Prop 19 and 58pounds a day is what you are voting for!

-.- dude, I say you have the problem of not having that much weed. but that's my opinion. and I'm glad I'm not you.
I just get to sit hear with my pounds of weed and laugh with my friends at how stupid that made you look. So you can do math on how to divide an ounce, do you want your cookie now?
If your telling people, that you don't know, that they have a problem in THEIR life, you've got one hell of an ego.

When you assume, you only make and ass out of yourself.

La-ti dah, bragging about how much weed you have makes you a real big man, EH? So you feel sorry for me because I don't have pounds? I was distributing pounds before you were born. I in fact don't even smoke the crap, I outgrew it years ago. I don't care if you or anyone else smokes MJ, to each his own. I think it should be legal for the human rights aspect. Prohibition only leads to larger and larger crime. The Mafia in the 20s-30s for booze, now the mexican gangs and new day mobsters. Legalizing all drugs would save this country billions and cut violence and death among gangs to nil. I don't have the need to get high any more. Something I realize that those that do get high can't understand, but please don't feel sorry for me because I don't have "pounds", or because I don't get "High" any longer. I have learned to deal with reality, and I like it.
La-ti dah, bragging about how much weed you have makes you a real big man, EH? So you feel sorry for me because I don't have pounds? I was distributing pounds before you were born. I in fact don't even smoke the crap, I outgrew it years ago. I don't care if you or anyone else smokes MJ, to each his own. I think it should be legal for the human rights aspect. Prohibition only leads to larger and larger crime. The Mafia in the 20s-30s for booze, now the mexican gangs and new day mobsters. Legalizing all drugs would save this country billions and cut violence and death among gangs to nil. I don't have the need to get high any more. Something I realize that those that do get high can't understand, but please don't feel sorry for me because I don't have "pounds", or because I don't get "High" any longer. I have learned to deal with reality, and I like it.

no you don't. ;)
hmm... So your solution is to vote no so anyone caught with even 1 plant can go to jail?

For all of you that what to vote no... What is your endgame? What do you expect to gain? Do you think the next legislation is going to be better?

yes i do brudda
California is not like every other state... You are billions upon billions of dollars in debt. If it was not for the federal bailouts your state would be insolvent. Add on to that a state that is incapable of delivering basic resources like power and water to its inhabitants, throw in corrupt city council members making far more than the president of the united states. Sprinkle in an arizona boycott, sanctuary cities and the highest state income tax in the nation. Top it off with the fact that making money on weed is preferrable to making money on oil and you have a nice smorgasboard about what is wrong with your state...

I agree man, they have there fair share of problems...
i agree, this will not save the state one bit. this will just add to the corruption.
i think this bills only aim is to get the control of marijuana into as few hands as possible to get the profit in as few hands as possible. this however rings true with just about any product.

Agreed, I think all the non-corporate growers should unify themselves some how... All I know is that I will never buy from one of those huge warehouses.... never
Unless these two football feilds are indoor and sealed up pretty well, I am more than sure somebody is gonna toss a fully flowered male (or maybe just a handful of pollen) over the fence to fuck with that dudes grow lol..

A lot of people make a lot of money off of their small time grow ops.
I love this! Big respect. Fuck prop19, fuck this name I use, and fuck the corporate assholes. Fuck Babylon interference, they are not needed in our pockets after a near century of persecution. Once it's legal will they return seized money or give back years in prison? They need this plant because they can't manage their finances, they are in debt, and they come to this culture as wolves in sheeps clothing who do not realize they are among lions. not to be trusted, vote no!
I love this! Big respect. Fuck prop19, fuck this name I use, and fuck the corporate assholes. Fuck Babylon interference, they are not needed in our pockets after a near century of persecution. Once it's legal will they return seized money or give back years in prison? They need this plant because they can't manage their finances, they are in debt, and they come to this culture as wolves in sheeps clothing who do not realize they are among lions. not to be trusted, vote no!

Great post man.... Hit the nail on the head... Any body that understands your post understands the real movement... Not just the "hey man, lets legalize it bro, that would be so sweet" uneducated voters!!!! Think how many people in cali voted for mccain and palin in 08', that was just embarassing... Im not sayin obama rocks, im just sayin how incompetante palin would have been as a VP... That would have been a shame.... UNEDUCATED VOTERS!!!
How close the right came is truly scary shit...the massive numbers who buy into that shit on fox and friends makes me think the Nazis might as well of won the war! Lol, terrifying. respect nathanking.
When there is a will there's a way my friend. I am by no means saying I would even attempt, but I don't put it passed some of the crazy ass growers I've met before
This plan is indoor growing. So no one can throw pollen over a fence

Maybe the pollen could get sucked up in one of there vents, or you could bribe some of the workers to do it... Fuck it, just keep fuckin with the warehouse, maybe even go work there just to polentate
When there is a will there's a way my friend. I am by no means saying I would even attempt, but I don't put it passed some of the crazy ass growers I've met before

I am one of those I feel the same way, all the growers i know in cali are pissed off at the monopolization of canabis, its bullshit...
This whole thread seems to be a moot point now. The DEA has come out and made it clear they will not allow massive-scale farms no matter what California law says. So with or without prop19, it seems cultivation will stay limited to small scale farming.
This whole thread seems to be a moot point now. The DEA has come out and made it clear they will not allow massive-scale farms no matter what California law says. So with or without prop19, it seems cultivation will stay limited to small scale farming.

When did the DEA say that???? I would like to read it for sure bro... thanks