Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Simple poll to see if public schools are beneficial to the American way of life. Some here have said that we don't need public schooling and it is a waste of our tax dollars.

Even ,if you got everybody to agree with you that education is a good thing, you still haven't answered if the method of funding it is a valid moral option.

Consensus cannot make a thing inherently wrong, theft, a good thing can it?
You were the one who said that genius.

By the way, education is a basic right.

You have every right to be educated. You have NO right to force other people to pay for it.

You have every right to have sex with yourself. You have no right to force other people to engage in it with you or to pay for your pocket pal.
not everyone can afford to go to private school. Public school does not charge. Not every area has the choice of charter school. The choices I'm looking at is home schooling or public schooling.

False dichotomy. You don't have any choices if the choice of "no thank you" is not on the menu.

How you polish the turd is not the point, if you can't refuse to polish it without the gun entering the equation, in reality all of the options have not been presented.

Kaiser Wilhelm called and said good job, doggy. Here's a biscuit.
thanks for the rape comparison, i see now that public education is very similar to rape.

It is worse than rape. If I dont pay for public education they take my house away from me. If I wont leave they send the sheriff to arrest me. It is confiscation at the point of a gun. At least with rape you get to keep your stuff afterwards.
It is worse than rape. If I dont pay for public education they take my house away from me. If I wont leave they send the sheriff to arrest me. It is confiscation at the point of a gun. At least with rape you get to keep your stuff afterwards.

oh property tax is worse than rape

there's that fallacy i requested
unclebuck nailed it with the welfare clause so you may proceed with your next fallacy

So, the government granted you the right through the welfare clause? Then it isnt a right, it is a priviledge. The government cannot grant rights.

Round and round....
So, the government granted you the right through the welfare clause? Then it isnt a right, it is a priviledge. The government cannot grant rights.

Round and round....

well it is legal, so we got that out of the way.

it is a right because it is a necessity

owning land is only a right because government says so.

now pay those property taxes for public education
False dichotomy. You don't have any choices if the choice of "no thank you" is not on the menu.

How you polish the turd is not the point, if you can't refuse to polish it without the gun entering the equation, in reality all of the options have not been presented.

Kaiser Wilhelm called and said good job, doggy. Here's a biscuit.
you had a choice to home-school your kids. You did not. You sent them to public school. Are your sons successful or failures?
You yourself are a product of public schools. Do you view yourself as a failure or successful
Your mother and father are products of public schooling. Lets just view them as being successful.
We also need you to place your vote in the poll, now that we have your comment on public schooling. Thanks
It is worse than rape. If I dont pay for public education they take my house away from me. If I wont leave they send the sheriff to arrest me. It is confiscation at the point of a gun. At least with rape you get to keep your stuff afterwards.
Did you not use public schooling yourself ? Are you some kind of sorry ass leech.
By the way do you have any kids ?
Did you not use public schooling yourself ? Are you some kind of sorry ass leech.
By the way do you have any kids ?

I have said multiple times in this thread that I dont have kids.

To get my degrees I went to college where I PAID for my education. As I become an Engineer I will PAY for my education. It is known as an investment.

I am tired of people trying to get me to pay for their investments including education. I think that 12 years free is more than enough.
funny, unbelievable and scary. Here we have just about everyone attending a public school to get a basic start in life, but yet they are against it:shock:. One even said he thinks public schools even held him back from his full potential, but yet still sent his children to public schools because they would have been made fun of at a private school. CrAzY TaLk.
I bet I could start a thread about breathing and how great it is to do so and I would have some telling me how breathing sucks.

We should give teachers a big raise and more vacation time. Oh, and we need more administrators!
So, the government granted you the right through the welfare clause? Then it isnt a right, it is a priviledge. The government cannot grant rights.

Round and round....
If you read the works of Jefferson, you would know he was concerned with having an educated populace. He thought we should do it, that it was a cornerstone to a healthy nation but never once did he call it a basic right. People are proving how bad their public schooling was at an impressive rate.

Oh, he owned slaves too, so Jefferson was most likely wrong about everything. (in b4 the village idiot)