Pro Grow LED Run #1, Super Cali Haze, Onyx, Blackbriar, and Blue Diesel


Well-Known Member
That light isn't really a plasma. It's basically an advanced cfl,but for the cost it's still a good buy. Welcome to the led community.

im new to this site today and i have to say thanks for all the great information hoss. After searching this thread i found the answer to my curiousity. if LEDs are sufficient for veg and flowering. do you add more for flowering?
im looking at the pro grow 180 here:

and possibly a supplemental plasma light for flowering here:

just curious if you could share your thoughts about this set-up sustaining 2-3 plants =)


Well-Known Member
I have not used the plasma so I can't say but as far as two to three plants with the 180. 3 autos for sure, probably 2 photo period depending on how big you're talking about growing them out. The light is super intense but like all leds the footprint isn't like hid it has a well defined maximum coverage area.

Concerning my grow - 3 males just pulled the last one up. Will pop three of the fems in peat pots tomorrow. My bad luck.


Well-Known Member
there in lies one of the drawbacks to growing autos - you cannot clone them. When the sprout they'll live to be no more than 10 weeks old period. If cloned they'll live just as long as the branches normally would have lived.

Its not that big a deal, just a minor pain in the ass as those three males set me back close to three weeks on three of my four plants. The fem sweet caramel is kicking much ass at at approximately 2.5 weeks old - just started showing sex under 23/1 lighting. I'll snap some pics today.

The fem super sativa and fem blackjack have already sprouted, I planted a fem la bella afrodita today. So far a 100% germination rate from world wide marijuana seeds!


hey hoss, thanks for your postings. i'm just starting, i've done a bit of research, and i'm taking your advise on an all led setup. i turned on my 290w for the first time today, after taking the little seedlings from their mommy t5. i think i should now wear sunglasses when i go into the grow room! geez, it's BRIGHT. what's the fastest, easiest way for me to sex the little photperiods, so as not to waste time or money on males????.... sorry if it sounds basic but, i'm completely new to any kind or propagation. thanks.


Well-Known Member
the fastest way to force sex on a photoperiod plant would be to grow using a 12/12 light cycle from seed. Should take a couple weeks. Auto males usually show themselves by week 2 or 3 at the latest. If you're a new grower I can highly rec growing some autos. You don't have to worry about light schedule at all and the shorter growth cycle gives that much less a chance to screw things up which will happen your first couple times unless you have absurdly good luck. There is a great thread on this site "The Art of the Auto". It has strain reviews, pictures, and what I believe to be pretty good advice for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Fem Sweet Caramel at 18 days. Notice how the colas have busted out everywhere since I clipped the main fan leaves blocking their light. DSC00985.jpgDSC00986.jpgDSC00984.jpgDSC00982.jpgAlso, two little sprouts. Didn't take pictures of the males just sighed, ripped them out by the roots, and planted feminized seeds. Going back to my argument for the best led set up for a small garden being multiple 100w plus panels as opposed to one massive 500w panel - I can now play puppeteer with the four panels adjusting accordingly giving the caramel light at the right height will vegin the new seedlings.


Active Member
Nice looking plants, your journal was a good read. I saw a journal before where a guy claimed to reveg an auto after harvesting most of the plant. He got a decent yield off it the second time but said it took too long and it ends up better to start a new seed anyway. This being the internet I'm skeptical that he actually used an auto like he said, it could've just been a normal reveg that he claimed was an auto. Anyways, thought you might find it interesting and I'll send you the link to the journal when I find it again. Happy growing and good luck on the fems!


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants, your journal was a good read. I saw a journal before where a guy claimed to reveg an auto after harvesting most of the plant. He got a decent yield off it the second time but said it took too long and it ends up better to start a new seed anyway. This being the internet I'm skeptical that he actually used an auto like he said, it could've just been a normal reveg that he claimed was an auto. Anyways, thought you might find it interesting and I'll send you the link to the journal when I find it again. Happy growing and good luck on the fems!
Indeed - the old "pics or it didn't happen" argument. I've heard some whoppers before on this and other boards. Speaking of crazy but true one of the seedlings I sprouted has three original leaves. I've never seen this before and I'm quite interested in this little mutant. I'm talking about the first visible non-serrated leaves - there are usually two as soon as the seed casing pops - one of mine has three. I'll take a pic when I can, otherwise it might not have happened :-P. Joking aside I'm pretty sure you can't re-veg autos. Making seeds is easy enough, plus you get to make your own strains if you get crazy with it.


Well-Known Member
What hath god wrought? Seriously wtf? Check out this seedling. I've germmed my fair share of seeds, never seen anything like this. Have you?DSC00987.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ive seen a couple other grows where they had the tricotyledons. Would assume it would grow 30% faster right? ;) That would be a nifty trait if it worked like that.


Well-Known Member
I really hope your right monkey. Would make up for 3 males materializing on me.

Apparently its a somewhat common mutation. I would suspect it happens in autos more than photos simply for the twisted genetics that go into making a stabilized auto; I posted on another thread to gain perspective beyond those kind enough to patronize my journal.

From the responses offered - it happens from time to time even with photos. I've started well over 100 seeds, never seen that before.


