Progressive Young Turks Think Ron Paul is Probably a better option then Obama

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Is there something in that book that will make me change my mind and decide it's ok to live in a two class society where everyone is either extremely wealthy or dirt poor? Seems unlikely.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Not as a serious presidential candidate, no. He's never been in the big leagues. When he has been offered oil lobbyist PAC money, he's taken it. We'll see what happens if he starts to get offered real money from corporations. I've yet to hear of a single case of any politician declining lobbyist PAC money.
He only will take $39,000 salary as President.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Is there something in that book that will make me change my mind and decide it's ok to live in a two class society where everyone is either extremely wealthy or dirt poor? Seems unlikely.
It is a good book. It opened my friend's mind.


Well-Known Member
Dan, I am studying economics and have been for years (working towards my PhD). I would suggest you actually dont have a strong grasp of many basic financial concepts judging from your arguments here. Minimum wage is inflationary, that is a fact. Anyway, you need to do a lot more reading before we have further discussion that is not going to devolve into something completely useless and divisionary. Good day sir.


Active Member
There's no legitimate argument against minimum wage when there is a 450 to 1 ratio of CEO to entry level worker pay. As long as there is compensation levels at upper management that overrun the lower compensation levels at the bottom the "lower wages" argument is false.

All of these Austrian School arguments are nothing more than dog whistle speak for legalized indentured servitude. One of the most profitable times for the USA (at least for the elite) was during slavery.......... and free labour... all these arguments are nill and void with the pay rates being taken at the top. Less for the working poor does not equal lower cost of items , it equals even more pay taken at the top /profits.

This is just like the arguments about lower taxes and cost will go down...... just like the cost went down this last summer when taxes on flights lapsed and the airlines lowered the rate accordingly..... not



Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6782586 said:
There's no legitimate argument against minimum wage when there is a 450 to 1 ratio of CEO to entry level worker pay. As long as there is compensation levels at upper management that overrun the lower compensation levels at the bottom the "lower wages" argument is false.

All of these Austrian School arguments are nothing more than dog whistle speak for legalized indentured servitude. One of the most profitable times for the USA (at least for the elite) was during slavery.......... and free labour... all these arguments are nill and void with the pay rates being taken at the top. Less for the working poor does not equal lower cost of items , it equals even more pay taken at the top /profits.

This is just like the arguments about lower taxes and cost will go down...... just like the cost went down this last summer when taxes on flights lapsed and the airlines lowered the rate accordingly..... not

The latter argument isn't even an argument as correlation =/= causation (And I seriously hope that you are not using logical fallacies like the above to justify your positions in your head). There is a highly inflationary environment at the moment.

I feel like you are misrepresenting some fundamental Austrian arguments as well. But honestly, they are mostly too in depth for a message board. People won't read them. The best I can offer is to read and read some more with an open mind.


Active Member
Yes, there is a highly inflationary environment atm , one of them being the 36.5% inflation of CEO compensation last year while at the same time complaining they pay entry level workers too much. (I know, not proper eco speak)

You are correct in saying the message board is not a place for true discussion, that is why my post is incomplete but still gets the point across whilst speaking the truth. = ) .... lol

Not misrepresenting, just not providing all of the facts, just like advertisements and political ads.

The airlines are just the most recent 100% proof, that lowering taxes does not in fact lower cost. In this case as in many others it just raises the profit margin.

I use whatever makes me smile to make my pro decisions and whatever makes me pissy to decide I do not like it. (simplified inside joke)

Economics is not the rocket science many make it out to be. It is to social science what a philosophy major is to how to properly make an argument.

It is all in what you decide to do with the information at hand and how to word it so it is in your favour.


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6782917 said:
The airlines are just the most recent 100% proof, that lowering taxes does not in fact lower cost. In this case as in many others it just raises the profit margin.
Must have been what happened to American Airlines...Too much profit eh?


Well-Known Member
Watching the debate- It sounds a lot like the choice is between Ron Paul and war with Iran and Syria
I choose Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6783027 said:
didn't Alec Baldwin happen to AA ?
Oh man, yep you are right, American filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy because Alec Baldwin wouldn't shut off his phone.


Active Member
Didn't they file due to fuel cost and lower passenger rates? Guess the extra $$ they decided not to pass on, earned from a tax lapse wasn't enough.

So, not only does lowering taxes not lower the cost to the customer, you are saying lowering taxes won't help the bottom line for a company? =)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Dan, I am studying economics and have been for years (working towards my PhD). I would suggest you actually dont have a strong grasp of many basic financial concepts judging from your arguments here. Minimum wage is inflationary, that is a fact. Anyway, you need to do a lot more reading before we have further discussion that is not going to devolve into something completely useless and divisionary. Good day sir.
I never disagreed with the fact that the minimum wage was inflationary. I disagreed with the idea that the only thing minimum wage does is raise inflation. Maybe you actually don't have a strong grasp of what I posted. Good day sir.

If you've studied economics as you claim, you know that it's also a fact that a higher minimum wage increases all low skill labor wages.


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6783067 said:
Didn't they file due to fuel cost and lower passenger rates? Guess the extra $$ they decided not to pass on, earned from a tax lapse wasn't enough.

So, not only does lowering taxes not lower the cost to the customer, you are saying lowering taxes won't help the bottom line for a company? =)
The cost of keeping all Union personnel might have something to do with it, A poor management team might have something to do with it, Alec Baldwin had no effect.

The company says labor contract rules force it to spend many millions of dollars more on operations than other airlines.
So, according to them, fuel costs and low passenger rates had NOTHING to do with it.


Well-Known Member
I didn't never disagreed with the fact that the minimum wage was inflationary. I disagreed with the idea that the only thing minimum wage does is raise inflation. Maybe you actually don't have a strong grasp of what I posted. Good day sir.

If you've studied economics as you claim, you know that it's also a fact that a higher minimum wage increases all low skill labor wages.
You didn't never disagreed? Is that like a trick statement of triple negativity?


Active Member
From what I have read fuel costs, management, passenger loss and wanting to pay their unions less all had a part in it. They are actually financially stable and have cash, they filed before going under to lower union wages, dump some unprofitable lanes and get out of some airplane leases. I would like to know why they don't start with the board, CEO and upper management wages first then move on to the unions.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6783174 said:
I would like to know why they don't start with the board, CEO and upper management wages first then move on to the unions.
Seriously? After all that's been going on all over the nation with union busting and attacks on the middle class and you don't know why they don't touch upper management?

At this point everyone should realize that this is a class war and we're not the ones that started it. The massive shift of wealth, The populating of key government positions with tea bag representatives, The Koch brothers funding of the Tea Party and backing the attack on unions and the middle class, the GOP presidential shuffling of candidates. This is all leading up to one thing. The GOP is going to present someone as a candidate that none of us would have even considered before the clown show. There is someone waiting in the wings to take center stage and the Republican party will fall at his/her feet in worship and relief.

It's coming folks. Some say Jeb Bush. I don't think so. I think it's going to be someone that will take us all by surprise.