PROOF that GOD Exists......


Well-Known Member
As far as the child molestation, I think your getting catholicism and christianity mixed up. Catholic priests molest little boys and tell the masses to worship dead people, not christians.
Courtesy of The Merriam Webster dictionary, I have found you definiton 1a of Christian:
a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

So that covers anyone that believes in jesus, I'm pretty sure.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i have many good stories about this issue that he has proven over and over but it comes down to coincedence every time is what i fight with in my head the last time was one of the best times in my life he has just listend to my cry.... after many adventures i was up agenst the wall partners greed and me bailing out i was not eating right i was a bone for i had three month of electricity and three month of rent i had no food i went to the store and stocked up on tuna one tuna a day i rather feed the plants i slept all i could to fight the hunger but i had to pull this last one off.... at the end i was near a bone looking for ketchup in the stores sugar wishing i had bread... the plants were almost done when i noticed a nanerd i was DONE!!!!!! i was done!!!!!!! i yelled WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT YOU TOOK IT ALL AWAY contruction my women everything that was real was gone down to this down to nothing i opened a bud and it was seaded i went acrosss all the buds they had seeds i yelled fuck you.. FUCK EVERONE everyone fucked me im alone!!!!!!!! im done!!!!!!! i prayed night and day i prayed nervous and knowing i was done i had no food down to the last of the cans i streched the cans out water sucks tuna sucks i sweet and smell tuna from my pores i was washed up... I YELLED SHOW ME YOUR REAL SHOW ME!!!!!!!!!! i began to trim buy my lonesome three days of trimming night and day i lost track of days numbers hours i was going crazzy seeds just poped out everywere EVERYFUCKEN WERE!!!!!! i dried and prayed no truck i got jacked on a pink slip i payed big money i was done..... i woke up from a dream it was dried pulled them off the sticks and my electricity got shut off... i walked to the nearest place and they loved it???? i looked and cracked open the nug NO SEEDS I WENT THREW ALL OF THEM NO SEEDS????? i looked and looked no seeds i paniced i llooked and looked and looked NO FUCKEN WAY NO SEEDS in my last bag i opend three tiny lil white seeds fell out that made me think coinsidence?? i still went to my local church and droped a lot of money... i got a few other stories i will share in time???


Well-Known Member
To answer all of you.. Catholics arent considered christians anymore. They are like mormons, they wrote their own shit and are not going by the bible anymore. They do what they do for the will of man, not the will of god. Catholics are different from Christians. Bottom line.


Well-Known Member
i have many good stories about this issue that he has proven over and over but it comes down to coincedence every time is what i fight with in my head the last time was one of the best times in my life he has just listend to my cry.... after many adventures i was up agenst the wall partners greed and me bailing out i was not eating right i was a bone for i had three month of electricity and three month of rent i had no food i went to the store and stocked up on tuna one tuna a day i rather feed the plants i slept all i could to fight the hunger but i had to pull this last one off.... at the end i was near a bone looking for ketchup in the stores sugar wishing i had bread... the plants were almost done when i noticed a nanerd i was DONE!!!!!! i was done!!!!!!! i yelled WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT YOU TOOK IT ALL AWAY contruction my women everything that was real was gone down to this down to nothing i opened a bud and it was seaded i went acrosss all the buds they had seeds i yelled fuck you.. FUCK EVERONE everyone fucked me im alone!!!!!!!! im done!!!!!!! i prayed night and day i prayed nervous and knowing i was done i had no food down to the last of the cans i streched the cans out water sucks tuna sucks i sweet and smell tuna from my pores i was washed up... I YELLED SHOW ME YOUR REAL SHOW ME!!!!!!!!!! i began to trim buy my lonesome three days of trimming night and day i lost track of days numbers hours i was going crazzy seeds just poped out everywere EVERYFUCKEN WERE!!!!!! i dried and prayed no truck i got jacked on a pink slip i payed big money i was done..... i woke up from a dream it was dried pulled them off the sticks and my electricity got shut off... i walked to the nearest place and they loved it???? i looked and cracked open the nug NO SEEDS I WENT THREW ALL OF THEM NO SEEDS????? i looked and looked no seeds i paniced i llooked and looked and looked NO FUCKEN WAY NO SEEDS in my last bag i opend three tiny lil white seeds fell out that made me think coinsidence?? i still went to my local church and droped a lot of money... i got a few other stories i will share in time???
God works in mysterious ways man. Blessings to you. And be prepared for all the ppl saying that in your deliriousness you must have imagined seeds or something.. they can never believe shit.


