Problem wit Tap Water


Hi All,

I'm having problems wit my tap water TDS (155) are too hi for my girls. i've never had to know about TDS until recently(soil grow-FFOF)-Just moved to another state on east coast. It seems that my girls keep coming up Mag def-(PH-6.5-6.6), started to use distilled water from K-Mart, BANG-everything clearing up. Can someone tell me how to find out wats in area tap water-a report, documents or something besides calling water dept. Looked around on net and not finding much. Also, buying distilled water is to expensive at $1.00 a gallon. Looked into buying a water filter but have to change filter too often to save money! looking into rain water, but can't count on it to rain when your going to need more water when you run out!
All replies appreciated

Total Head

Well-Known Member
short of doing the testing yourself there's really no way to know what's up with your water unless you contact the water department. lots of places post that stuff online so you might get lucky and not have to play phone tag. my water is a bit funky but in my case adding dolomite lime to the soil erased the issue. ffof claims to be ph balanced but depending on what kind of water/nutes you dump in there the ph could go a little whacky. mag def was my first clue as well. dolomite contains both mag and cal and buffers the ph of the soil. hopefully your issue can be as easily corrected. good luck.


Well-Known Member
or five gallon bottles that you can get it filled at your local walmart, quality pure water store, etc that will cost me 1 dollar to 1 50 USD per five gallon bottle.



i think i might go with the rain water, boil it and store some away when able too. My tap water is pretty screwed up with shit in it! Girls don't like it too! Shame -most people can use their tap water-i get stuck wit this shit. THANX FOR ALL REPLIES:smile: