Prop 8 : what has this state and country came to ?

Hell they are already pushing it in schools. now they have to explain why little Timmy has 2 mommy's. Fucking wrong and nasty. OK we get it you want to be different geez get over it. If they want to be homo than be homo. just don't make a public announcement about it. Like that oxygen channel ( live out loud ) just fuck off!

nice location.

is intolerance the belief du jour in "god's country"?

did "god" make people gay just to make things more awkward for you intolerant straight people?

if so, he's not that great of a god. he seems like more of a dick for doing that to you.
i watched some show about real life polygamist couples on some network or the other and it only made me feel worse about being pro-polygamy. some of those women do NOT seem to be happy.

That's because most of those polygamist relations are religious in nature. The woman is supposed to shut the hell up and be subservient to her husband; she doesn't really get to make the the call on how many wives there will be. I doubt I'd be very happy in a relationship like that. I'd bet many of those relationships would be less polygamous if they didn't have a religious text hitting them over the head.
The woman is supposed to shut the hell up and be subservient to her husband; she doesn't really get to make the the call on how many wives there will be. I doubt I'd be very happy in a relationship like that.

that's kinda what i noticed. they seemed to be settling just to be with someone, and what's worse, it looked like they knew it and were trapped in it (not literally, just figuratively).
alabama just voted in 2012 to uphold jim crow poll taxes and racial segregation in their state constitution by the whopping margin of 60-40.

so don't be so sure about that.

Calling BS... your statement didn't have the ring of truth, so of course I didn't take your word for it and googled it. Either you know the real story and are misrepresenting it, or you're ignorant and spouting off about shit you don't know about. In this case, blacks and democrats voted against the amendment and the reasoning had NOTHING to do with jim crow laws or segregation but education financing. TYPICAL UncleFuck bullshit.

"But to the surprise of some, black legislators were against voting in favor of it. They, and the Alabama Education Association, were worried the amendment would have done more harm than good because it includes controversial language from a 1956 amendment, which reads, “… nothing in this Constitution shall be construed as creating or recognizing any right to education or training at public expense.”
This is the second time lawmakers have tried to pass legislation that would remove the mention of poll taxes and separate schools from the constitution. The first time, in 2004, the amendment didn’t pass because conservatives believed removing the above statement that doesn’t guarantee a right to education, would have led to tax increases.
This time around, Orr said, the amendment included the statement but now Democratic opponents were against it. They feared that passing the amendment would have put children’s right to public education and the funding structure of the system at risk.
“It has all kinds of implications in the future for the diversion of education funds and for the funding of education generally,” Montgomery attorney Bobby Segall told the Times Free Press before the amendment was voted on.

Not going to respond to the rest of your dumbass shitpile of a post where you say a bunch of crap about a person you don't know that isn't true and say it's not an attack.
nothing i said was false.

in 2012, alabama voted to uphold segregation and poll taxes in their state constitution.

don't believe me though, just check the ballot itself.

The synopsis of the bill, as presented to Alabama Legislature, read as follows:[SUP][2][/SUP]
"This bill proposes an amendment to delete those remaining 'Jim Crow' provisions of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, which have not been expressly repealed by vote of the people."

The ballot language of the amendment reads:[SUP][2][/SUP]
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to repeal portions of Section 256 and Amendment 111, now appearing as Section 256 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, relating to separation of schools by race and to repeal Section 259, Amendment 90, and Amendment 109, relating to the poll tax. Yes___
No ___

[TD="align: left"] “ [/TD]

and the final outcome? 60-40 in favor of upholding segregation and poll taxes in the state constitution.,_Amendment_4_(2012)

mundane facts should not upset you.
And what part of the article I quoted wasn't true?? Are you really so retarded you can't understand it? Your handle shouldn't have been unclebuck, it should've been BrickWall.
And what part of the article I quoted wasn't true?? Are you really so retarded you can't understand it? Your handle shouldn't have been unclebuck, it should've been BrickWall.

you said i was misrepresenting it, was ignorant, spouting off, and called it unclefuck bullshit.

harsh words there.
And well deserved. Remember, you're the one who doesn't have any issue with inflaming the other side, so why should I hold back?

because everything i said was true, and not Ignorant" "misprepresenting" "unclefuck bullshit".

