Project For today:Get Ripped(I Hope)


Active Member
Ok I cut some sample buds off each of the three strains that I have growing and Im gonna do a little early comparison. These are the kinds of things that you come up with when you are home on disability and have to much time on your hands. haha

Heres what I got

This Bud.:roll:
(its very sticky and pungent. Kinda took me by surprise cause I havent looked close at these buds in about a week and had no idea how far they had come along.They called it Lavender when I bought the clone.Who knows? Anybody?

Came from This plant. I hacked it a few weeks ago in frustration and now wish I had just let it be (it collapsed on its side from its own weight) Oh well live and learn. But the buds are awesome. cant wait till fully mature. but you know that since I cut some and sampling.

This Bud.:roll:
(dont know the name of the strain. wrote it down somewhere but cant find it. Its pretty immature. the most immature of the three but still not bad

Came from This plant

This Bud.:roll:
(This they called purple erkle. probably the most mature of the three. very sticky, very stinky.

Came from This plant.

Im gonna stick them in the oven at about 300 or 325 for a few minutes.


Active Member
What delivery method does everybody reccomend? (Sorry all you bong fans my bong is packed away in the garage and to hard to get to.) I never use it anymore. My old lungs cant handle it.

I prefer joints, but thats just me.


Well-Known Member
usually the method i use is just on the side drying or in an envalope or between sum newspaper for quick drying. don't wanna ruin the smoke now.....


Active Member
very nice. looks awsome.however i wouldn't quickdry in the oven. it will just degrade the thc.
Yeah, I do understand that. But Im bored and need a project today, not next week or longer. If I was worried about that I would have left them on the plant to maturity.:weed:

Sorry MRbudsmoker if it reads like a diss. I didnt intend it to be mean. I just dont think you understood, Im just doing it for shits and giggles.


Active Member
usually the method i use is just on the side drying or in an envalope or between sum newspaper for quick drying. don't wanna ruin the smoke now.....
Like in the sun or just room temp?
Cause I think room temp will take to long .
"I want it and I want it NOW" LOL


Well-Known Member
yummy samples..I think I have to go take another small joint sized sample myself!! I quick dry my samples on a black piece of paper on top of a lamp it takes 15 mins over a hot light bulb to dry a joint sized bud! :)


Well-Known Member
I just took my first sample of (''purple tipped skunk gas'' named by fdd) it stinks I should get two small joints out of it.I'll be back in an hour with a smoke report!! :) :)


Active Member
how did those taste comin outta the oven heh
Hey, it is what it is. We've all been there. when you dry like that you make sacrifices on taste as well as bud. But with that being said, One of the strains REALLY surprised me.

yummy samples..I think I have to go take another small joint sized sample myself!! I quick dry my samples on a black piece of paper on top of a lamp it takes 15 mins over a hot light bulb to dry a joint sized bud! :)
Hmm. Ill try that next time madcow. I would have asked for opinions on that but,, well thats why I dried it in the oven, I wanted to smoke it right away.

I just took my first sample of (''purple tipped skunk gas'' named by fdd) it stinks I should get two small joints out of it.I'll be back in an hour with a smoke report!! :) :)
Cant wait Haha

Ill try to keep my review objectional but you know how it is when you grow your own weed ,it always seems to taste better and give you a better buzz than anything else.LOL Am I wrong?

OK now for the update:
First off. Mission Fuckin Accomplished. I got ripped.
Like I told HipHop. I dried it in the oven and they are a little early so I wasnt expecting much.
The mystery strain: pretty much what I expected.kinda harsh, no taste really,but smokeable. Definitely needs more time on the vine and correct drying and cureing.I smoked it first(actually half) the buzz was slow to come on, but it was there.
Next was Lavender: This had a tinge of flavor though hard to make out what it was. It actually wasnt that harsh. I mean it was harsh, but no more harsh really than some of the stuff that has been going around at some of the clinics. Again nothing proper drying and cureing cant solve. Probably wouldve brought out that flavor also. Buzz,..Much stronger than the mystery strain.
Purple Erkle: This shit was the shit!! Smoked half a joint of this and by this time I had a good buzz developing here. It was VERY surprisingly VERY good tasting(Tasted like grapes,No shit), not harsh. and the buzz was fuckin terrific. The kind that locks you to the couch watching the stupidest shit on TV and everything on is funny. I smoked the other three half joints in the same order. Saving the best for last.
Seriously folks, I cannot wait til the harvest of this Purple Erkle shit. It is gonna be heaven on earth.

I noticed something about this plant while I was stoned to.


Well-Known Member
smoke report on "purple tipped skunk gas"!!
well I opted out on the joints and went with gandalf!!
like jmruva taste and smell compromised on the quick dry but I have a very nice body buzz and a little head stoned as well I feel very enlightened right now!! :) I like it very much, can't wait to smoke this stuff when it's finished!! it's pretty good now I just noticed I think I'm get some paranoia as well...hearing farming equipment outside freaking me out.I better go smoke the last little bowl!! :)



Active Member
Well done madcow! Theres is somethin about smokin weed grown by your own hands that doesnt compare to shit that you bought.Growin weed is like therapy in alot of ways.

Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
I agree with growing stuff being better than street weed, keep in mind growers out there want yield and stuff that looks and smells like weed, they dont care if its good or bad or bad for you. its all about money money money

with growing your own weed :D you get to see it from seed to lil plant to flower to WHOA LOOK AT ALL THOSE BUDS! :)

keep on keeping on, gotta love growing.


Active Member
I agree with growing stuff being better than street weed, keep in mind growers out there want yield and stuff that looks and smells like weed, they dont care if its good or bad or bad for you. its all about money money moneyquote]

Yeah, like before I started growing and doing research on growing my own, I didnt know shit about cureing and lots of other stuff. Do you think street dealers give a shit about cureing weed properly?or flushing nutes properly,etc., etc? I doubt that most do. They want to get their shit to the market and make their money as quick as possible.
Which in hindsight, answers alot of past questions of how I got shit that looked so good and wasnt that great smokewise.