Well-Known Member
God works in mysterious ways man. Blessings to you. And be prepared for all the ppl saying that in your deliriousness you must have imagined seeds or something.. they can never believe shit.
I believe his story proves he took care of the nanners in time. Really not proof of anything other than what a person can do under adverse conditions.


Well-Known Member
i have many good stories about this issue that he has proven over and over but it comes down to coincedence every time is what i fight with in my head the last time was one of the best times in my life he has just listend to my cry.... after many adventures i was up agenst the wall partners greed and me bailing out i was not eating right i was a bone for i had three month of electricity and three month of rent i had no food i went to the store and stocked up on tuna one tuna a day i rather feed the plants i slept all i could to fight the hunger but i had to pull this last one off.... at the end i was near a bone looking for ketchup in the stores sugar wishing i had bread... the plants were almost done when i noticed a nanerd i was DONE!!!!!! i was done!!!!!!! i yelled WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT YOU TOOK IT ALL AWAY contruction my women everything that was real was gone down to this down to nothing i opened a bud and it was seaded i went acrosss all the buds they had seeds i yelled fuck you.. FUCK EVERONE everyone fucked me im alone!!!!!!!! im done!!!!!!! i prayed night and day i prayed nervous and knowing i was done i had no food down to the last of the cans i streched the cans out water sucks tuna sucks i sweet and smell tuna from my pores i was washed up... I YELLED SHOW ME YOUR REAL SHOW ME!!!!!!!!!! i began to trim buy my lonesome three days of trimming night and day i lost track of days numbers hours i was going crazzy seeds just poped out everywere EVERYFUCKEN WERE!!!!!! i dried and prayed no truck i got jacked on a pink slip i payed big money i was done..... i woke up from a dream it was dried pulled them off the sticks and my electricity got shut off... i walked to the nearest place and they loved it???? i looked and cracked open the nug NO SEEDS I WENT THREW ALL OF THEM NO SEEDS????? i looked and looked no seeds i paniced i llooked and looked and looked NO FUCKEN WAY NO SEEDS in my last bag i opend three tiny lil white seeds fell out that made me think coinsidence?? i still went to my local church and droped a lot of money... i got a few other stories i will share in time???
well, i have this story about this guy who came on this thread and posted a story i couldnt understand to save my life. were you dreaming the whole time, like idk what just happened in that whole thing, maybe clarify without so many exclamation points, maybe press enter a few times so i know where i am, and less capital letters maybe? im just lost here.


Well-Known Member
To answer all of you.. Catholics arent considered christians anymore. They are like mormons, they wrote their own shit and are not going by the bible anymore. They do what they do for the will of man, not the will of god. Catholics are different from Christians. Bottom line.
Just because you wish to redefine a word does not mean that I have to accept your new definition. Especially when it runs counter to the word's meaning. You are a different denomination of christianity if you're not catholic and believe in jesus. However, you still are a chrisian by definition. That doesn't change no matter what you say.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
im gona stay off the subject just thought i throw that in their.. wen im ready to write me more ill write it.. K its some good shit thow i dont want to write to much on a nother forum a guy wrote a book on some of my stories without my permision i rather just not do it.. but thier fucken good ones..

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
im gona stay off the subject just thought i throw that in their.. wen im ready to write me more ill write it.. K its some good shit thow i dont want to write to much on a nother forum a guy wrote a book on some of my stories without my permision i rather just not do it.. but thier fucken good ones..
...I had a chance to read it. Nice post. I'm glad it works for you.


