we have two choices..control the object or control the access to the object.
They don't sell meth in stores, but how easy is it to get?
we have two choices..control the object or control the access to the object.
They don't sell meth in stores, but how easy is it to get?
I can get you 10 grams of heroin for $500 I can also find you a handgun make guns illegal please do I want a full automatic AK47 and I will find one you outlaw guns.Change the subject,....good one.
Yes, that`s a no brainer, but not the problem,...Half the guns or more than half the guns on the street are from cash and carry purchases, and stolen weapons that are not secured. I don`t mean locked up.
Reducing the probability of guns making it to the street will help a lot. If people have to pay $$$ for their mishandling of firearms, they wont make them. If people know what to do, they wont worry about their gun that got stolen. Legislation works,....free buying don`t. Carelessness is our worst enemy.
Actually pretty easy all you need is 3D printer these days.Do you know how hard it is to build a working gun from scratch ? I`m not talking a pen and paperclip from inside either.
A lot of people solving this can be done, but if no-body tries, it wont. The draft dodging nervous disorder guy only cares about dues.
Anything but nothing,...heck put a $$cap on gun prices, 5 bucks,...then put a $$ minimum on ammunition, a thousand bucks,...Of course that wont fly but just an example of something........Nothing get`s you nowhere, something might, and the nervous guy in the poor house.
I can get you 10 grams of heroin for $500 I can also find you a handgun make guns illegal please do I want a full automatic AK47 and I will find one you outlaw guns.
Actually pretty easy all you need is 3D printer these days.
Don`t forget, guns shoot a straight line. Major disadvantage........
I carry a handgun outside at night bears are all over the area a lady was even attacked by one in my town last year. I never grabbed my .38 special for humans I grabbed my shotgun and rifle and chilled in the woods when I was threatened with guns by some punks.I think that gun lovers and hunters get bent out of shape whenever anyone mentions changes to laws but I've yet to hear one solid argument as to why people think handguns and rifles should be treated equally.
With rifles and peoples argument to continue hunting for food I get it but not to many wanna be hunters are out trying to take down big game with a handgun.
Handguns and concealable weapons are for nothing but harming people.
I'm sure the majority of the people with an iq under 80 will be super butt hurt at the idea but maybe humans are proving to be even less trust worthy than ever.
Wrong! Have you ever taken a calculus class?
Armor is only good for pistols and it's perfectly legal to buy as much as you want of whatever you want.What do you do about armor ? You can keep the heroin.......
You are not a sniper, are you? Gravity and wind both work on bullets.That`s cannon. Gun shot is the straight unaltered flight, cannon is arced and mortar is drift.
Example. a) An M-777 howitzer has a gun range of 7 miles, and a cannon range of 50+ and a mortar shot of right back down the barrel.
You never will solbe it I have 6 registered guns and 9 unregistered. As my guns will never be taken, nor will i ever be with out one.You said it yourself.
Guns are too easy to get. Solve that and it's a step in the right direction.
Even when proven wrong, you don't shut up.That`s cannon. Gun shot is the straight unaltered flight, cannon is arced and mortar is drift.
Example. a) An M-777 howitzer has a gun range of 7 miles, and a cannon range of 50+ and a mortar shot of right back down the barrel.
You need to learn the difference between direct and indirect fire and elevation and negative elevation.View attachment 3512565
You never will solbe it I have 6 registered guns and 9 unregistered. As my guns will never be taken, nor will i ever be with out one.