Problem with soil being constantly damp.


Well-Known Member
Hi so the soil that my plant is in, is damp and has been for probably too long. I believe this is because of the temp dropping in the location it has been grown in. Now does anyone have a nifty way of drying out the soil so as to give my poor girls roots a rest from being wet? :leaf:


Active Member
Do you have drainage at the bottom of your pots? How old are your plants? I had a similar problem and solved it by adding more perlite to my soil and keeping my room temp fairly constant from day to night. I have never heard of anyway to dry out soil, give it a day or two to let them dry out on their own.


Well-Known Member
the problem is not the soil..... its the grower! overwatering to begin with. improving your soil aeration can help prevent this from happening, in the future, but for now, id back off on the watering.
dont take this the wrong way, overwatering is a mistake many, many, many growers have made in the learning process, im guilty of it myself. live and learn.
when your plant is vegging (no flowers/buds yet) often it doesnt need to be watered but once every 7 days. there is no 'schedule' to watering, it has to be done when the plant needs water, not when you think it needs water. you can tell by the moisture levels in the top layers of soil, or, by the weight of the pot. dry soil 2 inches deep? water. dry soil 1 inch deep? wait. pot heavy? wait. pot light? water.


Well-Known Member
im noticing that to its been one week and 4 days since i watered and they are still damp. i use 71/2 gallon pots and moisture control mg. they have been flowering for two weeks and they showed sex and doing great.