psychopathy in corporate gov and its trickle down effects...

not at all bro, just trying to make your point apply as a place to start in reflecting on the greater point to be had if we keep walking down this road...
you stated:

  • "Fuck, I could have google that ages ago, what a douche I have turned out to be. "hangs head in shame""

and then you also concluded:

  • "Basically by that definition the whole damn RIU are sockpuppets?"​

now i'm simply stating that yes i think your observations and conclusions do apply to the general population here and that its a good place to start to get to the greater point...are we still on point? :)

Oh yes, it's come back to me, here goes, ready; Nope sorry, I really don't get it at all, try as I might I cannot fathom what your point is. Seriously man, I wish I could get the point I really do but I just can't, it's so painful, I can't describe it, I neeeeddd to know what you mean. It's been in the back of my mind for day's now, relieve my weary brain please, I don't think she can take much more captain. I haven't started your other post yet, the one with the vid, don't want to get ahead of myself, sooo.....

Layman mate if you don't mind, the cat jumped over the dog.... layman
I don't get the premise of this whole thread... Is it GOOD or BAD that there are a disproportionately large number of "psychopaths" in positions that require decisions based on fact, rather than emotion and empathy?

A good deal of trauma doctors, military leaders, surgeons, and politicians are "psychopathic" or have "a disproportionately large number of psychopathic traits."

Of course, the terms psychopath and sociopath no longer carry any medical meaning. The term psychiatrists use to describe the personality enhancement formerly referred to as "Psychopath/Sociopath" (they're synonyms) is Antisocial Personality Disorder, and it's defined in the DSM, not on Wiki.

this is the part that gets the most of my attention minnesmoker:

"Is it GOOD or BAD that there are a disproportionately large number of "psychopaths" in positions that require decisions based on fact, rather than emotion and empathy?"

so are you saying that psychopathy is a state of mind that somehow views and reacts to the world from a purely 'factual' basis, or at least meeting your particular definition of what the 'facts' are etc?
this is the part that gets the most of my attention minnesmoker:

"Is it GOOD or BAD that there are a disproportionately large number of "psychopaths" in positions that require decisions based on fact, rather than emotion and empathy?"

so are you saying that psychopathy is a state of mind that somehow views and reacts to the world from a purely 'factual' basis, or at least meeting your particular definition of what the 'facts' are etc?

Interesting reframe. I thought the question was "good ... or bad?"
Who didnt know this? They didnt pick abortion and gun control our of a hat.

The entire basis for the left is symbolism over substance, the right just lies much better, or rather their handler lies better.

Regardless both side are sick corrupt and neither cares about us at all.

The left pushes this form of argument refereed to as rhetoric , you've seen buch, trousers, drkynes etc use it, the basic premiss premissis they dont have a rebuttal or cannot defend their position so they twist things and try and get you one a whole different topic instead of being a real person and admitting they didn't quiet get it or where wrong.

Thats why so many are on ignore from me, its not that they disagree with my beliefs, its because they react like a programed stooge.

Good post dna. I hope you put these haters on ignore, never seen anyone present their viewpoint as kindly as you do, even if i disagree with some of your ideas you do well in presenting them without animosity. Something your nemesis could learn from .

i hear ya...i guess the reason i dont use the ignore feature goes to part of the point of this thread in that imo we are all touched by the trickle down psychopathy in some way or another at this point and that we are all not only acting, but we are thinking defectively...this forum is a prime example of such and the previously visited 'sock puppet' definition is a shinning example of in this place where sock puppets accuse others of being sock puppets and then acting like they stuck in their thumb and pulled out a plum etc lol...the point is if we were thinking more coherently this form would look much i try to stay human (often falling short) by ignoring the ignore button etc...
this is the part that gets the most of my attention minnesmoker:

"Is it GOOD or BAD that there are a disproportionately large number of "psychopaths" in positions that require decisions based on fact, rather than emotion and empathy?"

so are you saying that psychopathy is a state of mind that somehow views and reacts to the world from a purely 'factual' basis, or at least meeting your particular definition of what the 'facts' are etc?

