PROOF that GOD Exists......


Well-Known Member
When I died I didn't have that experience... Actually NONE of the people I know that have died have had that experience. Do you have any idea of how many people clinically die? the vast majority don't have an experience like you claim "everyone" has...


Well-Known Member
Indeed, it's true. You were simple minerals floating in the universe. Then your mother ingested them and collected them into you. After you die, your body breaks down into simple minerals, which another pregnant lady will eat, and make another baby.
better go on a diet.


Well-Known Member
Indeed, it's true. You were simple minerals floating in the universe. Then your mother ingested them and collected them into you. After you die, your body breaks down into simple minerals, which another pregnant lady will eat, and make another baby.
But, are YOU mere meat? Or are you consciousness riding the meat-bot? There are no simple minerals floating around to make consciousness. One does not even attain any consciousness of the self aware variety for many month after birth, 18-24 months, actually.


Active Member
Indeed, it's true. You were simple minerals floating in the universe. Then your mother ingested them and collected them into you. After you die, your body breaks down into simple minerals, which another pregnant lady will eat, and make another baby.

Mystery solved, thank you


Well-Known Member
Only when theres hundreds of videos from people all over the world saying the same thing that dont even know each other, and all of them have proof from doctors and paramedics that they were clinically dead, thats when you can say its real
where does it say that when your dead and you see things that the idea of god is automatically a fact? i dont see your logic here. your brain lives long past the time your whole body lives, once again, its just your pinneal gland. why dont you look up the pinneal gland on youtube since you seem to have so much time to just watch near death experiences.

you seem to deny so many facts, theres no way you werent a hardcore christian before this. get off riu if all you wanna do is recruit people to your flawed religion, its a scam and all the countries and continents besides ours has come to realize this. ill go get heisenburg's quote, we've already discussed how NDE's have nothing to do with god's existence. im sorry but your just posts are just becoming annoying and whenever i confront you, theres no real comeback. this conversation is pointless, me and heisenburg already proved you wrong, you just went off to another thread in hope to find someone as ignorant to the existence of your pinneal gland. not to mention you tried telling me DMT is a controlled substance, believe it or not you use it every night when you go to bed.

you guys want proof of the truth? go to youtube and type in "nde" and checkout near death experiences. EVERY video and i mean EVERY PERSON who had a near death experience has reported either going to hell or heaven, some went to heaven and saw Jesus and other relatives, some went to hell and saw torment. This is TRUE stuff you guys NEED to check it out theres tons of these videos of people reporting their NDE. Jesus is the truth and the only way, do the research on NDE's (Near Death Experiences)
How is a disruption in normal brain function evidence for Jesus?

NDE's are nothing new, and very few people actually report seeing heaven or hell specifically. Some see flames, some see a bright light, some float above their body, some review moments from thier life, some float through a foggy tunnel, some hear buzzing and tones, some see relatives, both dead and alive... the list is actually pretty big, and none of these happen within the same experience. What's more interesting is the staggering number of people who come near death and do not experience anything. I guess most of us do not get to go either place.

If you are going to be impressed by the similarities in the stories, then you must acknowledge that other experiences humans have are almost identical. Divers or pilots experiencing rapid pressure change, people taking LSD, people fasting for long periods, people who are dreaming, and people suffering from schizophrenia all have NDE's that have nothing to do with death. The common thread is altered brain function.


Active Member
Why people make Religious posts on a marijuana forum is beyond me. Stop already.
First of all my post is under Spirituality, Sexuality, and Philosophy, its where its suppose t obe. Secondly if you dont like it then why are you posting?


Active Member
where does it say that when your dead and you see things that the idea of god is automatically a fact? i dont see your logic here. your brain lives long past the time your whole body lives, once again, its just your pinneal gland. why dont you look up the pinneal gland on youtube since you seem to have so much time to just watch near death experiences.

you seem to deny so many facts, theres no way you werent a hardcore christian before this. get off riu if all you wanna do is recruit people to your flawed religion, its a scam and all the countries and continents besides ours has come to realize this. ill go get heisenburg's quote, we've already discussed how NDE's have nothing to do with god's existence. im sorry but your just posts are just becoming annoying and whenever i confront you, theres no real comeback. this conversation is pointless, me and heisenburg already proved you wrong, you just went off to another thread in hope to find someone as ignorant to the existence of your pinneal gland. not to mention you tried telling me DMT is a controlled substance, believe it or not you use it every night when you go to bed.
you must be crazy if you think im going to read all of that, I told you if you dont want to hear about it then dont, your opinion has been noted, why are you still posting?


Well-Known Member
I have to call you an idiot, im sorry, I do. Do you know what CPR is used for? Do you know what shock defibrillation is? Do you know what emergency surgery is?
im done being nice to you, now your just being straight up fuckin arrogant.


Well-Known Member
I like that the OP believes in a god that cant control death and life. So were saying that man has bested god and can bring people back from the dead? If resurrection is no big deal then why do we care about Jesus?


Well-Known Member
I have to call you an idiot, im sorry, I do. Do you know what CPR is used for? Do you know what shock defibrillation is? Do you know what emergency surgery is?
Why stoop to name calling? Are you that inarticulate? :)


Well-Known Member
you must be crazy if you think im going to read all of that, I told you if you dont want to hear about it then dont, your opinion has been noted, why are you still posting?
i see religion has gotten the best of you, please deny everything, thats what your pastor wants you to do right :)