clones almost died due to human laziness and over feeding and nute burn. i lost 3 of one plant but the rest survived just fine and are growing pretty good. The special K plant that was the big one in all the pics i have i chopped down it was just getting to big to damn fast so i took 9 clones from it and hopefully i will get 50% of them to take. I powered up my 600watt HPS for flowering and it was staying about 95 even with some air cooling and ducting going to the fixture, so i bought some 4 foot 4 bulb T5 HO fixtures for the tent for the initial growth of the clones, they are working just fine but now i have to figure out if i want to flower with them and swap out the bulbs or run the super hot HPS system. I also need to get some better vent fans for the tent but its working out so far so good. I am also testing out some various nutes that i got last time at the store, Mother Earth(non organic), and Advanced Nutes Micro. They are working out pretty nicely. Though some plants suffered until i got the formula correct. I also decided to go with a drip style system for the flowering area just a bit different than my drip system for my grow room. Well take a look at the pics , ask some questions and leave me some feedback!