Produce weed in 43 days

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New Member

I went to one of his seminars and it was GREAT!!! I learned alot and all was true. You do need faster developing clones. You know some strains say 75 days and others are faster but there is much more to it. He knows all the right things to do at the right time. He has also helped me for free with just a phone call.

Bash all you want.. I'm on his side. I've seen results!
nice first post, probably an employee, it isn't about a dvd, it's about getting traffic to his site, trust me, he isn't here to help the little guy, he here to troll for new suckers.


Active Member

I went to one of his seminars and it was GREAT!!! I learned alot and all was true. You do need faster developing clones. You know some strains say 75 days and others are faster but there is much more to it. He knows all the right things to do at the right time. He has also helped me for free with just a phone call.

Bash all you want.. I'm on his side. I've seen results!

Congrats on the seminar and welcome to RIU stranger. Just wanted to say happy first posts and I hope you have tons more,,,



Well-Known Member
here is a quote from the RMCC site

Professor Marijuana now one of the most sought after consultants regarding Cannabis Cultivation spends his time educating others through large Seminars, Consulting large commercial projects, Dispensary design, and yet still reserves a portion of his schedule for the little grower who can’t afford one of the top paid authorities on the subject. “I never want to forget where it is I started so helping the closet grower is still important to me”.
found here

instead of worrying about the DVD try asking him a question


Well-Known Member
you know, you guys dont persecute jorge cervantes and the likes, you admire them. they make books and movies and profit off of them. what makes Prof MJ any different? does jorge do anything extraordinary in his garden we do not? no he is just a great grower.

lay off the guy. sheesh


Well-Known Member
you know, you guys dont persecute jorge cervantes and the likes, you admire them. they make books and movies and profit off of them. what makes Prof MJ any different? does jorge do anything extraordinary in his garden we do not? no he is just a great grower.

lay off the guy. sheesh
And no one has a problem with seemorebuds being here and the thread about his book is a sticky

if jorge saw this thread doubt if he would hang out here and take this crap


Active Member
I own Cerventes DVD. Only because he doesnt claim shit and gives you 150 pages most with picks. How do you compare apple to oranges. Fuck the dvd. How to Grow Weed in 43 Days. Is the title and still no one know how.............63 pages later,huh?


Well-Known Member
ya no kidding. i dont get why everyone is attacking him. there are many people who do the exact same thing, yet Prof MJ gets crucified for it.


Well-Known Member
I believe the only reason people are giving the Prof. so much shit, are the outrageous claims...even with this man's growing experience and his history in the world of cannabis, it's still really hard to believe these claims...we cannot confirm nor deny that these claims have been we should not be so quick to make such assumptions...but IMO, these claims are just hype...



Well-Known Member
You know I'm about to put seeds in dirt and there a few people waiting to watch that, I posted in one of my threads that something I am about to try (experiment) could very easily change the way we grow (if it works) and I stated I was thinking about not shareing it here and possibly write a book ,,,,,,several folks said if I wrote a book they would buy it,,,,,,,,though I in no way came here to try and make money off of anyone and most of you know I freely help everyday here and have taught a few new growers and have saved several plants

it just so happens I know quite a bit about growing MJ and I like sharing it with others, so I am torn as to whether I should share the experiment or not,,,,with the attitudes in this thread I'm leaning towards not at the moment and I don't want to do that

let's say I do write the book and become better known in the Mj community, you gona hate on me like this???


Well-Known Member
well, until we know they are false, why dont we listen to what he has to say. if i was him, after all these crucifixions, i would never come back


Active Member
You know I'm about to put seeds in dirt and there a few people waiting to watch that, I posted in one of my threads that something I am about to try (experiment) could very easily change the way we grow (if it works) and I stated I was thinking about not shareing it here and possibly write a book ,,,,,,several folks said if I wrote a book they would buy it,,,,,,,,though I in no way came here to try and make money off of anyone and most of you know I freely help everyday here and have taught a few new growers and have saved several plants

it just so happens I know quite a bit about growing MJ and I like sharing it with others, so I am torn as to whether I should share the experiment or not,,,,with the attitudes in this thread I'm leaning towards not at the moment and I don't want to do that

let's say I do write the book and become better known in the Mj community, you gona hate on me like this???
No offense Riddleme, you do what you do, look at your rep. However. If you write a book and have a huge logo with claims, you better back that shit up.


Well-Known Member
well id buy that book riddle, but id hope you would share it with people that care and not crucify.

why do you have such a problem with him NLXSK1? or with me?


Well-Known Member
I have backed up everything I have said on this site thus far so would not make a claim I couldn't and if I am right about this thing I'm getting ready to do it truely will change everything we know,,,well I'll have a better idea in a few weeks?

and as I stated in my thread there are several people here that would get a free copy of the book if I wrote it and the results of the experiment if I don't

and sage,,,no offense taken


Active Member
This thread is still going on and there was people who spouted out BS on this right at the beginning but so what stop crying about it and give any explanation on how to achieve this and they will eat their words. I wasn't mean from the beginning I told him I doubted it but I would be the first to apologize for doubting it with some reason. I am not saying give a step by step guide but something? Any idea to how a 2" clone stretches to 4' or whatever? I am no master grower, and my offer still stands if he posts up some info. Ill be waiting :D


Well-Known Member
I have backed up everything I have said on this site thus far so would not make a claim I couldn't and if I am right about this thing I'm getting ready to do it truely will change everything we know,,,well I'll have a better idea in a few weeks?

and as I stated in my thread there are several people here that would get a free copy of the book if I wrote it and the results of the experiment if I don't

and sage,,,no offense taken
You have definitely proven your wealth of knowledge to this site man, I'd definitely buy your book man!



Well-Known Member
You have definitely proven your wealth of knowledge to this site man, I'd definitely buy your book man!

Thank You, I am humbled by the compliments (as always) I do what I do cause I love the plant and in PM conversations with the Prof I believe he loves the plant as well and does what he does because of it

all I'm trying to say is that I wish RIU would welcome him the way they have me, so we could see what he has to offer and I admit that as yet he has not said anything I don't already know but that aside what he has said has been true and factual


Active Member
This thread is still going on and there was people who spouted out BS on this right at the beginning but so what stop crying about it and give any explanation on how to achieve this and they will eat their words. I wasn't mean from the beginning I told him I doubted it but I would be the first to apologize for doubting it with some reason. I am not saying give a step by step guide but something? Any idea to how a 2" clone stretches to 4' or whatever? I am no master grower, and my offer still stands if he posts up some info. Ill be waiting :D
Its possible to stretch out clones in aero to a crazy extent. But from the pics of the buds he show looks like there 16 inches max. Riddleme, we dont want to have ask questions. I guess one question though. How do you grow weed in 43 days? Do you know?
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