Prop 8 : what has this state and country came to ?

oh great another gay pride activist, what is with this site?

I knew something was up with her. That's what happens when you give a gay mod privileges, they vent all the years of suppression in the form of thread closings, censorship and general I have power you don't mentality. Lame.

haha what? ive never closed a thread for being anti gay and i dont censor anything except what the rules i follow which are from the site itself . thats funny though and im straight not gay
Gay marriage aside, all I really hope for is that if you all met me at a convention and my tranny friend is with me (she's very cool) or my gay friends are with me, that you would still be comfortable enough to smoke a bowl with us and hang out. I wouldn't ask you to go get gay friends, or hang a rainbow flag on your door. (I sure don't) I just thought that with all the back and forth political arguing, which is kinda abstract since none of us are gay or getting married, I would offer a real world situation request.

What do you all think about it? Seriously, no bashing or political BS form me. Do you think you would feel comfortable enough to smoke a few bowls with me and my tranny friend at a cannabis cup? If you don't, that's cool. I actually kinda understand that it can be hard to shed cultural beliefs. (Beliefs isn't the right word, but it's all I have right now. My brain is farting) The first time I met poly people I was very uncomfortable. I still am, but I have been able to accept that while I don't like it, I would still smoke a few bowls with them in a social situation. I don't think I would be comfortable enough to have poly friends who came over and hung out at my house a lot, though.

I'm sorry to drag this discussion out even longer, but my friend was reading this and was concerned that she would find a hostile environment at a cannbis convention. Personally I was thinking that most people are cool at a canna cup and such, but you never know.
I once had problems with mods . :wall: I took a Modanger management class. bongsmilie I still regress from time to time though. :lol::lol::lol: There's a uncle buck class but I don't want to waste my time. :lol:
Gay marriage aside, all I really hope for is that if you all met me at a convention and my tranny friend is with me (she's very cool) or my gay friends are with me, that you would still be comfortable enough to smoke a bowl with us and hang out. I wouldn't ask you to go get gay friends, or hang a rainbow flag on your door. (I sure don't) I just thought that with all the back and forth political arguing, which is kinda abstract since none of us are gay or getting married, I would offer a real world situation request.

What do you all think about it? Seriously, no bashing or political BS form me. Do you think you would feel comfortable enough to smoke a few bowls with me and my tranny friend at a cannabis cup? If you don't, that's cool. I actually kinda understand that it can be hard to shed cultural beliefs. (Beliefs isn't the right word, but it's all I have right now. My brain is farting) The first time I met poly people I was very uncomfortable. I still am, but I have been able to accept that while I don't like it, I would still smoke a few bowls with them in a social situation. I don't think I would be comfortable enough to have poly friends who came over and hung out at my house a lot, though.

I'm sorry to drag this discussion out even longer, but my friend was reading this and was concerned that she would find a hostile environment at a cannbis convention. Personally I was thinking that most people are cool at a canna cup and such, but you never know.

I would have no problem with it as long as the bong don't look like a penis . :bigjoint: I would be way Comfortable with the Poly's. Get stoned and have a big orgie. I have seen no one hostile against gay people in the thread just some opinions.;-)
I can't quote everybody cause a lot has been said in a half hour. Sunni my apologies :roll: for thinking your tattoos and hair cut comment was a skin head insult. Im sorry for my post reply ;-). Maybe it's not religion ( Christian ). Maybe it's just ethnic morals that have been instilled by generations of religion. Like don't lie ,cheat or steal. I don't go to church. Lightning would strike me at the front door. lol But they are things I've been taught to believe in. Many people are like this. Oppression of the people is not something I believe in or was taught. Once again point taken by all. Reef you have some good points but hard to follow.No hard feelings and it's not serious at all. I just don't want to be labeled anti gay because of maybe some old views. If gay marriage is legal, Polygamy should be legal too and Im down for that . lol :lol: After all isn't that oppression ? :!: Im out too, don't want to run into UB .:mrgreen:

