Progressive political positions are not "far left", they're in lock step with the majority of voters

Justice Democrats got seven members elected to congress being active less than two years. They just took office a couple weeks ago..

You expect brand new members to congress change the world in a few weeks yet Nancy Pelosi has been in congress since I was a child and has not done a goddamn thing as speaker except make herself a couple hundred million dollars lobbying and raising money from giant corporations

This is the propaganda bullshit artists like yourself have to push because you can't argue against progressive policy. We know you can't because every time we bring it up, you shift back to the personal bullshit that doesn't matter towards policy. This is how you've become a useful idiot of the political establishment. You do their bidding and you don't even get paid for it. All you get is a tiny endorphin kick like an addict when you think you've made a valid point. I hope the feeling you get when it kicks in is worth it because it comes at the cost of tens of thousands if not millions of others.

If JD were "so ineffective", you wouldn't be crying about how they're coming to primary corporate Democrats

If we're "so ineffective", what do you have to worry about?

That's a nice tacit admission I'll take to the bank, thanks
Oh my, I must have missed this.

Seven whole members? Who was the most conservative congressman they beat? How many JD lost their primaries? How many won their primary and lost the general?

As far as progressive policies (I like the way you have dropped the capital P), I typically don't want to argue them. I like progressive policies as long as they are not the half baked sort of crap that Bernie typically spews. My argument isn't so much with the policies - it is with your hopelessly naive and self serving tactics. And my comment about the inaction of the "new left" isn't about the newly elected members of Congress - it is aimed at the claims that the majority of people support you. Great, mobilize them and march against the shutdown while I play croquet with the "corporate democrats" on the Mall.

Insofar as your claim that I am "crying" about justice democrats primarying "corporate democrats", you are pretty much making that up like you did my criticism of AOC which "caused" you to call me a racist. You are free to primary whoever you want. But anybody so ridiculously uninitiated into political reality as you ("Nancy Pelosi can't get elected Speaker without Republican support") is far more likely to do harm and result in the election of a Republican instead.

As usual, your interpretation is that which most feeds your clearly inadequate ego. You can take that to the bank - maybe they will give you a sucker.
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I like progressive policies
Weird how only four words out of all that bullshit actually matter

You vocally oppose objectively the most progressive politician in congress..

Not making much sense there, bud..

Explain that one for the rest of us

Why do you guys keep trying to piggy back on Sanders success while claiming he was a failure?

Get off his old, saggy, wrinkled, white nuts, Baldrick. Gross!

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Weird how only four words out of all that bullshit actually matter

You vocally oppose objectively the most progressive politician in congress..

Not making much sense there, bud..

Explain that one for the rest of us

Why do you guys keep trying to piggy back on Sanders success while claiming he was a failure?

Get off his old, saggy, wrinkled, white nuts, Baldrick. Gross!
Bernie doesn't bother me at all. Post Office's should get new names now and then.

I oppose you and those of his supporters who are so niave as to believe that "Nancy Pelosi can't get elected Speaker without Republican votes" or those who denounce others as racist after making up non-existent facts.

You are a hopeless lightweight.
I like her. In interviews I've seen with her, she always gives well thought out, reasoned responses based on policy. I think she'd make a great Sec. of Defense in Sanders cabinet


“To try to act as if there is a difference between ‘civil unions’ and same-sex marriage is dishonest, cowardly and extremely disrespectful to the people of Hawaii,” she said. “As Democrats, we should be representing the views of the people, not a small number of homosexual extremists.” - talsi gubberd
Bernie doesn't bother me at all.
This is yet another of your lies.

You've made literally hundreds of posts bashing Bernie.

You are the lightweight; none of your critiques carry any intellectual weight at all. You've fully embraced the vacuous tactics of personal attacks. There's just nothing of depth to you.
Nice deflection from your forced breast milk collection schemes, chair force.

Let me get this straight. You're denigrating a man who spent two decades in uniform because he wasn't a grunt because (according to you) your son enlisted in the Marine Corps. You have literally been posting for years on this forum to bleat about your opposition to the laws regarding the age of sexual consent and about how taxation is slavery and civil rights are rape BUT YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT.

As a combat veteran myself, I have nothing but respect for a career serviceman like @londonfog and find your brand of trolling cowardly and nonsensical.
Let me get this straight. You're denigrating a man who spent two decades in uniform because he wasn't a grunt because (according to you) your son enlisted in the Marine Corps. You have literally been posting for years on this forum to bleat about your opposition to the laws regarding the age of sexual consent and about how taxation is slavery and civil rights are rape BUT YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT.

As a combat veteran myself, I have nothing but respect for a career serviceman like @londonfog and find your brand of trolling cowardly and nonsensical.
I made @Rob Roy my slave long ago. He pays taxes to assure I receive my pension.
Hey make him your slave too. Anything you get from the government is Rob Roy being our slave. I just wish he had a public store so I could rape him too
I made @Rob Roy my slave long ago. He pays taxes to assure I receive my pension.
Hey make him your slave too. Anything you get from the government is Rob Roy being our slave. I just wish he had a public store so I could rape him too
Be glad you're getting a pension. They're an endangered species and going extinct fast.