Well-Known Member
I don't need you on my side guy.I was on your side of that argument. To me you had it won when you said Cheney profited off the war, I was waving my pom poms for you, then you did what you did.
I don't need you on my side guy.I was on your side of that argument. To me you had it won when you said Cheney profited off the war, I was waving my pom poms for you, then you did what you did.
I know, you've got that plethora of honesty and integrity you hang with on your side.I don't need you on my side guy.
Structural likely. I am not sure if it is called civil engineer. It is structure I am interested in, not soils or liquids.
I know, you've got that plethora of honesty and integrity you hang with on your side.
No, schools have no influence on ones IQ.
Schools don't increase or decrease your intelligence, that's genetics.
it isn't only genetics, some exercizes for the maturing brain do guide growth, but i generally agree that schooling does not make one sharper. training is not growth.
Intelligence is inate; it is the ability to learn. It is genetic.
Also, in most cases, a basic education is necessary for survival in our society.
now the government can tax an individual to give money to another individual and it was never meant to be that way.
Who is arguing against education?
It is not a basic right.
Checkmate GOP.article 1 section 8 clause 1 you fucking retard.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States
i learned that in public school.
You dont go to college to learn silly...
I have been trying to teach you common sense to no avail.
funny, unbelievable and scary. Here we have just about everyone attending a public school to get a basic start in life, but yet they are against iti stopped going to college when i stopped learning.
this thread is hilarious, londonfog.
watching a bunch of idiots rail against education has been quite the treat.
Iran's route to the sea is thru Syria silly, just ask Mittthat's because you have no common sense.
citation: skewed polls, draw me iran's route to the sea, the earth is cooling, forest fires cause global cooling, etcetera.
I forgot about the nutritional factor also.unrelated children reared together have a higher correlation of intelligence than biological siblings raised separately.
genetics does not really influence intelligence, it is overwhelmingly nurture rather than nature.
funny, unbelievable and scary. Here we have just about everyone attending a public school to get a basic start in life, but yet they are against it. One even said he thinks public schools even held him back from his full potential, but yet still sent his children to public schools because they would have been made fun of at a private school. CrAzY TaLk.
I bet I could start a thread about breathing and how great it is to do so and I would have some telling me how breathing sucks.
We already established that you are for public education. Why are you acting like you are suffering from candidiasis in the vagina. Sorry your V-day will be spent alone. Get that shit treated ASAPWho is against public school again? Who is against education? Saying it is a privilege and not a right is what??
Strawman created, exposed, re-created and attacked again.
You guys are consistent.
You were the one who said that genius.Saying it is a privilege and not a right is what??