i would never call someone a skin head lol. like i said i dont care if youre anti gay, but dont say it cause of your religion say it cause thats truly how you feel! youre allowed to your own opinions and i am tolerant of that lol , perhaps that didnt come off in my posts, but thats what i ment
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I would have no problem with it as long as the bong don't look like a penis . :bigjoint: I would be way Comfortable with the Poly's. Get stoned and have a big orgie. I have seen no one hostile against gay people in the thread just some opinions.;-)
I am so glad I had swallowed my coffee. I frikkin laughed so hard at that one... penis bong. That's hilarious and oh so wrong all at once. And you are absolutely right, no one has been hostile. This has been a good thread, and a testament to the fact that stoners will always try to find a way to get along so we can smoke each others weed. Those polys may have better herb than me and i am not missing that!
i would never call someone a skin head lol. like i said i dont care if youre anti gay, but dont say it cause of your religion say it cause thats truly how you feel! youre allowed to your own opinions and i am tolerant of that lol , perhaps that didnt come off in my posts, but thats what i ment
But Im not Anti gay ! Just didn't understand prop 8 and the full aspect of it. They can get married and find out what divorce court is all about. I think there could be a lot of separated couples.
So what's the difference from gay marriage being ok and polygamy not. Is it not suppression , and the movement not big enough ?
So what's the difference from gay marriage being ok and polygamy not. Is it not suppression , and the movement not big enough ?

While I am uncomfortable with poly people, I would not vote on anything that restricted their access to marriage. As long as they work out the legal aspects, I don't care who marries who as long as it is between consenting adults, who are able to legally enter into a contract. After all, it's really just a legal contract.
Why would you be uncomfortable with them ? Sounds like my same views on gay marriage ? And yes it is just a legal contract that gets you BF'd in divorce court and pulls on the young kids involved.
Actually the legal contract part is about making decisions about healthcare, inheritance, etc. Not having the correct legal contract is what gets you BFed in court. Get a prenup. And it's the parents who pull on the kids, not the marriage contract. My parents divorced when I was 5.

I am not sure why I am uncomfortable with poly people. I was kinda dissapointed in myself the first time one of my friends told me that they were now in a poly relationship. It made me very uncomfortable. I don't know why because I went over everything i my mind telling myself that it's their choice and that their lifestyle doesn't directly effect me. But try as I might I just could not bring myself to hang out with that person any longer. I still think it was a fucked up thing of me to do, and i have since gotten more comfortable around poly people, but I still don't see myself having poly friends over for dinner, and as my child grows up I will teach her to not be poly. But I will also teach her to not bash or oppress poly people. But I still honestly don't have a good answer as to why they make me uncomfortable. And when that incident happenned to me I also understood how some people can be uncomfortable with gay or trans people, and that a person can be uncomfortable around them, but not be against them. (If that makes any sense) It really opened my eyes.

I try to be a good person, much like everyone else. And much like everyone else I fail more than I succeed, but I do keep trying.
Actually the legal contract part is about making decisions about healthcare, inheritance, etc. Not having the correct legal contract is what gets you BFed in court. Get a prenup. And it's the parents who pull on the kids, not the marriage contract. My parents divorced when I was 5.

I am not sure why I am uncomfortable with poly people. I was kinda dissapointed in myself the first time one of my friends told me that they were now in a poly relationship. It made me very uncomfortable. I don't know why because I went over everything i my mind telling myself that it's their choice and that their lifestyle doesn't directly effect me. But try as I might I just could not bring myself to hang out with that person any longer. I still think it was a fucked up thing of me to do, and i have since gotten more comfortable around poly people, but I still don't see myself having poly friends over for dinner, and as my child grows up I will teach her to not be poly. But I will also teach her to not bash or oppress poly people.

