Proper growroom temperatures!!!


Ummm hehe I would just like to add an hypothesis of mine...

The Indicas, originating in the Himalayan foothills, may just have developed their squat, dense stature and tight growing pattern as a way to create their own microclimate for protection against lower temps and weather in general.

Whereas the tropical Sativas which actually are more efficiently designed from a light-penetration and seed-dispersion point of view, does not have to consider or cope with the same lows in temperature.

And with the constant shuffling of the gene-pool that the hybridization of these two varieties have seen through the years, an Indica-dom plant judging from looks alone may actually carry some of the temperature-tolerance genes of the sativas, and vice versa...

Just some thoughts...


Active Member
I am also wondering where all of u get ur temp readings? I had my thermo on the wall then I moved it to the side of a pot and now I moved it to the top of the pots... I was running temps lights on 68-lights off 63. Then I unplugged my cfm fan and now my temps are running 77 with lights on and around 60 lights off. idk what to stressed. lol


Well-Known Member
I am also wondering where all of u get ur temp readings? I had my thermo on the wall then I moved it to the side of a pot and now I moved it to the top of the pots... I was running temps lights on 68-lights off 63. Then I unplugged my cfm fan and now my temps are running 77 with lights on and around 60 lights off. idk what to stressed. lol
I shuffled around for a while as well untill i finally stopped and now i put the temp guage in the center of the grow canopy at the top of the plants to get my reading, I use a long scewer stick it right in the middle of the grow area and put my thermostat on the very end of it...


I did the same thing, i had it on the wall of my cabinet higher than the lights, so i placed it down low and found my temp to be at 70, when the lights are on that is.


Active Member
All very interesting. I'm going to run co2 on my current grow during flowering. Im also planning to keep my temps around 84-88, as I think that will be the sweet spot for my selection of strains. Check or my grow journal in a couple months to see how well that works or for me


yes as it stated in the book i quoted at the start of this thread co2 does play a part in how much heat a plant can take. and even i as a newbie actually knew that flowering under high temps are not cool..thanks for the post and some good feed back..ppp
Hey new to posting here ,I had a guy tell me today that added co2 will cause temperature to rise in room he said it's a global warming effect is this true ? My room
Hits up to the 90s for a few hours until outside cools off a bit my plants seem to be fine with the temp but it doesn't last to long only about 3 hours then it settles down it around 85 it's stresses me out but seem to get more stressed then my plants so far lol any feed back would be great !


My hydro grow tent was in the 90's and everything was okay. BTW the plants will use up water more quickly and warm water in reservoir will cause roots to rot.
Hey so you had your room temp
Up in the 90s was it constant 90s? And you had no issues ? My room
Hits 90s for a few hours a day hoping I have no issues


Well-Known Member
I thought the same thing when i grew in my closet and i have 3 75w CFL and i had my temp at like 86-94 most time at 90 and mine went fine. I always read about it sayin that it would hert the plants. way i look at it man if ur plants dont look hert by the heat then who cares...
Late post but my outdoors plants grow fine in 100 f Temps. And do just fine with no leaf curl indoors at 85

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
well come on i know there are some of you that dont agree with this lets here it there are a lot of people newbs often that mess there grows up stressing about temps that may be more flexible than normally well as the HID and CFL burn difference and heat stress...
Yo homie - you cannot have your plants at 90 deg F.