Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

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If a person owns something, yet another person exerts elements of control over it backed by threats of force..who really holds the ownership?

if i can't shoot people who make "voluntary agreements" with 6 year old children to have sex for money, do i really own the gun?
Civil rights while well intended, do not abide by the use of justifiable defensive force. Instead they are based in a kind of offensive force. They deny a property owner control of his own property

i'm not sure why you think someone can't own a piece of property unless they are allowed to take an offensive and aggressively racist stance against black people on it, that sounds like an issue you need to sort out with your therapist and local klan chapter of which you are surely a member.

civil rights defends the rights of those black people from the offensive, aggressive, and non-peaceful racism you insist on propagating.

civil rights is justifiable defensive force against the offenses and aggression of racists like you.
Please explain how a free market is present

because the parents are free to move to where there are little or no property taxes and homeschool.

instead they flock in massive numbers to the priciest districts and vote for property tax increases on themselves and send their kids to public schools in overwhelming numbers, despite having the option to do other options.

Do you think the only way to educate people is through government entities? Do you feel there are better alternatives to public schools? Do you think the continued habit of spending MOAR while we are a downward projection of world ranking is the best we can do?

every parent in america has the option to send their kids to these "government entitites" or to do it all themselves or use a private service.

in overwhelming numbers, they choose the "government entitites" and vote to spend MOAR on education, going so far as to vote for tax increases upon themselves.

every parent in america has the option to send their kids to these "government entitites" or to do it all themselves or use a private service.

in overwhelming numbers, they choose the "government entitites" and vote to spend MOAR on education, going so far as to vote for tax increases upon themselves.

I asked him another way to pay for schooling without using the government. His suggestion was turning prisons into public housing with schools. Someone need to tell Ginsilly how public housing is paid
I asked him another way to pay for schooling without using the government. His suggestion was turning prisons into public housing with schools. Someone need to tell Ginsilly how public housing is paid

yeah, how nice would it be to live in a fucking prison?

i'm sure people would be lined up around the block to go live in a fucking prison.

some people are just profoundly fucking retarded.
I asked him another way to pay for schooling without using the government. His suggestion was turning prisons into public housing with schools. Someone need to tell Ginsilly how public housing is paid
No, you asked me how the poor would get school.. I gave a cheaper option AND educated the poor. I didn't realize you had settled on either keep it as is or disband it completely.

I'd like to improve what we have, not do away with it. Remember, I'm a fan of that rapist Jefferson. (As is everyone who wants public schools, but that seems to be lost on the tarded).
No, you asked me how the poor would get school.. I gave a cheaper option AND educated the poor. I didn't realize you had settled on either keep it as is or disband it completely.

I'd like to improve what we have, not do away with it. Remember, I'm a fan of that rapist Jefferson. (As is everyone who wants public schools, but that seems to be lost on the tarded).
improve on what we have...not prison schools, but thanks for the laugh. Anyway you cut it YOU WILL NEED government to assure the rich and poor alike can get a basic education.
improve on what we have...not prison schools, but thanks for the laugh. Anyway you cut it YOU WILL NEED government to assure the rich and poor alike can get a basic education.

of course putting the "poor" (read: ginwilly's euphemism for black) in prison schools would be an improvement according to ginwilly.
improve on what we have...not prison schools, but thanks for the laugh. Anyway you cut it YOU WILL NEED government to assure the rich and poor alike can get a basic education.
The poor need the government to eat too as it stands, this doesn't mean it's the best solution, it's just the one we have tried. The poor need the government to eat, heat their homes, have shelter, clothing etc etc. I have a feeling this is exactly the way some like it. Both the caretakers and the takees.

Our education system is failing, we used to be top top overall, what are we now? 20 something? Unacceptable. The liberal answer is, always was, and always will be, take mo money from the rich (which invariably ends up as taking more from the "not rich").
The poor need the government to eat too as it stands, this doesn't mean it's the best solution

yes it is.

just ask kent snyder about the magic of libertarian fairy dust.

just kidding. you can't. rawn pawl let the guy die uninsured and in massive medical debt.
Please name one thing The house or senate has passed since they have took over. Can you name some things that they want to pass. I smell fish


I guess you didn't google it so here is what they did pass in less than one month , and they are just getting started.

Do-Nothing Congress No More? 2015 Senate Amendments Pass 2014
Less than a month into this session of Congress, the number of amendments voted on in the Senate has topped 2014's amount.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, center, means business.

By Gabrielle Levy and Lindsey CookJan. 23, 2015 | 12:21 p.m. EST+ More
Three weeks into the new Congress, Republicans in charge have already kept one of their major campaign promises: to reopen the regular amendment process. New Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has allowed votes on 16 amendments, surpassing the 15 amendment votes his predecessor, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., allowed in all of 2014.

Does that mean Congress is getting more done – or less? All but one of the amendments so far have been on a single bill to build the Keystone XL pipeline extension. And the upper chamber has passed just one bill so far this year, reauthorizing the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program.

But the bar has been set extremely low for the 114th Congress to outpace the last two: The divided governments of the 112th and 113th Congresses were the least- and second-least productive on record, passing just 283 and 286 laws, respectively.

Americans took notice. More cited "government" as the country's No. 1 problem during 2014 than the economy.

With Republicans back in control of both sides of the Capitol, McConnell wants to show the GOP can get things done. They expect to send more legislation to President Barack Obama’s desk – but whether he’ll sign their bills is a different question altogether.
