Proud Boys assaulting a couple for ~90 seconds nsfw

The older i get the more i relate to Red Foreman
I hate flag burning commie soybitches
gender studies degree sjw that never had any financial responsabilities telling me they are opressed. And you are no longer judged by your character but by the color of your skin. Btw thats racist af.
Only thing the left have won is taking an indian off a butter box, took a cartoon characters gun away and cancels Aunt Jamima..just took that womans history away. Now they are onto cancelling Helen Keller.
But Im the biggot and racist!!! The whole world sees this. Its pure panic from these nazi's that they think everyones dumb enough to fall for it. Done with these Smollets
you're not fooling anyone saltylips

everyone around the globe knows you idiots are the epitome of an ignoramus

even trump laughs at your ass after he sqeezes out the last drop

The older i get the more i relate to Red Foreman
I hate flag burning commie soybitches
gender studies degree sjw that never had any financial responsabilities telling me they are opressed. And you are no longer judged by your character but by the color of your skin. Btw thats racist af.
Look at dumb-shit troll trying to be all Mark Levin with your stupid rant that is complete bullshit.

Only thing the left have won is taking an indian off a butter box, took a cartoon characters gun away and cancels Aunt Jamima..just took that womans history away. Now they are onto cancelling Helen Keller.
Those were business decisions by the companies that make those products. But what is a little thing like facts when you are trolling for Dear Leader huh.

But Im the biggot and racist!!! The whole world sees this.
Maybe? If you are an actual American that is not another in the endless line of paid Trump trolls spreading lies and hate, you could just be falling for the racist bigoted propaganda that Trump needs all his would be domestic terrorists to believe so they stay in his cult.

Its pure panic from these nazi's that they think everyones dumb enough to fall for it.
I actually agree with this. The little nazi's running around in their bee colored LARP'ing outfits are in a pure panic because Dear Leader is done and are trying to rewrite the will of the over 81 million Americans that had enough of Trump's hate mongering and piss poor job of running our country. And Trump is hoping his cult is dumb enough to fall for it so he can keep taking in their hard earned money.

Because Trump is a con man.

Done with these Smollets
Bye Felicia.
Hey bud..why aint you doing victory laps? Your boy won right? Wheres your digital inaugurations and parties? Why?....because you didnt win shit. You are panicked because of the simple math that dont add up.
Keep kneeling bro..just like your nazi propaganda demands you.

Jan 6th is our day , the salt will flow. Our country will return to normal and be better than before. There will be no zombie antifa meth apocolyps. The democray party is done. A new patriot party will he born.

for the 6th.

i can see you're not going to be here long but just to let you know for the remainder of your time, i don't feed the trolls.
Yes i know..thats why there is only 5 of you left..ppl have left in droves or been banned in droves. You been wrong for 5yrs, still spouting the same conspiracy theories. Alex Jones has been more right than you
Yes i know..thats why there is only 5 of you left..ppl have left in droves or been banned in droves. You been wrong for 5yrs, still spouting the same conspiracy theories. Alex Jones has been more right than you

i know it hurts that no one is buying double think, double speak..come back with some facts and mods might keep you around for their pleasure, Mr. Bigglesworth. we'll gladly talk to you if you present some facts.

Has nothing to do with Martial Law.
Hey Sky..get scared ok..there is a 2nd corona virus mutation.. this time you need to get super duper scared this ones for cereal. The only cure is communism.

i believe it's a right for every person to have a roof over their head, medicare for all..a living wage is not a swear phrase.

you're crazy if you think your little rag tag militia tiki boys are up for this.

thank you for wearing yellow:clap: