Profile of the Oregon shooter - Chris Harper-Mercer

Don't put words in my mouth. This is a complex problem with no easy solution. Even prison or mental health checks at the point of purchase will not stop mass shootings.

If someone wants a gun badly enough they're gonna get it. Just ask any thug on the street.

Change the subject,....good one.

Yes, that`s a no brainer, but not the problem,...Half the guns or more than half the guns on the street are from cash and carry purchases, and stolen weapons that are not secured. I don`t mean locked up.

Reducing the probability of guns making it to the street will help a lot. If people have to pay $$$ for their mishandling of firearms, they wont make them. If people know what to do, they wont worry about their gun that got stolen. Legislation works, buying don`t. Carelessness is our worst enemy.
No I did not. This is what I said -

It's too fuckin' late to even think about confiscating guns. They're out there, and every one knows it but you. You really think any measure of gun control NOW is gonna have any real world impact regarding the reduction of homicides? :dunce:

Jeez, how many times do we have to have this gun control discussion based on feel good ideologies from lefties?

So, you don't want to make it more difficult to purchase weapons that would help slow the flow of guns hitting the street?

And you think I'm dumb?

Who said confiscate? Wasn't me.

I said it's time people like you start to think differently and take proven methods from elsewhere and learn something. Apparently you haven't learnt anything from the constant shootings, not enough to actually look at ways to address a problem if it involves guns.
Our society gives a lot of lip service to mental health. But the reality is that our system is more geared toward protecting the rights of the "crazy" to be crazy as opposed to providing services to help them and their families. It's not a trivial problem. However, not exposing the issue for what it is enables the possibility of future events.

Not knowing somebody has a mental disorder allows that person to get a gun legally. No amount of gun legislation will prevent that access unless it's documentented that the person has a problem.

The president could have done more of a service for the country to speak to this issue if he had wanted to. Go figure. Talk about a distraction, he's probably just trying to shake off a little heat.

You really nailed it that time. We have moved from a society protecting the common masses to protecting, hell, enabling, The Crazies.

Documentation of crazies won't do any good like I said. It's a feel good solution. Mental health problems will vary by individual, by day or by the hour based on a hundred factors including whether or not the paranoid schizpohrenic took his morning meds, whether he has it in for his boss who just fired him, etc.

It's a very complex problem that has been brought on by dysfunctional societal changes, many within public schools. It's been an evolution. For example, morning prayers, pledge of allegiance....stuff we were MADE to recite and respect when I was in school is gone thanks to the feel good PC crowd who now teach kids to feel rather than think these days. Only in Christian based schools will you see those old ways. And the kids that attend are really fine Americans who respect one another and others' property and rights.

System is all fucked up......
Yeah Ben.

So what ya gonna say when a God fearing upstanding member of society loses their shit and takes a few lives all because they were never assessed or considered crazy.

Just one day they saw something that made them snap.
Oh wait, those fine Christians don't kill people. They're really fine Americans.

Beyond stupidity.
No I did not. This is what I said -

It's too fuckin' late to even think about confiscating guns. They're out there, and every one knows it but you. You really think any measure of gun control NOW is gonna have any real world impact regarding the reduction of homicides? :dunce:

Jeez, how many times do we have to have this gun control discussion based on feel good ideologies from lefties?

as many times as there are headlines of mass murder via guns.
Yeah Ben.

So what ya gonna say when a God fearing upstanding member of society loses their shit and takes a few lives all because they were never assessed or considered crazy.

Just one day they saw something that made them snap.
Oh wait, those fine Christians don't kill people. They're really fine Americans.

Beyond stupidity.

Mental disease is a insidious problem. It doesn't generally occur the way you describe. It's more of a long drawn out process.

What is it that you believe is the heart of the issue, people or gun availability?
What exactly is your solution?
Mental disease is a insidious problem. It doesn't generally occur the way you describe. It's more of a long drawn out process.

What is it that you believe is the heart of the issue, people or gun availability?
What exactly is your solution?

It's more of a wide spread issue that needs to be tackled from every direction.

Slowing the flow of new guns hitting the street.
Addressing mental health issues.
Changing the way people think about guns and the gun culture.
Gun amnesty programs. (they help get guns off the street without fear of prosecution)

People need to think differently. As people start to look at the issue of being armed for protection and start distancing themselves from the gun culture, attitudes will change and people will be more willing to look at ways to protect the innocent people instead of the guns.

It needs to start somewhere, ultimately it needs to start with the people and work toward a safer environment for everyone.

For anyone to suggest more guns on the street is the answer is silly when the US has more guns and gun crimes than anywhere else in the world. That should be enough to at least open people's eyes a bit.
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many good points are made,however the easy access is the main culprit.Guns dont need to be taken from the citizens,look at Chicago where they banned firearms.Cash & carry is a massive problem.To ban & enforce no internet & tradeshow sales would would make a big difference in the amount of guns accessible to alot of shady people.Private gun sales are a different story & pretty much impossible to regulate & control.
Its hard to control what is already in circulation,however perhaps for example if all guns now to be sold would not only require a thorough criminal & mental background check you would have to simultaneously have to apply for registration & take gun safety courses.Hire alot more people to conduct the background checking (criminal,mental) process & introduce legislation that would require any & all mental health facilities to enter into a National database of Every person that makes mention or expresses aggresive tendencies,even suicidal ones.Privacy is nice to have but protecting to many peoples privacy of mental problems puts society as a whole in danger of more shootings.
Peace,Love-n-Light is what we all need.
Change the subject,....good one.

Yes, that`s a no brainer, but not the problem,...Half the guns or more than half the guns on the street are from cash and carry purchases, and stolen weapons that are not secured. I don`t mean locked up.