The most defining characteristic of psychopathy is a lack of empathy and depth of emotion. There is no negative mental response to stimuli that would cause a person with empathy to at least feel bad about what they did, have witnessed, were a party to, or were contemplating doing. This is why they make efficient killers. And efficient life savers. The emotional response seen most of the time in psychopaths is a mask. Some "emotions" do show up, they are normally boredom, flashes of rage, and happiness. There's almost always a lack of "satisfaction" in any endeavor a psychopath undertakes, no matter how grand the outcome is. The endeavor itself is the reward, because it occupies the brain and alleviates boredom. There is debate as to whether a psychopath can truly "love" or "hate." From my experience, I say yes, it's possible, but it takes a couple of things in place, for those emotions to set in. The biggest is unmasking. The ability to unmask in front of someone is a great relief, masking is very tedious and tiring. Others argue that the lack of empathy (or the lack of ability to sympathetically "feel" for others) precludes the ability to love.

It's NOT a state of mind, it's NOT a disorder, nor is it something that can (or should) be cured. It's an evolutionary step. There are fundamental differences in the way the brain of a psychopath processes stimuli, vs. the brain of a damaged, or the brain of a normal would process it.

So, was the point of this thread that it's in fact GOOD or BAD to have psychopaths in power?
The most defining characteristic of psychopathy is a lack of empathy and depth of emotion. There is no negative mental response to stimuli that would cause a person with empathy to at least feel bad about what they did, have witnessed, were a party to, or were contemplating doing. This is why they make efficient killers. And efficient life savers. The emotional response seen most of the time in psychopaths is a mask. Some "emotions" do show up, they are normally boredom, flashes of rage, and happiness. There's almost always a lack of "satisfaction" in any endeavor a psychopath undertakes, no matter how grand the outcome is. The endeavor itself is the reward, because it occupies the brain and alleviates boredom. There is debate as to whether a psychopath can truly "love" or "hate." From my experience, I say yes, it's possible, but it takes a couple of things in place, for those emotions to set in. The biggest is unmasking. The ability to unmask in front of someone is a great relief, masking is very tedious and tiring. Others argue that the lack of empathy (or the lack of ability to sympathetically "feel" for others) precludes the ability to love.

It's NOT a state of mind, it's NOT a disorder, nor is it something that can (or should) be cured. It's an evolutionary step. There are fundamental differences in the way the brain of a psychopath processes stimuli, vs. the brain of a damaged, or the brain of a normal would process it.

So, was the point of this thread that it's in fact GOOD or BAD to have psychopaths in power?

the answer again of course is subject to ones definition of those words...and of course no matter how one defines the words imo the answer will always come with some very grey areas...pun intended :)
the answer again of course is subject to ones definition of those words...and of course no matter how one defines the words imo the answer will always come with some very grey areas...pun intended

I think this response is disingenuous.

There is no subjective wording when it comes to whether you feel it's good or bad, after posting a long (and fairly outdated) description of "psychopathy," and stating that it is a predominant feature in the government -- one that "trickles down*" to others -- there is either GOOD or BAD. Binary responses. Is it "good" or is it "bad." When asking a person's opinion, it's axiomatic to assume that it is the questioned person's definition that's being used.

*(Desensitization is NOT psychopathy. People that are desensitized can be resensitized, and still DO feel guilt, empathy, and other emotions.)

So, having psychopaths in office (or other positions of authority) ... Do you think that is a good or bad thing.
DNA, I finally think I understand what you mean about the sock puppets, I read through the other post's so it became a little clearer. This shit is too deep for me man, sorry, I am just an average kind of guy, with an average intelligence, I joke around more than anything else because I like laughing. apologies.
Most people suffer from poor nutrition , that being said our bodies lack in certain areas and our stores of nutrients eventually run low or deficient , The brain is impacted with every trauma we experience , death, loss of job, stress all take a toll and we are bombarded by not only stupid every day but lies etc taking a further toll.

I began treating my adrenals about a month ago in ernest.
Black licorice 4 or 5 times a day, dhea and juicing and the results have been staggering as far as mental clarity. Im on zero prescription medication and feel fantastic , fix your diet you fix the rest of you,,,,,most of the time..
I think this response is disingenuous.

