Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

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Wrong question.

What you should be asking is, if a government "education" is so good, why does it require forcing people to pay for it and to attend?

Education should be about how to think....not what to think.
Wow so I can't get you to answer another question. You seem to avoid wanting to know the truth. The reason why the government has to make some contribute, is because we have leeches like you that take take take and then complain when they have to give back. Did not your mother, father, your sons and yourself attend public schools Mr Rob Roy "The leech and moocher" ? Stop being such a parasite.
Now let me ask my question again. Lets see if you are honest enough to answer.
do you view the education of our society as a defensive or offensive force...or both. Do you think an educated society works for the better of civilization or does education makes civilization worst ?
Wow so I can't get you to answer another question. You seem to avoid wanting to know the truth. The reason why the government has to make some contribute, is because we have leeches like you that take take take and then complain when they have to give back. Did not your mother, father, your sons and yourself attend public schools Mr Rob Roy "The leech and moocher" ? Stop being such a parasite.
Now let me ask my question again. Lets see if you are honest enough to answer.
do you view the education of our society as a defensive or offensive force...or both. Do you think an educated society works for the better of civilization or does education makes civilization worst ?

When you say education, do you mean the one that follows the model used by Kaiser Wilhelm to create cannon fodder and obedient dumbed down "citizens" ? I find that model reprehensible and clearly it is based in offensive force.

As far as education goes, you seem to be assuming that the indoctrination you received and continue to believe in is an "education".

I don't think the "society" of the USA is educated. I think it is in large part ignorant. You yourself are unable to avoid contradicting your own feeble answers and can't mount any kind of a coherent argument, much less even understand the questions.
Rob Roy, Doer, Harrekin, Red, all those know-nothings will never answer a direct question a direct response, and likely will flat out avoid the question in its entirety. That's part of their strategy. They learn it from the likes of Hannity and the rest of Faux Noise.

That's funny. I don't watch television except for the very rare instance.

My strategy is to foster peaceful human interactions....horrible ain't it?
When you say education, do you mean the one that follows the model used by Kaiser Wilhelm to create cannon fodder and obedient dumbed down "citizens" ? I find that model reprehensible and clearly it is based in offensive force.

As far as education goes, you seem to be assuming that the indoctrination you received and continue to believe in is an "education".

I don't think the "society" of the USA is educated. I think it is in large part ignorant. You yourself are unable to avoid contradicting your own feeble answers and can't mount any kind of a coherent argument, much less even understand the questions.
you never provided one citation on how public schooling started in the USA. I did . Still waiting for your cite to back up your BS
I guess knowing basic math, reading etc etc... is not needed in your utopia. Again why did you send your childern to public schools ?
do you view the education of our society as a defensive or offensive force...or both. Do you think an educated society works for the better of civilization or does education makes civilization worst ?

An educated populace is a good defense against many things. Mind if I ask you a few questions?

Do you think the only way to educate people is through government entities? Do you feel there are better alternatives to public schools? Do you think the continued habit of spending MOAR while we are a downward projection of world ranking is the best we can do? Are you happy with the current state of public education?
you never provided one citation on how public schooling started in the USA. I did . Still waiting for your cite to back up your BS
I guess knowing basic math, reading etc etc... is not needed in your utopia. Again why did you send your childern to public schools ?

Maybe I'll start a thread on the origin of the Prussian model of schools and how / why it is used in the USA.

Is a forced government school system the only way a person could ever learn to use basic math and reading etc. ? Of course not, and why are you wearing that dunce cap lil London?

When my children were younger, I fell into the same trap you seem mired in, although not as deep as you...I always had my doubts even decades ago. Also, I reasoned if my money was going to be taken (or my house) that didn't leave me much choice did it?

You've never answered if government schools are so good, why must they issue a ransom note to fund them? Afraid?
Guys over the last few days Riu. Posters have shown the ability to reach great highs or lows depending on ur perspective, an epic dog pile on Red, a spirited sh*t slinging bout between Rob and UB. and a few lesser beat downs (mostly at Red's expense). I do not know the facts of the incidence, but if life was lost in a fire, perhaps those references should be passes by. Now lets see if the sky falls.
An educated populace is a good defense against many things. Mind if I ask you a few questions?

Do you think the only way to educate people is through government entities? Do you feel there are better alternatives to public schools? Do you think the continued habit of spending MOAR while we are a downward projection of world ranking is the best we can do? Are you happy with the current state of public education?
Tell me how you would provide schools for the poor ?
Some schools do indeed need improvement. I myself make sure I live in a community that has excellent public schools.
and where the hell you been. Meet me in Vegas during the first week of May.
what is your cut off date for saving quarters
Just look at the edge of the quarter, if it has that copper stripe then its cupronickel and worth about $.14 in metal. 1964 was the last year of silver coinage.

A silver quarter amongst a thousand cupronickel ones is really easy to find if you roll them up on edge and look for the ones with no stripe. They stand out like a bearded man in the women's underwear section.
Just look at the edge of the quarter, if it has that copper stripe then its cupronickel and worth about $.14 in metal. 1964 was the last year of silver coinage.

A silver quarter amongst a thousand cupronickel ones is really easy to find if you roll them up on edge and look for the ones with no stripe. They stand out like a bearded man in the women's underwear section.
cool. so far I have came across a 1932 S and a anything 1964 and older is a keeper
Tell me how you would provide schools for the poor ?
Some schools do indeed need improvement. I myself make sure I live in a community that has excellent public schools.
and where the hell you been. Meet me in Vegas during the first week of May.
Work became work lately.

