Proud Boys assaulting a couple for ~90 seconds nsfw

I'm not really for Trump anymore hanimmal...the whole shitshow made me lose interest...I really don't care who the president is as long as they leave me alone n don't fuck with my money or gun rights....the way each party has behaved has made me lose respect and interest for all of it
I love the fact they are all being exposed..all the ccp scum. You should care...1 side loves our country...the other wants to hand it to china. This is why they wont say 1 bad thing about chyynaa. They ignore truth and keep pushing their lies even tho its been debunked. Its been like this for 5 years thhat they been wrong..they just go onto the next lie till it fizzles out. Then to the next.
Dummy, if he ever did that he wouldn't blab about it, they would follow up on it quietly. Spreading disinformation while the Russians are attacking, no wonder the FBI is gonna want yer ass by next year. I guess all the graphics are suppose to impress the weak minded along with the bullshit sergeant stripes. So this is what they are pushing to suckers on face book and Twitter, surprised it hasn't been flagged yet like Trump's tweets
You got a lot of this shit in stock sock, yer a regular propaganda machine, multiple sock accounts operating on multiple platforms a real racist warrior. It's nice to know you don't really buy into most of the horse shit, most don't they really do know the truth deep down inside, that's what's makes them guilty, not victims. You aren't a victim either you're an enemy of humanity, of patriots and liberals everywhere.

Hate and fear have put you on the other side of the line, that's ok. You'll be either at Uncle Sam's throat or at his knees, but now that he knows you exist, I figure you'll end up under his heel. No second chance with treason these days, you have no idea what is about to be unleashed upon you.
I'm not really for Trump anymore hanimmal...the whole shitshow made me lose interest...I really don't care who the president is as long as they leave me alone n don't fuck with my money or gun rights....the way each party has behaved has made me lose respect and interest for all of it
Your gun rights? I'm sorry, but anybody who cares about their gun rights is just a meat puppet. Why not cry about your right for privacy they took away? You're told to care about gun rights and that's what you do. FFS
So no names like he's been asking you. Wonderful. How about every crime in America is perpetrated by BLM who are really ANTIFA is disguise. Holy shit you are stupid.
the cops havent apprehended a suspect, much less a person of suspicion. they have no idea who shot that dumb racist bitch.

but that dumb racist bitch saltycracker just KNOWS in her dumb bitch heart that it was antifablm.

im just gonna sit here and troll that dumb bitch all day if i can.
the cops havent apprehended a suspect, much less a person of suspicion. they have no idea who shot that dumb racist bitch.

but that dumb racist bitch saltycracker just KNOWS in her dumb bitch heart that it was antifablm.

im just gonna sit here and troll that dumb bitch all day if i can.
I have guys that work for me and we have the same discussion. They’ve been told by what ever nonsense radio/net/qanon thing they jack off to that our cities are burning and it’s all BLM/Antifa.

black man gets killed in America and there are going to be riots and people who take advantage of that to loot. But now they are all BLM and Antifa.