There is no subjective wording when it comes to whether you feel it's good or bad, after posting a long (and fairly outdated) description of "psychopathy," and stating that it is a predominant feature in the government -- one that "trickles down*" to others -- there is either GOOD or BAD. Binary responses. Is it "good" or is it "bad." When asking a person's opinion, it's axiomatic to assume that it is the questioned person's definition that's being used.

*(Desensitization is NOT psychopathy. People that are desensitized can be resensitized, and still DO feel guilt, empathy, and other emotions.)

So, having psychopaths in office (or other positions of authority) ... Do you think that is a good or bad thing.

well first of all i was talking about the trickle down effects of psychopathy which doesnt necessarily mean everyone becomes a psychopath etc lol...just saying if coming from the top down there is effects on our thinking...
and in terms (your terms not mine) of 'good or bad' maybe the answer you seek is unavoidably good for some and bad for others, but this of course necessarily depends on a great many variables which inevitably lead us back to your definition of the words your insisting on using in this instance etc lol...
The whole theory of "trickle down psychopathy" that you've posited is wrong. It's NOT POSSIBLE.

You don't "become" a psychopath. You are born a psychopath. That's why early child-hood history is so important in a diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder.
You can "become" broken -- Borderline Antisocial Personality Disorder. But, that's NOT psychopathy. That's just plain fucked up.

Personally, I think it should be a prerequisite for all politicians to be psychopaths, not borderlines with narcissistic tendencies but actual psychopaths. But then, I'm biased.
The whole theory of "trickle down psychopathy" that you've posited is wrong. It's NOT POSSIBLE.

You don't "become" a psychopath. You are born a psychopath. That's why early child-hood history is so important in a diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder.
You can "become" broken -- Borderline Antisocial Personality Disorder. But, that's NOT psychopathy. That's just plain fucked up.

Personally, I think it should be a prerequisite for all politicians to be psychopaths, not borderlines with narcissistic tendencies but actual psychopaths. But then, I'm biased.

never meant to say we become psychopaths in the trickle down and if it came across that way then all apologies...
this is about the effects on the general pop, whatever those effects might be...
for example our diets etc...does psychopathy at the top in any way trickle down into effecting our choices about what we choose to eat and why etc...
Here's an example of the difference between a "healthy" psychopath, a "healthy" normal person, and a person with a broken personality:

Driving down the street, you see a puppy in the road, trying to huddle it's way outta danger.

How would you respond?

Well, a psychopath may or may not stop; it depends on other factors - not primarily saving a life -- are they late, is the puppy something that they want, would it create a personally dangerous situation, and what benefit would they gain in stopping. After the situation has passed, it is nothing but a memory that's mostly not remembered, unless they stopped. In the case that they stopped, there were factors that outweighed their personal safety and timeline.
A healthy, normal person would either stop, or feel bad that they didn't stop. They would normally dwell on not stopping, and talk about how they did it if they stopped.
A broken would most likely swerve to injure or maim the puppy, the propensity towards violence is ingrained in them, by whatever factors "broke" them.

And, to be fair, a person that's been desensitized to violence, or seeing others suffer, would most likely react like a psychopath, but they would know that making the choice like that is "wrong."

In world politics, when you have a narcissist in power, it creates jingoistic showboating and dictatorships. When you add in a broken personality you get Hitler, or the Kims in NK. When you put a pure psychopath in control, you generally get a "benevolent dictatorship." When you allow psychopaths to control, with others including "normal" people, you have a solid base of power, willing to send astronauts into space, or go to war to defend their borders, but not to knock down the price of gas or spread their political belief system. It's when power shifts to one group (emotional) or the other (emotionless) that creates the greatest problems.

