Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

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Do we put the kid with 12 year olds? or keep him with his age even though he's doing the math of a present 15 year old?

Face it man, we are not doing the education thing as well as we should be doing.

in my school, the 6th 7th and 8th graders were sat in whatever class they were most suited to, not necessarily by grade level.

act like this does not exist or like kids can not skip grades.
Do we put the kid with 12 year olds? or keep him with his age even though he's doing the math of a present 15 year old?

Face it man, we are not doing the education thing as well as we should be doing.
We put the child in a remedial English class. It's done everyday.
I'm so glad that you and your family were able to benefit from public schooling
In a truly free market there would be booming trade in children.

There already is, you just don't want to talk about it. When your house is held as an automatic ransom and the people involved use "the children" as their rationale, how else would you describe it?

In a truly free market, consent of each of the individual participants would exist. In the present that is forcefully prevented.

In a truly free market, you wouldn't have some people making others economic choices for them....with a gun behind every edict.
We put the child in a remedial English class. It's done everyday.
I'm so glad that you and your family were able to benefit from public schooling

for the Nth time, when everyone has the opportunity to move to a low/no property tax area and homeschool, or freely move to a higher property tax area and utilize public schools, then everyone has a free choice on how to educate their children.

that is as free as a market gets. everyone gets to choose high or low property tax, homeschool or public school.

they overwhelmingly choose public schools.


Thank you for admitting that you cannot describe what a free market is.

You operate on the automatic assumption that no individual can be permitted to make their own economic choices in a given area and you still maintain it is somehow a free market. That's like shitting NEAR a toilet and claiming all is good...just because you may have spattered a few chunks on the side of the porcelain doesn't mean you scored a bulls eye there Nanny State Sychophant.
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We put the child in a remedial English class. It's done everyday.
I'm so glad that you and your family were able to benefit from public schooling
That's fine in high school, but classes aren't separated in grade school. Now we've got a kid that you want to hold back because of English skills but he should be moved up based on math skills.

So you are going to push him through for English, hold him back for math and hope to "fix" it when he gets to a split class schedule later in his life.

It's funny watching you first admit that we are doing it wrong, then staunchly defending the way we are doing it. You are good little govangelical, that's for sure.
You mean like consensual pedophilia like you mentioned before?

No, I mean like people wouldn't be forced to fund internet know it alls that lay around collecting a government check all the while they can't answer questions like ....

What is voluntary and consensual?

What is property and who can own it?
and you should say thank you.

When somebody tells you, pay me or I will steal your house you say thanking them is the appropriate response?

Hmmm, let's try that out in other coercive situations.

A person has their home invaded by a band of drug warrior douche bags wearing badges....You gonna thank them?

An empire building gang of military thugs drones your family and occupies your home and town....You gonna thank them?

A 17 year old shit werewolf takes a massive dump on your living room carpet...You gonna thank him?

A pot smoking air force uniform wearing supply clerk steals your oranges....You gonna thank him?
homeschooling is always a choice, but i guess you just discount it.


If a person home schools and doesn't use the forced funded government schools, is their a choice of having to pay or not?

In a free market situation, force isn't part of the equation, unless it is to enforce in a defensive fashion a consensually entered into contract or agreement.

Thank you for mentioning home schooling though....most of those kids excel when compared to the cannon fodder turned out by the Prussian school model you adore. Where's the yellow crayon been?
Oooo. I like hypotheticals.

A person has their home invaded by a band of drug warrior douche bags wearing badges....You gonna thank them?
If that person was being held prisoner by meth addicts, and was subsequently saved by the "invasion", they might be inclined to do so. Sure.

An empire building gang of military thugs drones your family and occupies your home and town....You gonna thank them?
If it was done to liberate and defend that person's country from terrorists that were going to rape and kill his family anyways. It's possible, sure.

A 17 year old shit werewolf takes a massive dump on your living room carpet...You gonna thank him?
Trick question. Everyone knows you don't let pet werewolves into the living room, silly.

A pot smoking air force uniform wearing supply clerk steals your oranges....You gonna thank him?
If he offered to share the joint he was smoking, I would definitely say thanks. I would also let him know that it's cool to come by and pick a few whenever he wanted.

Oooo. I like hypotheticals.

A person has their home invaded by a band of drug warrior douche bags wearing badges....You gonna thank them?
If that person was being held prisoner by meth addicts, and was subsequently saved by the "invasion", they might be inclined to do so. Sure.

An empire building gang of military thugs drones your family and occupies your home and town....You gonna thank them?
If it was done to liberate and defend that person's country from terrorists that were going to rape and kill his family anyways. It's possible, sure.

A 17 year old shit werewolf takes a massive dump on your living room carpet...You gonna thank him?
Trick question. Everyone knows you don't let pet werewolves into the living room, silly.

A pot smoking air force uniform wearing supply clerk steals your oranges....You gonna thank him?
If he offered to share the joint he was smoking, I would definitely say thanks. I would also let him know that it's cool to come by and pick a few whenever he wanted.

Fun!!!'re not the laundry guy!! Where the fuck is my dry cleaned suit?
That's fine in high school, but classes aren't separated in grade school. Now we've got a kid that you want to hold back because of English skills but he should be moved up based on math skills.

So you are going to push him through for English, hold him back for math and hope to "fix" it when he gets to a split class schedule later in his life.

It's funny watching you first admit that we are doing it wrong, then staunchly defending the way we are doing it. You are good little govangelical, that's for sure.
Guy before my mother started teaching children with special needs. She taught a math class for kids who were behind in math. It had 4th 5th and 6th graders in it.. She had to teach to the level of the children. They had classes like this for English as well.
Guy before my mother started teaching children with special needs. She taught a math class for kids who were behind in math. It had 4th 5th and 6th graders in it.. She had to teach to the level of the children. They had classes like this for English as well.

Was your mother employed in a government school?
Guy before my mother started teaching children with special needs. She taught a math class for kids who were behind in math. It had 4th 5th and 6th graders in it.. She had to teach to the level of the children. They had classes like this for English as well.
Awesome! So we used to do it better than we do now. Could a 4th grader be in advanced math but remedial english today? I bet that was before the no child left behind idiocy. Props to Obama for seeing the ignorance of that one, but boo for common core and race to the top one sized fits all solution.
Maybe you should not take your SUIT to a laundromat. Try getting it done at the dry cleaners you leech

It seems like a leech is a parasite. Parasites survive off the blood or labor of another in a non consenting relationship. You know like the people that work in government jobs and steal oranges or the people that are okay with having a persons house be held in an automatic ransom situation to ensure they get a paycheck.

So, if public schools are so good why do they require force to have people fund them?
Awesome! So we used to do it better than we do now. Could a 4th grader be in advanced math but remedial english today? I bet that was before the no child left behind idiocy. Props to Obama for seeing the ignorance of that one, but boo for common core and race to the top one sized fits all solution.
Yes a child could be placed in advanced math but still have on-level or remedial English. What fucking schools have you been attending.
It seems like a leech is a parasite. Parasites survive off the blood or labor of another in a non consenting relationship. You know like the people that work in government jobs and steal oranges or the people that are okay with having a persons house be held in an automatic ransom situation to ensure they get a paycheck.

So, if public schools are so good why do they require force to have people fund them?
Because moochers like you who don't want to pay into the same system that helped them succeed in life. Do you hate the police and the fire department as well. Do you complain about 911 too