Proud Boys assaulting a couple for ~90 seconds nsfw

Because it takes a man to pull a trigger, lol. I called a non-mask wearing guy an asshole the other day in the store and he had some gun shirt on, talked about how he was going to kick my ass outside and did nothing. The only reason that kid shot the people was not because he was a "man" but because he was a fcking idiot who brought a gun to kill people at a riot. May he rot in jail.
Prolly bc he was so intimidated by you...he was probably scared
Dont do q drops. Nafta that clinton signed gave our factories to china. Killed detroit for example
lmao the North American Free Trade Agreement caused the manufacturing to go to China during Bush's presidency.
Trump isnt an elite..hes a business dude. Hes not a politician. Hence why he was asked to run for potus and take these pedos down
The only real job he has ever had was POTUS, and he fucked it all kinds of up.

He is the old male version of Paris Hilton on his best day.
For the record. KKK are made up of Republicans. Trust me. I live right in the middle of Klan country. But if u don't believe me. Pretend u wanna join and tell them u are a proud Democrat
He didn't shoot until he was on the ground...and they tried to hit him with skateboards...they were chasing him bc they didn't think he had it in him to shoot...hell the dumb ass's even tried to grab his gun...smh...

Yeah chasing the kid with the AR doesn't seem so fun n cool when ur buddies start gettin bucked in the face with an Assault rifle....fkn dummies...

I wouldn't have ran..I would've stood my ground n as long as I had ammo n as long as they were stupid enough to approach me I woulda kept piling em up....its called the "Stand your ground" law....which most states have n I'm sure Wisconsin does too
When I first saw on CNN how this guy shot several ppl I was like WTF, but then, it seems like there were several full retards in that crowd who attacked a weaponized individual... and even tried to steal his weapon from him - so what else could he do than shoot at them? Attempting to take someones self-defense away, by hand, is a mind-boggling suicidal idioticity.
For the record. KKK are made up of Republicans. Trust me. I live right in the middle of Klan country. But if u don't believe me. Pretend u wanna join and tell them u are a proud Democrat
Well they started as democrats but then left in droves for Republican Party when the world changed.
For the record. I do not hate POTUS Trump. But he had no business in the position of potus in the first place
Oh yes he does. Hes put there to get the badies out. Again he is not compromised. He has no political career like the others. He has nothing to lose. He wont be bought and they hate that. Is he an arrogant guy?...absolutley! Thats what we need to take on these commie scumbags and their msm.
Unless you've been in a firefight or shot at. I would thank you to not try to debate something you have no way of understanding
When I first saw on CNN how this guy shot several ppl I was like WTF, but then, it seems like there were several full retards in that crowd who attacked a weaponized individual... and even tried to steal his weapon from him - so what else could he do than shoot at them? Attempting to take someones self-defense away, by hand, is a mind-boggling suicidal idioticity.
Not the problem, kid brought a weapon to a riot in the hopes of killing somebody and have it be “legal.” You can’t claim self defense when you put yourself in danger first.
When I first saw on CNN how this guy shot several ppl I was like WTF, but then, it seems like there were several full retards in that crowd who attacked a weaponized individual... and even tried to steal his weapon from him - so what else could he do than shoot at them? Attempting to take someones self-defense away, by hand, is a mind-boggling suicidal idioticity.
They had watched too much TV I guess...or sumthin...that kid did nothing wrong he won't see a day in jail