Problem with Veg


Active Member
Hey everyone.

I am having a problem with my plants vegging. They pull thru but it stunts them a few days. I am thinking I am making the nutrients to strong.

I have 10 gallon resevoir and 4 air stones in it. I mix 3 teaspoons per gallon of floragro, 2 teaspoons of flora micro and 1 teaspoon of flora bloom per gallon.

I have them under 54watt sho t5's about 8 inchs above them om a 18/6 scedule.

Its is a DIY aeroponic tub with 3 inch baskets I have the 410gph pump set for 30 min on and 30min off with airstones on 24 hours.

I am thinking I am making the nutrients to strong at 800-1000ppm

Here is a few pics. Like I said after a week new growth comes and they start growing, roots grow the whole time.

Here is some pics of 4 days in I am thinking I should build the nutrients up and it is showing nutrient burn


Here is a pic of some about 8 days in


As you can see they look much better, I am guess they adjusted to the nutrients........but I am new to hydro so any opinions would be welcomed.

Here is a pic of them 14 days old and changed into the areoflo30


I dont think the inital problem is heat stress because I had the light about 24 inchs away to start and just dropped it to 8 inchs but it seems like it is drying out even though they are getting plenty of spray from the misters.

I am pretty sure I should start with maybe 400ppm on the nutrients and build up slowly instead of mixing it intially at 800.

Any suggestions would be great

Here is some pics of sour diesel 2 weeks vegged and about 14 days into flower - I vegged them with the same PPM of nutrients and never had a problem but thats the rainforest tank so I am thinking the difference is they get a fine mist of nutrients and the DIY gets water blasted on them is the difference..........any suggestions, comments???



Active Member
It seems you have a meter to measure your PPM's. You should be starting off with as little as 200PPM with small clones. Top up your res with water every day and take notes of what is going on. Between doing that and watching your plants, it is hard to go wrong! Once they recover from the initial shock of the transplant to a new system, then you can start raising the PPM every few days depending on your measurements! For most strains, you shouldn't need much more than 800PPM until you are switching over to bloom.(ie. start @ 200 and shoot for 800!)


Active Member
Thanks man i was thinking thats what the problem was. i started off vegging in the rainforest and apparantly the fine mist can handle the higher ppm.

I have a bluelab truncheon meter and it has ppm ec x 700 - cf -ec and ec x 500 readings, which should i follow??


PPm's are too high, and your pH is way off.
Also, with aeroponics try setting your sprayer pump for 4 minutes on/ 4 minutes off 24/7.

hope this helps.