Pro Grow Induction Grow Coming


hi gobskiii - don't confuse color temperature (kelvin) with color spectrum (UV to IR)! please check wikipedia or other to understand or email me at and i will send you more information.

yes we are still on version 1.0 of the website. We have quite a bit of website development, changes and explanation to do. should be done in next few days.


LED, HID and HFIND lights are 3 completely different technologies. pls. google it to understand. we are more concerned with how our lights grow things instead of how they look.


Well-Known Member
Have these lights been tested and proven to grow cannabis? How are the buds in terms of density...similar to a 600w hps? A 1000w hps? And can you offer some photos of the lights in action, preferably over some cannabis plants?


The lights came yesterday, Instead of buying a hood/reflector for them, I'm going to build hoods and powdercoat them this weekend. I designed the hood in solidworks last night and will cut it, form it and powdercoat it this weekend. (my gf and i are 1/2 share holders in a waterjet/powdercoating/fab shop).

Once the hoods are done and the lights installed, I will post pics and get this going.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
subbed and along for the ride it'll be interesting to see a good side by side, any chance of pics as your going along? i know alot of us like to see grows started from the ground up mate


hi, there will be all kinds of pics, pictures are absolutely necessary. The first flower grow is going to be a little lopsided in the hps's favor because there are 4 plants in flower under the hps. 2 plants have been flowering for 3 weeks on monday and the other 2 will have been under the hps for 7 days on monday. Tomorrow will be the day that the induction lights go in the veg tent and the flower tent. I will move the 2 newest plants from the hps to the induction light and there will be a light barrier installed. The next plants that come in to the flower tent will be the first 2 from start to finish in a side by side.


Well-Known Member
I hope that those lights work well for ya, I will keep an eye open. Can I advertise here in this fashion too? If so, maybe then I could afford one of those lights.


I agree that they need to get set up as a vendor with rollitup before things get out of hand. I don't want it to seem like i'm a spokesman for them. I went out on a limb and bought these lights (discounted). If they work, (they had better) then great, if they are snake oil, then i will be the first to slam them. (I do have faith and confidence in the product, I'm just sayin, so that everyone knows where i stand)


Well-Known Member
i lookt at induction lighting about a year ago and could only find a chinese factory on that would sell them but i read a few reveiws stating they over heated and broke themselves and totaly wrecked any hopes i had but i always thought to myself that this technology would improve and prices would lower straight away it looks like build quility and technology has improved but wtf are these prices give me hope and tell me ur mark is up 100% coz them prices are a joke, fair enough i could lower my venmtilation budget with less heat less humidity and down scale my fans wich would be nice as im using a 12 inch rvk L1 acoustic ducting and variac fan speed controller the can costs over 200£ alone but wot can i change to ?? a 10 inch system ?? not saving much considering these units are 700$ each if i remember ritely [i closed the tab as soon as i seen the prices] you do seem honest , the chinese guys were sayin "same heat out puts as an incandecant bulb" "300 watt unit same as 1000w hps" and other crazy bullshit your saying 25 percent less heat thts fair enough half the power wich makes paying for electric sound harsh but not stupid, i remember reading some where that in studies done on colonising the moon NASA said they would use induction lights as they have the best spectrum output and one unit lasts 10 years or so [ i think] iv always thought induction lights are the future and remain in the future with such high prices, wots the justification to the prices ?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Induction is supposed to be cheaper to produce as well high prices on these units really put me off. Sell me a unit for the price it would take to run an hps ballast and hood and ya got yourself a deal. I'd run it no reflector vert though. This tech has been out forever it has better spectrum better power usage and less heat. Tesla knew what was up. Too bad the industry feels the need to gouge us on sixty year old technology. I'd be using these already if not for exorbitant prices. I mean I pay that for an led which takes a lot more work to construct and cost more $ too and I can guarantee markup is less on them than people have been trying to pass off with these lights.

I really hope this grow turns out bitchin. Now if price would come down...... -_-


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've seen these. I'm subbed. A footprint for one or two plants is not even remotely cost effective as ill have over 100. Wish you had expressed it in actual square feet instead of being somewhat vague. I think I looked at the 900W one. I think. It's way too rich for my budget. But I'm keeping an open mind. Why can't someone give me new lights in return for a side by side comparison? Well gl with your project.


I wish they would have given us these for a trial, If you must know, I'm into 2 of these lights for $850, so they were not free. Iwent out on a skinny limb to be a guinea pig. Apparently there are 400 or so lights out there running grows, but I couldn't find any info on them. I just talked to Mike yesterday about the fixtures (I'm building my own and at this time, they are not included. I should have them done today, then the pics will start).

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Very true if you can run light movers I would ways suggest it saves tons on power. The hardest part is makin sure you figure the right amount of lights and speed of movement. Hope this tech comes down to the price it should be as I know it will work these lights are the shit. I had a screw in bulb it was a pos and failed but while workin grew em fuckin insane for what it covered. Which was not much considering it was a screw in


If you run any lights on a light rail don't the centers get twice the light as the edges or ends of the rail? Do you have to adjust for that?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
If you run any lights on a light rail don't the centers get twice the light as the edges or ends of the rail? Do you have to adjust for that?
You adjust for it hence why I said placement of lights and timing of movement speed are hardest to set up on a rail when using multiple lights can be a pain but pays off. I'll be running one again once I'm back up to full scale


Active Member
Their site is acting out wierd... Hopefully it will come back better than before :b
sandtrx, will you upload some pics soon? and some comments on the lights? you have recieved them right?


Active Member
This whole thing smells fishy. When something makes no sense at all then something is up. Would anyone in their right mind risk the reputation and future of a new lighting product and a new company on an absolute newbie grower? I sure as hell wouldn't. This supposedly brand new company is putting the future of the company in the hands of an absolute novice grower; or at least someone claiming to be an absolute rookie. That is beyond stupid. That tells me that either the company owner is unbelievably stupid or a con is being played. Looks like a con job to me. If it clearly looks fishy then it is fishy.

Didn't we learn anything from the banking con jobs? " Gee whiz Mr. Loan Officer you mean I can get a loan for a $450,000 home when I only make $25,000 year? I can? That really neat. Sign me up." Can't we use our common sense to smell out cons? Come on people this is an obvious one. If you use your own good judgment you'll know that you wouldn't risk your brand new business on a green rookie and neither would anyone else. This is a con job.
Hi everyone, I'm a new member here (been reading and lurking here like crazy for the last couple of months though) and am going to go out on a limb and risk some $ (I hate risking money). My girlfriend is the patient and i am her grower. we are newbs at this, but are becoming very book smart (the street smarts will come in abit).

Mike Peterson from pro grow has agreed to send us 2 of his 300 watt grow lights deeply discounted in exchange for a grow. The first grow is going to be a little lop sided, We have a blue dream and a jerry berry (I think and was told it was, so we will see) in the flower tent right now under a 1000 watt hps with an ultra sun bulb, the 2 have been in the flower tent for 12 days. When the lights come in on wednesday, the room will get partitioned off and the other blue dream and jerry berry will go under the induction light.

Mike is fully aware that his light will be going up against a 1000 hps and i made sure that he knew this (since these are not being donated and i am out bucks, I wanted to make sure that he was ok with this) and he enthusiastically told me that he was more than happy to go up against the hps (which made me feel a lot better)

More to come, we will start a journal in the appropriate place when this starts. I have very high hopes for these lights, but i'm not about to sugar coat anything with either light, things are black and white to me, and they either are or they are not.