Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
Can you remember everything that we talked about? How about what you ate for breakfast two days ago?
Could we be brainwashed into forgetting things?
Keep wondering... forget about me and wonder for yourself.


Well-Known Member
Anytime anyone says anything remotely against the bible you just call them a deceiver, or liar without actually thinking about what they're saying. You are so delusional that you can't even process criticism about your religion. Don't you see how the bible is deceiving you into closing your eyes, and plugging your ears? Ignorance is not bliss - it's why our world is as fucked up as it is.
Remotely against the bible??

They are saying the bible says this.
When the bible says something else, its not against the bible its you warping my mind when you haven't even read the bible!

I do not greet your false doctrine, for you do not abide in Christ.

It is not brainwashing it is me telling you to take a hike.

Your telling me to drink from a bowl, and im telling you that your a deceiver because Jesus told me to drink from a cup.

Then you tell me im brainwashed because im telling you that your wrong while you drink from a cup seceretly at home.


Well-Known Member
Can you remember everything that we talked about? How about what you ate for breakfast two days ago?
Could we be brainwashed into forgetting things?
Keep wondering... forget about me and wonder for yourself.
Whoa Marl, Can you remember like 10 mins ago when you were accused of speaking nonsense? This is exactly what we were talking about. What does this have to do with anything? Other than you not having to answer the questions, or respond to the comments in the previous post....


Well-Known Member
Love to me is deeper then risking myself.
It is not only about risking myself, but it is also about helping you by telling the truth to the best of my capabilitys; so that you may learn from me without being deceived.
How old are you man? How do you know what you're trying to tell me is 'the truth'? You read the Bible? Well guess what, so have I, I definitely didn't find any divine truth in it. It's terribly outdated and immoral in today's context. You would know that if you actually read it without being under the influence of its authority. This is what I've been trying to tell you. You are going into researching these topics with a biased mindset, already convinced of it's authenticity. People do this all the time, at best, they're oblivious of it, at worst it's purposeful and completely deceptive and they arrive at a specific conclusion.

If you lie to me, then it pretty much means to me that you don't love me enough to tell me the truth.
And if your a Christian it just means that you've been consumed with something evil.
If your an anti-christ then it means that you will never be cleansed until you receive Christ into your life.
Again, isn't this clearly something that would restrict your ability to actually examine your own religion?


Well-Known Member
Whoa Marl, Can you remember like 10 mins ago when you were accused of speaking nonsense? This is exactly what we were talking about. What does this have to do with anything? Other than you not having to answer the questions, or respond to the comments in the previous post....
Your a liar, theres my answer.
I dont trust you because your a liar.

Your points are invalid to EVERYONE WHO sees them because they know that your a liar.


Well-Known Member
How old are you man? How do you know what you're trying to tell me is 'the truth'? You read the Bible? Well guess what, so have I, I definitely didn't find any divine truth in it. It's terribly outdated and immoral in today's context. You would know that if you actually read it without being under the influence of its authority. This is what I've been trying to tell you. You are going into researching these topics with a biased mindset, already convinced of it's authenticity. People do this all the time, at best, they're oblivious of it, at worst it's purposeful and completely deceptive and they arrive at a specific conclusion.

Again, isn't this clearly something that would restrict your ability to actually examine your own religion?
I don't have a biased mind set.
I became a born again Christian, my mind set was blind just like yours and I thought that lying would take me farther then the truth. And I was wrong which is why I believe in the bible because I KNOW your all liars, your all fake, and the friends I had that did not abide in Christ were cruel and wicked. They lied to me, they deceived me, they stole from me, they betrayed me, and they told me to fuck off when I said Jesus loved them.

Quit acting like I don't know whats up... Every time you speak you use sarcasm and lies and even use other people to like your posts to make it look like your making sense.


Well-Known Member
Just remember that God gives you all the choice, he made his own filter to pick out his best companions.
Why would he want to be companions with someone who is a deceiver?
Why would I want to be friends with someone who God doesn't want as a companion?!!?

On top of it all, you talk to me like an enemy. I talk to you like your family to show you my love for you and one an other.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a biased mind set.
I became a born again Christian, my mind set was blind just like yours and I thought that lying would take me farther then the truth. And I was wrong which is why I believe in the bible because I KNOW your all liars, your all fake, and the friends I had that did not abide in Christ were cruel and wicked. They lied to me, they deceived me, they stole from me, they betrayed me, and they told me to fuck off when I said Jesus loved them.

Quit acting like I don't know whats up... Every time you speak you use sarcasm and lies and even use other people to like your posts to make it look like your making sense.
You don't understand logic, you don't understand critical thought, you don't understand.. much.

You do in fact have a biased mindset. Christianity is a cult.

"I thought lying would take me farther than the truth"

"I lied and it bit me in the ass, religion says lying is bad, I decided to stop lying, therefore religion is correct"

If you can't see the flaw in that I can't help you.