You still didn't acknowledge the facts in the article I quoted.

i have no comment, that's why.

You *ARE* misrepresenting, and it is unclefuck bullshit.

no i'm not, i even posted the ballot question itself and the results.

alabama voted in 2012 by a margin of 60-40 to uphold segregation and jim crow poll taxes in their state constitution. not a misrepresentation, not ignorant, not bullshit. mundane fact.
Your mundane facts don't mean shit when you actually put them in context (what my post provided). You don't want to comment on the context because it shows your whole point is unclefuck bs. Therefore, you are misrepresenting, because you want people to come to the conclusion that alabama is a racist state that wants to put blacks back under jim crow because this got voted down.... when the truth is, it got voted down because a group blacks and democrats fought against it getting approved because the text of the law was not good. Every state has archaic laws that aren't enforced. Alabama should change the text of their unenforced, archaic law, but typical blue-red divisive political bullshit is preventing it. It's a black eye on their state and yes there are too many racists still in alabama I'm sure; however, having actually spent time there with my ex-wife and her mixed-race relatives including her sister who was married to a black man, never encountered racism there or heard him complain about it, and he's not the kind who would hold back. I'm sure it depends on where you are. But you want to misrepresent the issue as something it's not -- sorry if you don't like being called on it. PS in case you're interested my wife is not the same race as me before you start making any implications. You already called me a homophobe so I figure racist is next.
i gave the full wording of the ballot measure, what more context do you need?

Why the people voted as they did would be nice. Reef does have a point. The measure didn't pass because people were afraid that not fully removing some other parts of the amendment would have negative effects on state education. It doesn't seem that the motivation was to keep those bad parts in. It seems more like it was because voters felt too little was being removed.
That's not to say there aren't too many racists in alabama and probably even in the government. I'm just saying the leftist belief that the majority of southerners are just chompin at the bit to go back to jim crow or slavery is lunatic fringe or denial. There are people who want that, but they're not the majority and they decline every year as the older generations die off. But there are racists in every state in the country, too -- and they're not all white either.
That's not to say there aren't too many racists in alabama and probably even in the government. I'm just saying the leftist belief that the majority of southerners are just chompin at the bit to go back to jim crow or slavery is lunatic fringe or denial. There are people who want that, but they're not the majority and they decline every year as the older generations die off. But there are racists in every state in the country, too -- and they're not all white either.

Mexico has horrible racism. There it's the light skinned people look down on the darker people. I worked with a guy from mexico who was really racist against dark skinned mexicans calling them "native". I found out it's rampant down there.
Mestizos... never experienced it but heard about it. Crazy we always gotta find some differences to make us feel better than the rest no matter where you are in the world. Hopefully someday we get past it.
And after meeting people from around the world and learning about the racism in Mexico, in China, and other places around the world, I realized that we in America aren't doing too shabby. Sure there is always room for improvement, but we're doing pretty good.
Didn't read most of this thread because it was too damned long.

Either way...equal rights and freedoms for all of America's people or none at all.

If you think that you should live your life paraphrasing a 1500 year old book to support your own beliefs, beliefs based around hate and fear of the unknown then you are worse than the so called "sinners" you are against.

If god does exist...from what i was taught growing up...he would love all of his children equally and wouldn't condemn any of them to hell based on ethnicity, religion, sexuality, ect. But those that pass judgement against things that they do not understand and things that don't effect them in any way, shape or form surely would end up in hell.

FYI I dont believe in god...this is just the life that my family taught me to live. Treat all people equally and the way you'd want to be treated. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. so on and so forth.

Also America is a VERY racist country and it's not just white people. Jews hate muslims, muslims hate jews, blacks hate whites, whites are scared of anything that doesnt look like them..blah blah blah