Well-Known Member
its okay its only me that needs it for know i have real tatoos of horns on my head i grew up realy fucked in the head i went to prison for coltivation and one other charge ill keep to my self in the mid ninties.. i thier tested the bounderies shit that can only be like winning the lottery that is so coincedence that i dont want to talk about it three time this was proven and all to pray one prayer he showed me against all odds and i chalked it up to co and to this day im straight if we have only been hear for so long the universe is so big thier cant be a big bang a begining the hole universe is endless it cant be explained ass a begining one hole mater and explosion that stoopid... and god is in the same explaination as the big bang.. i belive what works for me but until you have lived what i have seen im better this way!!!!!
ever wonder if god has been your mental crutch? i mean prayer is just like focusing on something really hard, its good you can find comfort in believing in something but just think about it, nobody controls your fate except you, theres still coincidence, we cant give god credit for good and just say everything happened for a reason when something bad happens. life has its way of being ironic sometimes, this even occurs to your everyday atheist, no reason to point to god though. idk, our culture just has a way of manipulating people into thinking theres some strange force behind the things that happen, youd be amazed how much you could get done with a little bit of hope, if you fill that hole with religion, theres no problem, just dont turn to whatever you ask for all the time, you determine what happens to you, the rest is just simple probability.


Well-Known Member
So I read thru like half of this.. its ridiculous how eventually every thread having to do with something that goes beyond what modern science can explain some atheists, or trolls, come and start making personal attacks. I have one message for atheists. You dont believe? Ok. You dont think theres enough proof? Thats fine. But you nor any other human being cannot come out and say "if science cant prove it its not real". Do you know how much shit there is on this planet that human minds cant comprehend, or computers? Do you know how much shit there is in the entire universe?? Science has probably explained maybe 1% of anything. You cannot sit there and tell somebody that just because you are ignorant and dont believe things that cant be proved, that it cant exist. And the funny thing is that science has only proved most things in religion to be true. The bible has almost been proved to completely true because advancements in science. If you were really so smart, you would realize that science and religion are the same thing. (almost). The problem is not too many ppl put 2 and 2 together. This is a weed forum, pot smokers are supposed to be open minded and tolerant of others ideas, especially since we want everyone to be tolerant and open minded to our pot smoking. Stop being stubborn. If I could mail this to you it wud be on a piece of paper that I wiped my ass with.
What is ridiculous is that any time a skeptical person expresses doubt to a claim of PROOF, the nutters on this board begin attacking the skeptics and labeling them atheists and conflating that with science. Everyday in most everyone's life, we apply skeptical reasoning to most everything, from financial deals to the doctors you choose and the medicine you take, and even when buying a car. Yet when it comes to something so incredible and unbelievable, skepticism suddenly becomes a bad thing and you become dismissive about it and hypercritical of those that want to apply skeptical, rational thought to these claims.

Lack of knowledge about something does not make it true. You argument is no different than saying science has not proved faeries, so they are true. Look up the logical fallacy argumentum ad ignorantium because you seem to commit this one quite often.

I am human like you. I would sincerely like to find out that there really is a god or I have a soul that can live beyond my physical life, who wouldn't? So when I see someone make a claim to 'proof' I certainly am interested in hearing this new proof. Then here you come along and insult and criticize me and others for being disappointed when we find out that this proof is hardly what it was claimed and trying to explain to the OP WHY it is inadequate and definitely not proof, let alone good evidence. I'm tolerant of ideas but I do not have to be tolerant of fallacious reasoning being touted as truth. Calling out someone's illogical thinking in a debate/discussion forum is not intolerance, it is teaching.


Well-Known Member
i thought meditation is living in the moment and clearing your mind? shit. oh well.
While it is possible to constantly.......(I can't characterize it) I can't agree with either, (all 3?) of you.

Prayer is not meditation, but prayer can lead to silent contemplation. Meditation is more like saying the Roseriary, or chanting. Most, if not all meditation involves Chanting of some form. The most effective, imo, are just sounds, not words. Sounds that product beneficial physical vibrations in the skull. Om, Hu, etc.

And then there are internal senses of sound, taste, sight, etc to Preceive, that are totally un-hooked from temporal duality as they are experienced only after the mind clould of thought is ducked completely.