Your friends realized you're an unstable person who can't sufficiently justify his beliefs so they decided to de-friend you, as would I have. I'm sure many of them tried to help you realize what you were saying was wrong, just like people here have, and the cult of Christianity brainwashed you into believing the emotions they're designed to stimulate were true and everyone else is an 'anti-christ'.

How would I 'make other people like my post'? lmfao

People like the post because apparently, I seem to be making a bit more sense than you.

...but that couldn't be it, could it? (forgive the sarcasm... /sarcasm) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Just remember that God gives you all the choice
The only choice you have is an illusion, you're just too inexperienced, inconsistent, and ignorant to realize it.

he made his own filter to pick out his best companions.
Why would he want to be companions with someone who is a deceiver?
Why design a system including deception in the first place?

Why would I want to be friends with someone who God doesn't want as a companion?!!?
So you speak for GOD now do you?

On top of it all, you talk to me like an enemy. I talk to you like your family to show you my love for you and one an other.
My family doesn't refer to me as an 'anti-christ' or a 'deceiver' or a 'liar' or any such things.

You don't know what love is.


Well-Known Member
My logic makes perfect sense.
I said not to trust me, I said I make mistakes so I can't be trusted.
I said allow me to make you wonder.

You said that religion is bs.

I said the bible opened my eyes.

I also said that I do know love. I know it because I stay with those who I love whether they deceive or not.

I don't see myself as unstable, I see myself as someone who stays away from liars and tells the truth.
I was only unstable after the shroom trip because of daylight savings time and maybe even because they took shrooms the same day... Anyways I never did anything to prove myself to be a bad person. The only reason why I think the shroom trip messed me about was because thats how I found out everyone was lying... Because nothing made sense to me after shroomies.


Well-Known Member
Your a liar, theres my answer.
I dont trust you because your a liar.

Your points are invalid to EVERYONE WHO sees them because they know that your a liar.
Ummm.... How am I lying, and how do you know this?

Lemmie take a wild stab in the dark.....

The bible says everyone who's against god is a liar, I don't believe in god, therefore, I am a liar. But then we still come back to the question of how do you know the bible is actually accurate?


Well-Known Member
"Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself."

"A delusion is a false belief held with absolute conviction despite superior evidence. Unlike hallucinations, delusions are always pathological (the result of an illness or illness process)."

A delusional belief includes:
certainty (held with absolute conviction)
incorrigibility (not changeable by compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary)
impossibility or falsity of content (implausible, bizarre or patently untrue)


Well-Known Member
"Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself."

"A delusion is a false belief held with absolute conviction despite superior evidence. Unlike hallucinations, delusions are always pathological (the result of an illness or illness process)."

A delusional belief includes:
certainty (held with absolute conviction)
incorrigibility (not changeable by compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary)
impossibility or falsity of content (implausible, bizarre or patently untrue)
W/o the proof of God not existing and talking crap about God, well imo thats retarded.
Paranoid or not.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you're not seriously going to work on the Sabbath. Jesus definitely doesn't like that...
Matthew 12:9-12:14

Healing on the Sabbath
Matthew 12:9 Now when He had departed from there, He went into their synagogue.
Matthew 12:10 And behold, there was a man who had a withered hand. And they asked Him, saying, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?"- that they might accuse Him.
Matthew 12:11 Then He said to them, "What man is there among you who has one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will not lay hold of it and lift it out?
Matthew 12:12 "Of how much more value then is a man then a sheep? Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."
Matthew 12:13 Then he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." And he stretched it out, and it was restored as whole as the other.
Matthew12:14 Then the Pharisees went out and plotted against Him, how they might destroy Him.


Well-Known Member
Matthew 12:9-12:14

Healing on the Sabbath
Matthew 12:9 Now when He had departed from there, He went into their synagogue.
Matthew 12:10 And behold, there was a man who had a withered hand. And they asked Him, saying, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?"- that they might accuse Him.
Matthew 12:11 Then He said to them, "What man is there among you who has one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will not lay hold of it and lift it out?
Matthew 12:12 "Of how much more value then is a man then a sheep? Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."
Matthew 12:13 Then he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." And he stretched it out, and it was restored as whole as the other.
Matthew12:14 Then the Pharisees went out and plotted against Him, how they might destroy Him.
Are you saying you're going to heal people today? Because that would be interesting!


Well-Known Member
That's one of the points we've all been talking about. The dogma CLEARLY CONTRADICTS ITSELF. Not working on the Sabbath is in the 10 commandments. It's a commandment for Christ's sake! It doesn't say specify anything or go into any more detail than that.

"But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns."

This is one of the major objections atheists have towards organized religion; each individual believers subjective interpretation. Which is why we end up with thousands of sects of Christianity. Perhaps if there was a god, and Christianity was the correct religion describing it, there would be only one Christianity.