I try to be a good person, much like everyone else. And much like everyone else I fail more than I succeed, but I do keep trying.

just watch all the seasons of sister wives. LOL i did okie dokie with it. love is love and its what they want/think is good so why the heck not they arent hurting anyone LOL
just watch all the seasons of sister wives. LOL i did okie dokie with it. love is love and its what they want/think is good so why the heck not they arent hurting anyone LOL
Well, that's the thing... I already know all of this. Love is love, not hurting anyone, etc. (Or did you not get a chance to ready my other posts in this thread?) I am very pro all of that. My reaction was a "gut reaction". I was not expecting that reaction at all. I already knew some poly people who do the same hobby as I do (medieval recreation), but it was the first time it hit so close to me.

As I said, I am not against poly people. I am OK with their relationships on an intellectual or theoretical level. It was that when actually confronted with it, 2 inches from my face, I got uncontrollably uncomfortable. It was not the reaction I expected myself to have.
Well, that's the thing... I already know all of this. Love is love, not hurting anyone, etc. (Or did you not get a chance to ready my other posts in this thread?)

my post about love is love was not directed to you it was my own personal thoughts on how I FEEL about it.
Give them the same rights , blah blah blah i dont care.
What i do have a problem with is the name marriage being applied to same sex.
Its insulting to any real marriage , the kind instituted by God.

No im not a religious fanatic nor homophobic in the least, i spent more hours than i can count rolling around on a mat with a gay friend learning jujitsu.

But lets not pretend its the same, i know first hand from him and others just how fed up that lifestyle is , Many of my gay friends even complain about the lack of morals or ethics, many times they where shocked, one things for sure, it isnt hard to get laid.
A relationship, couples, all the same retirement benefits etc, but to tell me its a marriage,
No populace/state in the union would vote for slavery. PERIOD.

alabama just voted in 2012 to uphold jim crow poll taxes and racial segregation in their state constitution by the whopping margin of 60-40.

so don't be so sure about that.

It's no more cool to generalize against an entire group of people you may not like than for them to generalize against gay people. This is kind of an example of what I'm talking about too... these kind of statements and the others made in this thread are no better from one side than the other... the only thing these extreme examples serve is to create ill will on the other side and divide. I just seriously don't get how nobody on this thread in the super pro-gay marriage movement can at all get the concept of one love, coming together, etc... not hurling things at each other, but working on promoting understanding and acceptance. The way the argument is made divides, it doesn't bring together... and we'd be a lot better off as a country if we really worked on bringing things together than dividing.

your statement itself is a divisive one.

you portray the side that wants to withhold equal rights as the victims, and casts the true victims who speak for equal rights as whiny.

frankly, it disgusts me.

But go on and keep attacking your allies... (not you mith but the others)

you are clearly not an ally in this. you have a heterocentric attitutde (i.e. keep it away from my kids, stop ramming it down my throat, get your rights in the way i tell you to get your rights, etc).

i call them like i see them. feel free to call it an attack on you if that feeds into your 'victimized by the gays' narrative.
just watch all the seasons of sister wives. LOL i did okie dokie with it. love is love and its what they want/think is good so why the heck not they arent hurting anyone LOL

i watched some show about real life polygamist couples on some network or the other and it only made me feel worse about being pro-polygamy. some of those women do NOT seem to be happy.
Hell they are already pushing it in schools. now they have to explain why little Timmy has 2 mommy's. Fucking wrong and nasty. OK we get it you want to be different geez get over it. If they want to be homo than be homo. just don't make a public announcement about it. Like that oxygen channel ( live out loud ) just fuck off!
Give them the same rights , blah blah blah i dont care.
What i do have a problem with is the name marriage being applied to same sex.
Its insulting to any real marriage , the kind instituted by God.

try to have a priest marry you without a state-issued marriage license first :eyesmoke:

good luck.

No im not a religious fanatic nor homophobic in the least, i spent more hours than i can count rolling around on a mat with a gay friend learning jujitsu.


oh, my!

