problems getting seedling to grow!


Iv recently germinated and planted a purp plant a week and a half ago, and it only got the first stage of leaves. It randomly stopped growing about 5 days ago but it still looked healthy. I only had one 14w cfl but i upped it to three 14w cfls making 42 watts all together. i know its not alot, but i know it will be good for alittle while until i can invest in a more efficient lamp. Anyway i was unable to solve my plants dilemma and now the leafs are turning yellow. what can cause this? anything i can do to save my seedling?

Its in a red solo cup filled with about 80% soil, 10% organic compost, 10% sand. also a tiny bit of bonemeal to add nitrogen. Not sure if its over watering because i only water it when the soil seems crusty. D:


iv been told in another thread that 42w should be good enough for a couple stages. but im always up for improvising lol just dont have a big budget. wish i could take a pic but no camera right now


true. i was thinking this, and i thought about flushing the soil. but i was also thinking over watering too. do you think trying flushing it would be worth it/


Well-Known Member
true. i was thinking this, and i thought about flushing the soil. but i was also thinking over watering too. do you think trying flushing it would be worth it/
flushing will make the overwatering worse.........ride it out/ mj is tough to kill........just make sure you have good root health/ dryout's between can add some beneficial bacteria to the water at the next interval to help with the toxicity issues....


Well-Known Member
Top of the soil being crusty doesn't always mean water,lift the container for weight to determine when to water.And i wouldn't say that the soil is too hot,i use 10-54-10 bloom plus @1/4 -1/2 strength with my seedlings ,but i will say your soil most likely retains alot of water.Btw my soil is crusty by lights on every 1-2 days so it can be very deceiving.
i have the same problem, its almost one week since the baby stopped growing right after streching first set of leaves half an inch.
i read tons for a possible cause, and there are tons of solutions. first try to identify the problem. mine was about tap water ph issue.
stem is almost hollow, white and you can see inside if you look under light.

i stopped watering with tap water and switch to the one i drink. i put additional soil on top, leaving very tiny part of the stem on surface, reduced the watering cycle for roots to develop downwards seaching for more water. never left the whole pot dry though. also i sprayed the surface and leaves twice a day for the plant to transpire through leaves. now i will almost leave it dry out and water throughly afterwards as this boosted my other plants early growth.
it started to grow slowly. hope this helps.