Hey, the vegas thing might happen. I'm looking at maybe playing some of the lesser events in the WSOP and they run a lot of sattelites around that time.

I can only speak with knowledge about Detroit schools re: the poor. I don't know the stats in Chicago or DC type cities. We have a graduation rate of about 30%. As shitty as I think our public schools are, with a drop out rate of 70% it doesn't seem to make much difference how great or how poor the education is if you are not there to receive it.

I believe people are poor and stuck in the generational teet-sucking because we don't teach them how to fish, we teach them how to get free fish. Children's hospital is seeing 4th generation cradle to grave gov dependency.

Things public schools fail to teach is work ethic, effects of compound interest and financial planning. Rent a room, buy here pay here, title-pawn and the likes should not be how we buy shit we don't really need, but that's the mentality we've fostered. Borrowing money is now seen as the catalyst to spur the economy.

I believe we need to focus more on how to be independent instead of dependent on gov. While I'm big on safety nets, I also think there HAS to be consequences to poor decisions or nothing will be learned. I know it may seem cold hearted to say you broke it you buy it but I prefer to think of it as tough love. If there are no consequences for poor decisions because our nanny will save you, it reinforces that behavior, not alters it. (replace poor people with banking and autos and you may actually see what I'm talking about)

I also noticed you did your thing about avoiding my questions and simply asked yours. That's kinda rude dude don'tcha think?
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Work became work lately.

Hey, the vegas thing might happen. I'm looking at maybe playing some of the lesser events in the WSOP and they run a lot of sattelites around that time.

I can only speak with knowledge about Detroit schools re: the poor. I don't know the stats in Chicago or DC type cities. We have a graduation rate of about 30%. As shitty as I think our public schools are, with a drop out rate of 70% it doesn't seem to make much difference how great or how poor the education is if you are not there to receive it.

I believe people are poor and stuck in the generational teet-sucking because we don't teach them how to fish, we teach them how to get free fish. Children's hospital is seeing 4th generation cradle to grave gov dependency.

Things public schools fail to teach is work ethic, effects of compound interest and financial planning. Rent a room, buy here pay here, title-pawn and the likes should not be how we buy shit we don't really need, but that's the mentality we've fostered. Borrowing money is now seen as the catalyst to spur the economy.

I believe we need to focus more on how to be independent instead of dependent on gov. While I'm big on safety nets, I also think there HAS to be consequences to poor decisions or nothing will be learned. I know it may seem cold hearted to say you broke it you buy it but I prefer to think of it as tough love. If there are no consequences for poor decisions because our nanny will save you, it reinforces that behavior, not alters it. (replace poor people with banking and autos and you may actually see what I'm talking about)

I also noticed you did your thing about avoiding my questions and simply asked yours. That's kinda rude dude don'tcha think?
I did answer your question. If you read what I wrote you would see your question was answered even if it was put to you as a question. We are not spending more on education, in fact we are cutting spending on education. Do I thing public schools are good? Some are and some need improvement. You also asked do I think government is the only way to pay for public education? Tell me a better way that would assure that poor and rich alike would receive some sort of education.
again every question was answered
I did answer your question. If you read what I wrote you would see your question was answered even if it was put to you as a question. We are not spending more on education, in fact we are cutting spending on education. Do I thing public schools are good? Some are and some need improvement. You also asked do I think government is the only way to pay for public education? Tell me a better way that would assure that poor and rich alike would receive some sort of education.
again every question was answered
All right, so you think government is the only option then?

If you want my real answer it involves several steps.

First, I want to do away with the prison cartels and this would involve ending the war on drugs.

Second, now that we have empty prisons this becomes public housing. Unlike prisons though, you are free to come and go. This is where we will have schools, medical clinics, healthy meals and useful skill training. Want to be a welder? you need to go to "not a prison anymore in Sandusky", want to be an electrician? they teach that at "not a prison anymore Cleveland". Transportation is provided for those who work outside.

If you are going to be living in a "not really a prison anymore" you will have to contribute, you may teach if you can, cook, clean, garden or general maintenance which is also part of your life training.

There is your incentive to become independent because being dependent is not so easy street anymore. In this country we have made it so a mother of three is better off not working if she has no marketable skills. That's a poorly thought out system.

There's more, but I've given enough to start the argument and name calling already.
All right, so you think government is the only option then?

If you want my real answer it involves several steps.

First, I want to do away with the prison cartels and this would involve ending the war on drugs.

Second, now that we have empty prisons this becomes public housing. Unlike prisons though, you are free to come and go. This is where we will have schools, medical clinics, healthy meals and useful skill training. Want to be a welder? you need to go to "not a prison anymore in Sandusky", want to be an electrician? they teach that at "not a prison anymore Cleveland". Transportation is provided for those who work outside.

If you are going to be living in a "not really a prison anymore" you will have to contribute, you may teach if you can, cook, clean, garden or general maintenance which is also part of your life training.

There is your incentive to become independent because being dependent is not so easy street anymore. In this country we have made it so a mother of three is better off not working if she has no marketable skills. That's a poorly thought out system.

There's more, but I've given enough to start the argument and name calling already.
how do we pay for this fantasy of prisons into public housing ?