Well-Known Member
Good to see the left still has yet to learn from 2016 and 2018... where is that blue wave again?
AW Save a Tree, Eat a Beaver.
Good to see the left still has yet to learn from 2016 and 2018... where is that blue wave again?
maybe you have a point. Those programs gave us you and a host of Trumpkins Def not progress in that regard.Are welfare; food stamps, and EBT cards progressive?
Are welfare; food stamps, and EBT cards progressive?
Blind hate filled bigots describe right wingers to a TEE Buck is no rightyWhy are you so angry? Everytime I read comments regarding political topics or seems there is so much hate from Democrats to fellow Americans. You dont even know these ppl. Sorry no matter how good of a point you have you make yourself look like a hate filled bigot.
Got any walnuts?Why are you so angry? Everytime I read comments regarding political topics or seems there is so much hate from Democrats to fellow Americans. You dont even know these ppl. Sorry no matter how good of a point you have you make yourself look like a hate filled bigot.
Got any walnuts?
Go buy some walnutsNo I dont really bake...
I'm not oblivious to anything. But when I read though a posting and the people that are obviously "left wing" seem to be the ones calling names getting so mad saying they hate millions of people. Most people are just trying to live a happy life. Regardless of who or what you vote for you shouldn't be ridiculed for it. What ever happened to an educational debate. Where you can talk about your options and differences withough lashing out as someone with an opposing view? Dont like what my stance is on a policy, ok, educate me. Dont belittle me.Blind hate filled bigots describe right wingers to a TEE Buck is no righty
You seem oblivious to the right wing hate and anger ...Trump is the best of your party?
Are you saying this from personal experience? Is this what you do or... I'm confused.Go buy some walnuts
And cram them up your ass
That 5 B Trump is holding our country hostage over in order to waste it on a wall should be put to better uses. Such as replacing lead pipes in Flint MI.You know what ? Some people need help that's just a fact, So who cares if People that need something get it. How about the 700 billion on our Military every year ? Don't you think that is kind of outrageous ? take one percent to fix many things without a problem. Listen if we can't learn to get along and quit the name calling and worrying that someone is getting something your not this problem will continue to fester and grow. We all know right from wrong but we continue to fight about Petty crap. It's like someone put a Snooze button on America when we should wake up and fix it instead of talking and fighting about it.
So you haven't seen anyone refer to "Libtards" online ?I'm not oblivious to anything. But when I read though a posting and the people that are obviously "left wing" seem to be the ones calling names getting so mad saying they hate millions of people. Most people are just trying to live a happy life. Regardless of who or what you vote for you shouldn't be ridiculed for it. What ever happened to an educational debate. Where you can talk about your options and differences withough lashing out as someone with an opposing view? Dont like what my stance is on a policy, ok, educate me. Dont belittle me.
Hate filled bigot is as hate filled bigot does.Why are you so angry? Everytime I read comments regarding political topics or seems there is so much hate from Democrats to fellow Americans. You dont even know these ppl. Sorry no matter how good of a point you have you make yourself look like a hate filled bigot.
If deliberate, wild misrepresentations and smears are all you can manage in a debate then it's clear you've lost the argument and are just desperately trying to cover up that fact.Why do you keep pushing for a party that wants to build that wall?
How about progressive taxation and higher tax rates on unearned income than wages?Are welfare; food stamps, and EBT cards progressive?
How about progressive taxation and higher tax rates on unearned income than wages?
I agree. To put a finer point on it, the top line 'defense' (an Orwellian euphemism if ever there was one) budget is over $780 billion, which does NOT include funding for operations, surveillance, intelligence or black programs. Fold all that in and the actual expenditure is as much as twice that figure.You know what ? Some people need help that's just a fact, So who cares if People that need something get it. How about the 700 billion on our Military every year ? Don't you think that is kind of outrageous ? take one percent to fix many things without a problem. Listen if we can't learn to get along and quit the name calling and worrying that someone is getting something your not this problem will continue to fester and grow. We all know right from wrong but we continue to fight about Petty crap. It's like someone put a Snooze button on America when we should wake up and fix it instead of talking and fighting about it.
Why do you shill for Republicans all the time.If deliberate, wild misrepresentations and smears are all you can manage in a debate then it's clear you've lost the argument and are just desperately trying to cover up that fact.
We disagree. There's no need to lie about my position. I feel no need to lie about yours to point out why I don't agree with you.
All you're doing is making my position look all the more reasoned, logical and most importantly, accurate.
Yeah, yeah, the end is near, Repent!!! Your guy Chris Hedges has made a career out of saying exactly that for about 20 years.I agree. To put a finer point on it, the top line 'defense' (an Orwellian euphemism if ever there was one) budget is over $780 billion, which does NOT include funding for operations, surveillance, intelligence or black programs. Fold all that in and the actual expenditure is as much as twice that figure.
To put it in perspective, it's more money than the rest of the entire world spends on the above activities COMBINED.
WTF are Americans so incredibly afraid of? Men with cloths on their heads running around in the sad carrying AK47s?! Who the fuck are we kidding here?!
No, it's a gigantic con of historic proportions! That budget is for the enrichment of the shareholders of major military hardware and services suppliers! The American taxpayer has been so thoroughly co-opted, fooled and lied to that we resemble a colony rather than the home country.
No wonder average Americans are impoverished, drug addicted and suicidal.
Collapse is coming. All the signs are there.
Is that your demand for your vote?How about progressive taxation and higher tax rates on unearned income than wages?