We are indeed affected in our day-to-day choices by psychopaths in power, as well as by narcissists in power, and normal people in power (rarely does a person with a broken personality gain real power in the US, except in times of national emotional upheaval, when a crazy response most reflects the people's will.) How we eat is more or less dictated by our preferences and education levels. Convenience food is less frequently consumed by more educated professionals, whereas it's a staple in poorer, less educated communities. Why? Because we educated people know that eating McDonald's 7 nights a week is less economically viable than buying and preparing fresh/fresh-frozen foods. We also know that the long term health (and therefore financial) benefits do not support a diet rich in convenience foods.
We are constantly bombarded with violence and sex , People in general have become callous and uncaring , video games, television, movies , entertainment all centered around violence and sex, just like the good old Romans did it,,,,,,where did they go anyway?
Just one link, its really pretty interesting , i was trying to look up how many acts of violence took place per hour etc on regular television .
Here's an example of the difference between a "healthy" psychopath, a "healthy" normal person, and a person with a broken personality:

Driving down the street, you see a puppy in the road, trying to huddle it's way outta danger.

How would you respond?

Well, a psychopath may or may not stop; it depends on other factors - not primarily saving a life -- are they late, is the puppy something that they want, would it create a personally dangerous situation, and what benefit would they gain in stopping. After the situation has passed, it is nothing but a memory that's mostly not remembered, unless they stopped. In the case that they stopped, there were factors that outweighed their personal safety and timeline.
A healthy, normal person would either stop, or feel bad that they didn't stop. They would normally dwell on not stopping, and talk about how they did it if they stopped.
A broken would most likely swerve to injure or maim the puppy, the propensity towards violence is ingrained in them, by whatever factors "broke" them.

And, to be fair, a person that's been desensitized to violence, or seeing others suffer, would most likely react like a psychopath, but they would know that making the choice like that is "wrong."

In world politics, when you have a narcissist in power, it creates jingoistic showboating and dictatorships. When you add in a broken personality you get Hitler, or the Kims in NK. When you put a pure psychopath in control, you generally get a "benevolent dictatorship." When you allow psychopaths to control, with others including "normal" people, you have a solid base of power, willing to send astronauts into space, or go to war to defend their borders, but not to knock down the price of gas or spread their political belief system. It's when power shifts to one group (emotional) or the other (emotionless) that creates the greatest problems.

We are indeed affected in our day-to-day choices by psychopaths in power, as well as by narcissists in power, and normal people in power (rarely does a person with a broken personality gain real power in the US, except in times of national emotional upheaval, when a crazy response most reflects the people's will.) How we eat is more or less dictated by our preferences and education levels. Convenience food is less frequently consumed by more educated professionals, whereas it's a staple in poorer, less educated communities. Why? Because we educated people know that eating McDonald's 7 nights a week is less economically viable than buying and preparing fresh/fresh-frozen foods. We also know that the long term health (and therefore financial) benefits do not support a diet rich in convenience foods.

ok so from your perspective has that balance of personalities been achieved in our current state of the 'ruling class'?
and if so, then from your perspective are we rolling along just fine?
and if your preferred balance has not yet been achieved then from your view which who's are we currently a lil short on in terms of the 'ruling class'?
twas the night b4 christmas
and all through the corpsgov
there was not enough 'healthy' psychopathy
and there was just 2much love...
when up from above a buzzing we did hear,
it was an o'bummer drone
and 8 tiny drone deers...
lol sorry i could go on but im hoping your already lol... :)
Whats interesting is moving from a large midwest city to California.
Ive made several good friends out here, but by and large this place is phucked.

Corporations own and run everything , and the employees are unbelievably good at back stabbing.

I actually have a phone call to make to a former employer who repeatedly refused to stop one of their employees from slandering me, to co workers, people who work at our suppliers , even security guards he just met, and the employer did nothing. I havent worked for this place in months, but i now cant find work, even people who interview me ask about this place AND I DIDNT PUT THEM ON MY RESUME.
Please dont believe corporations, governments etc dont use the divide and conquer method, its a fact.

Funny, when i was an apprentice i worked for a contractor who treated their employees terribly , consequently all the employees stuck together, today employers have these idiots believing they are behind them when the back stab, truth is, as soon as the company doesnt need them anymore there are thousands and thousands of others to fill in and the process continues .

Society as a whole is doomed.