Active Member
I can do you one better than pics man, the guy has videos! Haha still not too sure if I believe it is an auto or just a photo plant doing a normal reveg. Here's the link in any case though:

And btw getting a triploid is awesome! you should try and breed the trait, you'll end up with three bud sites around the plant instead of two opposite each other. Theoretically you can get 50% more yield this way, but I'd guess that maybe 20% more would be realistic.


Well-Known Member
I can do you one better than pics man, the guy has videos! Haha still not too sure if I believe it is an auto or just a photo plant doing a normal reveg. Here's the link in any case though:

And btw getting a triploid is awesome! you should try and breed the trait, you'll end up with three bud sites around the plant instead of two opposite each other. Theoretically you can get 50% more yield this way, but I'd guess that maybe 20% more would be realistic.
Thanks for the laugh lol.


Well-Known Member
perhaps its time to get my grip on some collodial (sp?) silver. I've been super happy with Sweet seed genetics thus far (the mutant is a Sweet Seeds fem black jack auto). Every seed I've ordered from their lines has popped 100% and always been above average auto yields with good quality smoke - that is except for their "Fast Bud V1" haven't tried the re-done V2 version, but the V1 was neither fast or great. The Carmel and Speed Devil V2 which I've grown kicked a fair amount of ass. Anyone who's ever tried to create feminized seeds please do me a solid and chime in with a link or detailed description. I'm sick of plunking down 100 usd for 10 fem seeds. Yes it's cool to have different strains but I'd really like to move beyond violating federal customs regulations to obtain my strains.
perhaps its time to get my grip on some collodial (sp?) silver. I've been super happy with Sweet seed genetics thus far (the mutant is a Sweet Seeds fem black jack auto). Every seed I've ordered from their lines has popped 100% and always been above average auto yields with good quality smoke - that is except for their "Fast Bud V1" haven't tried the re-done V2 version, but the V1 was neither fast or great. The Carmel and Speed Devil V2 which I've grown kicked a fair amount of ass. Anyone who's ever tried to create feminized seeds please do me a solid and chime in with a link or detailed description. I'm sick of plunking down 100 usd for 10 fem seeds. Yes it's cool to have different strains but I'd really like to move beyond violating federal customs regulations to obtain my strains.
Hey Hoss!
I'm still all over this thread. I would recommend making your own colloidal (this spelling is correct) silver. It's VERY easy. I feel like you might have read up on it already.

I have 6 germinated seeds planted with one sprouted under 24w daylight white fluorescent lighting (sorry no money or time to build my own LED rig yet). I have 2 (boy and girl) one month old rabbits that are providing me with poop that I will eventually brew into compost tea to feed my (hopefully) girls.

You were right about that LED supplier site having the information you mentioned but I'm also interested in the specific wavelengths. I can understand why companies wouldn't want to give up that information but I feel the world would be a better place if all information was freely available.

My initial soil medium selection is CRAP. I have the germinated seeds in the different soils I've purchased and will test how they perform in each.


Well-Known Member
I have done some research on colloidal silver feminization and am torn between that or harvesting most of the fem sweet caramel I have going right now, leaving a couple buds on there to go past prime with the hope they pop wood, then using the pollen from those banannas to pollenate one of the fem seedlings I have going right now. Since I had those males earlier 3 plants are now behind in the schedule and this would be a rather easy experiment as opposed to losing a whole female plant to the silver in hopes of producing fem seeds.

Just didn't want to throw over an oz against the wall if I can avoid it. I read the buds are pretty much useless, and or harmful to smoke if you're spraying the plant down with colloidal.

I started out growing with just cfl, its a process man. I'd say get a couple harvests under your belt, the money you save not buying buds should allow you to upgrade to HID, LED, or whatever you see fit for your needs. Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil is really good and not that expensive if you want to stop using rabbit poop. That just sounds nasty. ;-)

As you've followed this thread you know my opinion on the best lighting for small indoor gardens, but it's a hard pill to swallow dropping $1,000 on leds. The good news is they pay for themselves and then some in the long haul. In terms of a more affordable upgrade to your current set here are some really good cfls (can rec from first hand experience) these are beastly and solid for the price.

They come them in a 5000k veg spectrum too. I was able to pull some pretty good harvests using just these cfls.

Concerning the specific nm wavelengths - you're right I'd love to know as well, especially with the newer 14 spec units. Prior to ordering my most recent purchase I called and asked. I was right in my earlier post - I was told by HH they consider their spectrum mix proprietary and given the money invested in finding what works well don't want J. Q. Wild Orchid getting the specs and building essentially a carbon copy of their unit. Being the curious person I am I also sent an email to GLH they were also unwilling to provide the 12 different nm used in my 2011 UFO. Given it is their bread and butter I can't say I blame them.

If you really wanted to get ambitious about it the HH are all CREE diodes, you could buy one dissect it and figure out exactly what's up with the different nm. I'm not sure but you could probably deduce what spectrum are employed by looking at the CREE chips and cross checking the ones found inside the light with the ones available in CREE's line up. I'm not willing to void the warranty on mine but have considered taking one of mine apart three years from now just to see what's going on inside the unit.