Propagating cacti?


Active Member
I have this cactus that produced a bunch of pups. I cut the pups instead of taking the whole root. Should I have just planted the root instead of cutting them like I did? I put them in moist soil and they're getting moldy on the bottom. Should I use dry soil? Sunlight or no sun? I have them in a windowsill right now. I don't know the exact name but I know it's an Echinopsis. It looks a lot like an Echinopsis Anastasia besides the flower color. The flower on mine is pink. The Anastasia has a white flower I believe. If you could identify it that would be awesome.



Well-Known Member
any time tyou want to root a cutting of a cactus you need to let the wound scab over. let it heal indoors away from soil. to root them after theyve healed, place the scab side on DRY soil in and put a plastic baggy for humidity over top. when they have grown roots into the dry soil then you may start watering


Active Member
any time tyou want to root a cutting of a cactus you need to let the wound scab over. let it heal indoors away from soil. to root them after theyve healed, place the scab side on DRY soil in and put a plastic baggy for humidity over top. when they have grown roots into the dry soil then you may start watering
I forgot to mention I did let them calus over and get dry. I think the wet soil/ sunlight was the killer. You think if I cut the mold off and let them dry and restart they will be fine?


Well-Known Member
Echinopsis is not known to be psychoactive. Get some sulfur powder and dust the cut ends with it. Let them dry longer before attempting to root. They need a really thick callous. When you put them in your soil, don't water until you feel the resistance of roots when you tug gently. Don't worry. They will put out roots to search for moisture. Be patient.


Well-Known Member
I dip the cuttings in rooting hormone, let the cut scab over (a week), pot up in dry potting mix. Cuttings root in about a month. Rooting time is mostly determined by temperature and time of year. Plants that are dormant in the winter will take longer to root in winter than in spring.

That's all there is to it. Jungle cacti can take more humidity than desert cacti but all will root with the same procedure.

For a lot more see: Page.htm


Well-Known Member
Some cacti can be rooted without allowing a callous to form (trichocereus), But letting is form is a safer bet.

Most people over complicate rooting cacti cuttings 99% of the time a cutting will root by its self if left in a dry/dark location. A 3" by 6" cutting will usually be able to survive with zero water for at least 2 years (many times longer). I think most people kill them with to much water to soon, If your not sure air on the side of caution and dont water