go here and see who oppose or approve this
just realize this, tobacco with all its documented physical addiction is fully legal and with the amount of tax revenue they gain...
Do you really think they will allow a competitor to their monopolized cash crop? nope
not with out setting up strings so they can get on the cash cow when tobacco goes down hill.
humm do I want a pack of chokes or a pack of can almost hear the stocks doping
this country was made by tobacco farmers, they went against Spains threats of death and grew tobacco and exported it until we became the largest producer of tobacco in the world.
It will take a lot to get the MJ ball rolling the first obstacle would be tobacco, we need to remove it.
after that they will be looking for a product that is 100% natural has no physical addiction or overdose risk and will embrace MJ for the cash cow it is.
Then next would be to declassify MJ as a drug, it is NOT a drug it is 100% natural.
We should not need a prescription to use a substance that has no overdose limits and no physical addiction.
obtaining a prescription is just another hook they have in MJ to slow down its take over of tobacco.
age restristions and public use will always be enforced, as it should
I would even go so far as to say renters cant grow, you must own your own house to grow and keep your smoke on your property not in your car or in your pocket when you go down the street.
give a 2year old a cup of sugar and you will call sugar a drug too
sugar is like hash from the sugar cane plant, 100% natural
ask your doctor if he would rather you smoke MJ or eat a cup of sugar, and see what they say.
google high blood sugar health risks
and our bigest partner is unknowingly the drug testing labs them selves
30days for thc to leave the body...sounds like the body is not in a big hurry to remove it
just realize this, tobacco with all its documented physical addiction is fully legal and with the amount of tax revenue they gain...
Do you really think they will allow a competitor to their monopolized cash crop? nope
not with out setting up strings so they can get on the cash cow when tobacco goes down hill.
humm do I want a pack of chokes or a pack of can almost hear the stocks doping
this country was made by tobacco farmers, they went against Spains threats of death and grew tobacco and exported it until we became the largest producer of tobacco in the world.
It will take a lot to get the MJ ball rolling the first obstacle would be tobacco, we need to remove it.
after that they will be looking for a product that is 100% natural has no physical addiction or overdose risk and will embrace MJ for the cash cow it is.
Then next would be to declassify MJ as a drug, it is NOT a drug it is 100% natural.
We should not need a prescription to use a substance that has no overdose limits and no physical addiction.
obtaining a prescription is just another hook they have in MJ to slow down its take over of tobacco.
age restristions and public use will always be enforced, as it should
I would even go so far as to say renters cant grow, you must own your own house to grow and keep your smoke on your property not in your car or in your pocket when you go down the street.
give a 2year old a cup of sugar and you will call sugar a drug too
sugar is like hash from the sugar cane plant, 100% natural
ask your doctor if he would rather you smoke MJ or eat a cup of sugar, and see what they say.
google high blood sugar health risks
and our bigest partner is unknowingly the drug testing labs them selves

30days for thc to leave the body...sounds like the body is not in a big hurry to remove it