Problem with speed devil


Well-Known Member
die?? Looks healthy to me. different strains grow differently bro.. relax. Some strains grow bigger than others.. and different plants of the same strain grow differently too... you may have one plant that out preforms another.. so you clone those genetics to run you top producers of each strain.


Well-Known Member
Yes i have to agree with that, i have a speed devil i think thats what it is that or Green poison i got the freebies from the tude whatever it is it was an auto flower and it looks just like yours very short and only two bud sights..but starting to look real tasty just not going to yeild to much..take a look it's in my sig...


Well-Known Member
I had a speed devil 2 stretch to 26" tall, then started filling in her shaft with buds the last 4 circle of friendly tokers labeled it as "nuclear" weed....extremely potent, very narcotic like with most autos, they sometimes just explode in various stages....


Active Member
Thanks oldreefer good to know that it is just now starting to bud and ive uped its pot size and is doing very well!!! thanks again


speed devil #2 006.jpgspeed devil #2 007.jpg
this is my speed devil#2 she is 5-6 weeks old and 120cm tall and still growing i must say she is a freek :)