

Well-Known Member
hey guys i am growing an autoflowering strain now and noticed maybe a fungus type thing, maybe not, no one on here has yet to answer me but its still early. But my qustion is can i just cut these dead fan leaves off without it affecting my plant? some of them dont look too important. If i can what is the best way to do this?

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
thats a ph problem not a fungus. are you growing in soil or hyro? if soil you will need to ph your water after you put in your nutes. i suggest buying a digital ph gauge for like 12 bucks and getting some ph up and down concentrate

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
thats a ph problem not a fungus. are you growing in soil or hyro? if soil you will need to ph your water after you put in your nutes. i suggest buying a digital ph gauge for like 12 bucks and getting some ph up and down concentrate
nvm i see that its soil... you want your ph to be between 6.3 and 6.8