Prolific Plant Probiotic (Cannabis Test)


Well-Known Member
I added P3 to all the huge potted plants. Cotton Candy mother, Blue Thai, Blue Dream mother, and Trainwreck. They all runoff into the "Tray liner" that came with the tent. it's mostly water proof. the seams leak so I never let it FILL. but the grow bags tend to sit in runoff water for a few hours after I water. then they suck up what they want of it.

So because of this #1 may have p3 in it's soil. I can't complain but I can't see for sure If the P3 is having as much of an effect on one compared to the next. IMO #1 & #2 are very close to similar ATM. but #2 has a better main cola structure compared to #1. The bud of the main cola seems a bit smaller on #1 as well. So there could still be a difference.
#3 dominates both. and will get another dose of P3 this week on November 2nd.


Well-Known Member

Gonna have some monster colas.
The mother is building just like this and #3.
#1 still shows a little smaller buds. or maybe less building per day than the rest. so I might still be doing this whole thing right. :)

I still got 5-8+ weeks to go. lol


Well-Known Member
Outstanding, brother. We're all priveledged to get to watch you work. Can already taste the final data!


Well-Known Member
I picked some up and was treated very well by the company.

I do not mind paying $40 for a big bottle. I could probably make my own, but I do not want to. (There is a thread in the organic section about making your own)

I do not have the time to make more stuff. I'm already mixing soil, making tea, foliar spray...


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone I waited 5 extra days on the P3 clone to give it's second dose. Only because I gave a few of my other plants 5 days after these in the test.

When I get up in the AM (well, when the lights come on at 10:30amEST) I will be giving everything in the tent(besides P3 clone #1 and P3 clone #2) their second dose.

The larger 4 pots, Blue Thai, Cotton Candy mother, Blue Dream mother, and Trainwreck will get 12" each.

The rest will get 4"-6" depending on 2 or 3 gallon grow bag.

I'll get some more side by side shots of the clones tomorrow.

I just wanted to thank everyone who followed this test. It's coming down to the final stretch here.
This will be the last dose of P3 given this grow.

I'll do a weekly picture update from now till the end, but I have so much more going on in this grow I can't keep track of all these threads daily. lol....

Take care and See you all for picture updates today, next week, and once every week until the 10 days of darkness. :)


Well-Known Member
#1, #2, #3 in line

Difference between 1 and 2.
The buds stayed closer to the main stalk, increasing the main cola size on #2.
While they spread out more on #1. making the main cola about 3" smaller than the other.
#1 no P3
#2 P3 added 10/4/13
#3 P3 added 10/4/13 and 11/6/13


Well-Known Member
The control(#1) is already showing 10-20% amber pistils. #3 is showing about 5% and #2 is way less.

It's going to extend their flowering time. I can already see it now. lol