(defensive) Force is needed to control those that initiate aggression. If a person comes to a red light and there is nobody else around for miles should they stop? If they don't stop and a little piggy was hiding in his little piggy car and stops the person, has the traffic violator been harmed or did he cause harm? How?
Okay, I will tell you a a bit about the origin of Public Schools. I'll assume you are either ignorant there or would prefer not to examine it. On second thought even had you examined it, I would still think you are ignorant, in a cognitive dissonant kind of way.
The Public School model used in the United States came from a model developed in Prussia, by Kaiser Wilhelm. He wanted more obedient (willing to die in a stupid war) soldiers and more compliant and sychophantic "citizens". This model was brought to the USA in the mid 1800s by a mind your business for you type by the name of Horace Mann.
Government schools which are all coercively funded are maintained today in large part via an automatic ransom on a persons property (home) whether they like it or not.
Indoctrination is the main goal. Coincidentally, government run schools are also the 10TH plank of the Communist Manifesto, Comrade Laudromat
All of that begs the question, if government schools provide consumers such a great value, why must they use force in order to fund them? I bet you don't give an answer to that question.