proof urine is a super fert for plants

thats a shitty thing to say lol. im a first time grower and a novice and its nice when people give advise to help me out like gazza308 who gave constructive advise that im now using and went out and brought powerfeed and that are responding amazingly to it and have greened right up and are pumping as my nana once told me if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all and yes im experimenting and having fun doing so. i thank everyone that has commented positively and look forward to sharing harvest pics with you all have a great day and the urine was a stop gap measure :) as i am on a sickness benefit due to a serious medical condition i suffer from and get little money every week to survive so yes my garden is a pee free zone now
Keep doing whatever you want.
Not true at all. The best piss is from a meth addict. Those plants are manic. Most of them are trying to make flowers before the cotyledons are fully opened, and they never go to sleep. As long as you are good with plants with dental problems it’s totally worth it.
laughter, best medicine of all!!
Damn, now I'm pissed.

Honestly, i fed my plants some Actively Aerated Compost Tea before i realized it was way too alkaline. Followed up with some moderately acidic piss water and they bounced right back. I'm 100% in on using unine for nitrogen. Just have to watch the salt content.
Idc if it makes the plant grow to the moon.. I just can’t piss on my plants.
if they grew to the moon id be retired lol they are now being feed on powerfeed only i dont recommend urine but it works if you only use it for 1 to 2 feedings grew 12cm in 1 weeks thats a good result but all i need is for the next 6 wks to fly then they will be going outdoors for summer october 4th
if they grew to the moon id be retired lol they are now being feed on powerfeed only i dont recommend urine but it works if you only use it for 1 to 2 feedings grew 12cm in 1 weeks thats a good result but all i need is for the next 6 wks to fly then they will be going outdoors for summer october 4th
Not saying it’s bad or anything. I just can’t wrap my head around it. I go with compost and dry amendments. I’ve used veggie water and high nitrogen fert rn but I like to dilute it a lot. My plants a month and already about 1 1/2 feet tall and I have it topped and trained but I think it depends strain wise. Blue dream is known for growing huge. I also crushed up some tums and threw it in the soil. I even baked crackers and sprinkled a bit in there hahaha but good luck friend.
Idc if it makes the plant grow to the moon.. I just can’t piss on my plants.
I'm with Novicegrowernz. Human urine is sterile and unless you're sick or on medication, it's an excellent source of nitrogen. Why just piss it away? Why you want to pay someone for the same thing that comes out of your body for free?

FYI, I'm all about minimizing my footprint. Don't generate unecessary waste, reduce, reuse, blah blah blah. Just part of my contributuion to the world, Killa.
I'm with Novicegrowernz. Human urine is sterile and unless you're sick or on medication, it's an excellent source of nitrogen. Why just piss it away? Why you want to pay someone for the same thing that comes out of your body for free?

FYI, I'm all about minimizing my footprint. Don't generate unecessary waste, reduce, reuse, blah blah blah. Just part of my contributuion to the world, Killa.
I never said it was bad
Just I wouldn’t do it. but urine also has toxins from ur body so unless u only drink water don’t smoke and on a paleo diet idk... lots of better way to get nitrogen naturally like coffee grounds and grass clipping etc.. but you do you, not saying it’s a bad idea or doesn’t work it just trips me out cuz you’ll be smoking the shit afterwards.
I'm with Novicegrowernz. Human urine is sterile and unless you're sick or on medication, it's an excellent source of nitrogen. Why just piss it away? Why you want to pay someone for the same thing that comes out of your body for free?

FYI, I'm all about minimizing my footprint. Don't generate unecessary waste, reduce, reuse, blah blah blah. Just part of my contributuion to the world, Killa.
Well think about this one, everything u ever used is now somewhere in the world... everyone pollutes but idk if pissing on your plants is really contributing lmao but a start
Totally agree, Killa. Everything I ever used came from the world. I make an effort to return it in a way the world can use. It blows me away when people pay someone to cart away their kitchen and yard waste then go out and buy a bunch of industrially processed chemicals to put on their lawn or in their garden.

The big steps take time. The small steps we can take every day.
Urine is not sterile it’s chock-full of bacteria even straight from the hole that’s a laboratory proven fact
I stand corrected. Thanks.

That's not to say all bacteria are necessarily bad. Wouldn't have vinegar, pickles, kombucha or compost without 'em.

Biggest problem with healthy urine for fertilizer is the potential salt content.
Iv tryed it before....honestly gutter butter and pool cover water when it gets all scummy after the thaw is the best when I clean the gutters I save everything and mix it in with pond scum and dirty nasty pool cover water and plant tomatoes in the buckets they always fucking explode