Reducing the probability of guns making it to the street will help a lot. If people have to pay $$$ for their mishandling of firearms, they wont make them. If people know what to do, they wont worry about their gun that got stolen. Legislation works, buying don`t. Carelessness is our worst enemy.

It's more of a wide spread issue that needs to be tackled from every direction.

Slowing the flow of new guns hitting the street.
Addressing mental health issues.
Changing the way people think about guns and the gun culture.
Gun amnesty programs. (they help get guns off the street without fear of prosecution)

People need to think differently. As people start to look at the issue of being armed for protection and start distancing themselves from the gun culture, attitudes will change and people will be more willing to look at ways to protect the innocent people instead of the guns.

It needs to start somewhere, ultimately it needs to start with the people and work toward a safer environment for everyone.

For anyone to suggest more guns on the street is the answer is silly when the US has more guns and gun crimes than anywhere else in the world. That should be enough to at least open people's eyes a bit.

If one searches google for number of guns in the US, the first hit to come up says something about 300 million with the caveat that only about 1/3 of the population owns them.

That statistic alone leads me to believe that it's the person that is the problem.
I would bet that you could triple that ownership number with sane people and not have a problem.

I'm not going to try and convince you that inanimate objects have never made decisions to kill humans. Nor am I going to try and convince you that mentally impaired people can be dangerous and are the root cause of these horrific deeds.

I'm just irritated because the "nutty professor" knows better but chose to be an asshole.
Yeah Ben.

So what ya gonna say when a God fearing upstanding member of society loses their shit and takes a few lives all because they were never assessed or considered crazy.

Won't work, let's take a scenario:

2014 - Johnny, a postal worker, buys a gun from Acme Pawn Shop who is mandated by state law to do a criminal and mental health scan. No previous mental health issues on record, fits into society well, passes muster.

2015 - Johnny gets fired, goes "postal", grabs gun, calmly walks into his former boss's office and shoots him in the head.

It's more of a wide spread issue that needs to be tackled from every direction.

Slowing the flow of new guns hitting the street.
Addressing mental health issues.
Changing the way people think about guns and the gun culture.
Gun amnesty programs. (they help get guns off the street without fear of prosecution)

People need to think differently. As people start to look at the issue of being armed for protection and start distancing themselves from the gun culture, attitudes will change and people will be more willing to look at ways to protect the innocent people instead of the guns.

It needs to start somewhere, ultimately it needs to start with the people and work toward a safer environment for everyone.

For anyone to suggest more guns on the street is the answer is silly when the US has more guns and gun crimes than anywhere else in the world. That should be enough to at least open people's eyes a bit.

IOW, there is no viable solution.
Yeah Ben.

So what ya gonna say when a God fearing upstanding member of society loses their shit and takes a few lives all because they were never assessed or considered crazy.

Just one day they saw something that made them snap.
Oh wait, those fine Christians don't kill people. They're really fine Americans.

Beyond stupidity.
Won't work, let's take a scenario:

2014 - Johnny, a postal worker, buys a gun from Acme Pawn Shop who is mandated by state law to do a criminal and mental health scan. No previous mental health issues on record, fits into society well, passes muster.

2015 - Johnny gets fired, goes "postal", grabs gun, calmly walks into his former boss's office and shoots him in the head.


So you missed that point?
FAIL. Again.

Keep failing until you start to think differently.
Bat shit crazy people will never care about laws. Destroying all guns in the world would be a good start. Just don't take mine. I might need it.
just make cannabis legal in all states for medicinal & recreational use & prescribed more over todays "psychologically" pushed drugs by Big Med companies giving kickbacks to doctors & government enitites & elected officials to keep cannabis in the same category as heroin.We all know cannabis is less harmful than alcohol & tobacco.I was once in a situation that scared me years ago when I was smoking with some friends that was smoking weed & 1 person there told their spouse that they had slept with 1 of the peeps there,now most folks would say f-that & go off,but u know what happened.we was all smokng weed.the spouse that had been unfaithful to continued to smoke with the dirty dogs,even passed the weed to the MFer that screwed his old lady after the joint was finished the dog left & didnt ever come back.Now the dude could have f-ed that guy up but because he was partaking of his meds he was very peaceful & I truely feel it prevented some serious shit from going down..just my 2 cents
Alot of this has to do with the local culture and other social ills the main one being no solid father figure as a role model. You know, someone that hugs his boy, tells him he's OK, sets limits and boundaries of right and wrong, takes him to the ball game......
You can't do that when you incarcerate the fathers of this country for bs crimes like cultivating marijuana or most drug crimes. Hard to be there for your kids if your locked up...
I think that gun lovers and hunters get bent out of shape whenever anyone mentions changes to laws but I've yet to hear one solid argument as to why people think handguns and rifles should be treated equally.
With rifles and peoples argument to continue hunting for food I get it but not to many wanna be hunters are out trying to take down big game with a handgun.
Handguns and concealable weapons are for nothing but harming people.
I'm sure the majority of the people with an iq under 80 will be super butt hurt at the idea but maybe humans are proving to be even less trust worthy than ever.
I think that gun lovers and hunters get bent out of shape whenever anyone mentions changes to laws but I've yet to hear one solid argument as to why people think handguns and rifles should be treated equally.
With rifles and peoples argument to continue hunting for food I get it but not to many wanna be hunters are out trying to take down big game with a handgun.
Handguns and concealable weapons are for nothing but harming people.
I'm sure the majority of the people with an iq under 80 will be super butt hurt at the idea but maybe humans are proving to be even less trust worthy than ever.
To your point, Joe Biden says to buy a shotgun, and tells Jill to fire two shots into the air if she ever has an issue. But I like to carry a handgun when I have mountain lions in the area, just lighter weight.