Proud Boys assaulting a couple for ~90 seconds nsfw

Ok, then are upset with Trump tweeting for some guys head who did basically the same thing?

Kyle gets to walk, but this murderer got shot up for over a minute?

Also he bought a gun illegally. So saying that he did nothing wrong is not correct.
No POTUS should never speak this way for starters....You don't call American Citizens Names next you don't say one of your own cities are going to hell, why is he bashing his own country? No POTUS Should never publicly scold the police or any other agency
No POTUS should never speak this way for starters....You don't call American Citizens Names next you don't say one of your own cities are going to hell, why is he bashing his own country? No POTUS Should never publicly scold the police or any other agency
A POTUS is above rambling on, acting like a tweet addict calling AMericans names, this fans the flames of hate...A POTUS leads, and nothing more...TRUMP is the kid who pushes the other kid into the guy to get the fight started
A POTUS is above rambling on, acting like a tweet addict calling AMericans names, this fans the flames of hate...A POTUS leads, and nothing more...TRUMP is the kid who pushes the other kid into the guy to get the fight started
You just to sensitive for the truth. You need calming lies from Obama to soothe your bottom surgery.
But its ok for antifa and blm to burn loot and murder. Thats fine huh. He doesnt attack law enforcement like the left nazi's do and Obama. Its ok for the media to talk about a potus like this? Those that didnt like obama were not acting like this. Its disgusting how media and the left act. We dont know whats going on unless he tweets it because the msm wont cover it.
Ok, then are upset with Trump tweeting for some guys head who did basically the same thing?

Kyle gets to walk, but this murderer got shot up for over a minute?

Also he bought a gun illegally. So saying that he did nothing wrong is not correct.
I don't know abt this other story...but the Rittenhouse kid was being chased by a bunch of idiot who thought he was just a kid n wouldn't do anything...until they put him in a position where he had no choice...on his back with violent aggressors trying to snatch his firearm and bash him with skateboards...pop more aggressors...n then he did the right thing which was calmly approach the authorities with hands up...why was he there with an AR???....idk...that was prolly a poor decision...but if people that are not from my neck of the woods are in my neck of the woods rioting n protesting n causing a disturbance I would probably arm myself to protect myself n anything or anyone I care abt
But its ok for antifa and blm to burn loot and murder. Thats fine huh. He doesnt attack law enforcement like the left nazi's do and Obama. Its ok for the media to talk about a potus like this? Those that didnt like obama were not acting like this. Its disgusting how media and the left act. We dont know whats going on unless he tweets it because the msm wont cover it.
Yeah, the Q believer says the same thing. Our cities are on fire. Kid, you don’t have to be scared of antifa, they are not coming to rape you.
But its ok for antifa and blm to burn loot and murder. Thats fine huh. He doesnt attack law enforcement like the left nazi's do and Obama. Its ok for the media to talk about a potus like this? Those that didnt like obama were not acting like this. Its disgusting how media and the left act. We dont know whats going on unless he tweets it because the msm wont cover it.
Antifa have never killed anyone you pathetic loser cuck
Yeah, the Q believer says the same thing. Our cities are on fire. Kid, you don’t have to be scared of antifa, they are not coming to rape you.
No just burn down your neighborhood is all. They arent currently doing it. We both know it happened just recently and after George Kirbys murder or overdose..whatever