Proud Boys assaulting a couple for ~90 seconds nsfw

I see the followers are sore.
Yep, this one seems about ready to strap on a suicide vest and run amok in a Walmart. They've become easy to trigger lately too, it doesn't take much to get em excited and making mistakes in heat and haste. They usually come in with the both sides are the same, next it will be "I never voted for Trump" but QANON! Once Trump is gone it will be qanon and Mitch and Lindsey will be spouting it from the floor of the senate next year, along with the rest of the walking dead. Two things will clinch the republican presidential nomination in 2024, a pardon for Donald and Qanon.
Looks good to me. I haven't had a Big Mac or a Filet o Fish in awhile. It looks like he's got some Arby's too. He's hooked up, but where are the fries?
Cold McDonald's burgers and fries sitting for hours and photo ops, yep a real class act that Donald. I mean he had a kitchen and a staff of chefs and could have given them a classy free lunch, a buffet or anything at all. Dumb as a stump, McDonald's food tastes like shit when it's fresh and warm, when it gets cold it's inedible. Bet there was lot's thrown out and not much eaten if any.
Oh yes he does. Hes put there to get the badies out. Again he is not compromised. He has no political career like the others. He has nothing to lose. He wont be bought and they hate that. Is he an arrogant guy?...absolutley! Thats what we need to take on these commie scumbags and their msm.

Are you serious? trump and his corrupt ilk are as bad as it gets. A bunch of lying grifters using the United States to enrich themselves. trump isn't just arrogant he's an idiot. How anyone that has been paying any attention over the last 4 years is still ranting about trump cleaning up Washington is just delusional.

trump has been bought and paid for so many times over he forgets where his loyalty lies. One thing is certain, it's not with the United States of America.

The best day for America in decades is going to be January 20th when that piece of garbage is escorted out of the White House. Then we can clean up all the destruction that pathetic fool has done to this country. Fortunately we have a new President that is assembling a team of intelligent qualified individuals that will form the Biden administration. trump appointed complete idiots for jobs they were never qualified for and have done nothing but damage.
Trump for the win. Jobs for the american ppl. Dems gave our jobs to china our factories. They want to continue to make up invisible problems like climate tf out of everyone because of it and still do nothing.
How much pollution do you think one of those massive barges gives off to sail across the world? I think its like a years worth of traffic in the entire usa.
Honest to God, you have to be the dumbest fucker I’ve seen on here and that’s saying a lot. Lol.
We are only getting half of whats going on. Politics has been crazy for years and this last 5 yrs has been the craziest. Its all coming to surface the corruption. And they are panicking. The compromised are throwing tantrums because orange man is coming after them. They are blatenly doing it right in our faces. Your are either uneducated on it, blind or stupid to play along.
Holy fuck. Each post gets worse. Can someone actually be this stupid?

You gotta be pulling our leg. Right?
Someone who supports Potus Trump please show me 5 bills he proposed that helped vets, created, jobs, or kept jobs in America without it having more of a negative effect. I dont think he actually signed any. He just rode the wave of prosperity from the last administration
trump doesn’t like bills. Just ask any one of his creditors.
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Trump for the win. Jobs for the american ppl. Dems gave our jobs to china our factories. They want to continue to make up invisible problems like climate tf out of everyone because of it and still do nothing.
How much pollution do you think one of those massive barges gives off to sail across the world? I think its like a years worth of traffic in the entire usa.

How old are you? You know absolutely nothing regarding the timeline of China's rise as a manufacturing powerhouse. Sound like you're repeating something you read on infowars. Go do some research and then come back when you can discuss issues such as these with any knowledge of the topic.

If trump's all about American jobs then why are all his products manufactured in China including those stupid MAGA hats and the cheap little American flags they gave out at his rallies. There are American companies that can make all of that stuff. trump doesn't care about American jobs which is proven by the fact that virtually everything branded trump is made in China and he brings in foreign workers to work on his properties.

How can you be so naive to be conned by such a self serving jackass? Nothing he's ever done in his life has been about America. It's always been about him and him alone. It goes way back to his daddy getting him a deferral to avoid serving the United States of America while real American men were dying in the Jungles of Vietnam.

To all of those reading this from other countries. This clown is the textbook definition of "Dumb American".
I'm not really for Trump anymore hanimmal...the whole shitshow made me lose interest...I really don't care who the president is as long as they leave me alone n don't fuck with my money or gun rights....the way each party has behaved has made me lose respect and interest for all of it
I am not really sure what the Democratic party could have done differently about getting spam attacked by Trump. But I can understand that it can look like a 'both sides' issue depending on everything that people see across all media.