Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

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Yes a child could be placed in advanced math but still have on-level or remedial English. What fucking schools have you been attending.
The one where we sat in the same class with same teacher all day until we got to Jr high. Was your elementary school split classes? That would be cool but it sure wasn't that way in MI.

So when your kids were in elementary school, you visited their teachers, not their teacher. I hope you are telling the truth, that gives me a little hope.

I've never heard of this, not even on fake TV shows, they always show 1 teacher for the youngins.
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The one where we sat in the same class with same teacher all day until we got to Jr high. Was your elementary school split classes? That would be cool but it sure wasn't that way in MI.

So when your kids were in elementary school, you visited their teachers, not their teacher. I hope you are telling the truth, that gives me a little hope.

I've never heard of this, not even on fake TV shows, they always show 1 teacher for the youngins.
My kids changed classes starting in the 4th grade. If a child was having problems in a subject he was moved to a class that could teach his/her level. I went and had to visit teachers starting in the 4th
My kids changed classes starting in the 4th grade. If a child was having problems in a subject he was moved to a class that could teach his/her level. I went and had to visit teachers starting in the 4th
That's better than Michigan but still not optimal. Are they just pushed through until the 4th then they figure it out? Or are they held back a total grade because they lack the English skills for 4th even though have the math and science down?

So you are saying your schools start getting it somewhat right somewhere around 9 years old. Awesome!!
There already is, you just don't want to talk about it. When your house is held as an automatic ransom and the people involved use "the children" as their rationale, how else would you describe it?

are you comparing public schooling to child rape and slavery now?
That's fine in high school, but classes aren't separated in grade school. Now we've got a kid that you want to hold back because of English skills but he should be moved up based on math skills.

So you are going to push him through for English, hold him back for math and hope to "fix" it when he gets to a split class schedule later in his life.

It's funny watching you first admit that we are doing it wrong, then staunchly defending the way we are doing it. You are good little govangelical, that's for sure.

in my school, children were placed in whatever class was most at their level among the 6th 7th and 8th grades. most schools do this i imagine. or the kid can skip a grade, all schools do that.
If a person home schools and doesn't use the forced funded government schools, is their a choice of having to pay or not?

yes, by moving to an area with low/no property taxes.

you were aware that where you moved to had a certain amount of property taxes, and you chose to move there anyway absent duress. you consented to those property taxes.
The one where we sat in the same class with same teacher all day until we got to Jr high. Was your elementary school split classes? That would be cool but it sure wasn't that way in MI.

So when your kids were in elementary school, you visited their teachers, not their teacher. I hope you are telling the truth, that gives me a little hope.

I've never heard of this, not even on fake TV shows, they always show 1 teacher for the youngins.

because the entire world operates according to your sole experience (which is most likely fabricated) and television shows.

get a fucking clue.
Dude, he said children can "consent" (which they can technically, albeit not in a legal sense) ...He didn't say the adult in the situation isn't a paedophile tho.
I'm just in shock that you agree with his characterization of pedophilia as consensual. He describes taxation as similar to war crimes and compares collecting veterans affairs disability with rape. Pedophilia though, that is consensual according to this guy.

I guess I understand what "panarchy" means...
Oooo. I like hypotheticals.

A person has their home invaded by a band of drug warrior douche bags wearing badges....You gonna thank them?
If that person was being held prisoner by meth addicts, and was subsequently saved by the "invasion", they might be inclined to do so. Sure.

An empire building gang of military thugs drones your family and occupies your home and town....You gonna thank them?
If it was done to liberate and defend that person's country from terrorists that were going to rape and kill his family anyways. It's possible, sure.

A 17 year old shit werewolf takes a massive dump on your living room carpet...You gonna thank him?
Trick question. Everyone knows you don't let pet werewolves into the living room, silly.

A pot smoking air force uniform wearing supply clerk steals your oranges....You gonna thank him?
If he offered to share the joint he was smoking, I would definitely say thanks. I would also let him know that it's cool to come by and pick a few whenever he wanted.

Inb4 this post is compared to rape.
Because moochers like you who don't want to pay into the same system that helped them succeed in life. Do you hate the police and the fire department as well. Do you complain about 911 too

How is a person a moocher if they don't use something, but are forced to pay for that same something they don't use?

Wouldn't the people that receive the forcibly extracted money be the ones "mooching" ?

You seem very confused when presented with logic. Why do you hate logic so much?
Because moochers like you who don't want to pay into the same system that helped them succeed in life. Do you hate the police and the fire department as well. Do you complain about 911 too

Hate police? Often I think they act in ways that are void of any morality. Sort of like military guys that steal oranges and then rationalize their behavior.

Fire departments ? Some can be a huge waste of money. In lots of small towns the entire budget for a fire department exceeds the property damage loss caused by the few fires they attend to. It would be more economical to simply steal the money from the town folk and buy a new house for the inflicted. Also, in rural areas in many parts of the country a free market fire insurance program would be more cost effective.
There are areas of the country that if you do not give donations to the fire department, they will not come to your house.
On a local news, they taped the firedept sitting in the street in front of the house burning but refused to do anything because that house didnt donate.
There are areas of the country that if you do not give donations to the fire department, they will not come to your house.
On a local news, they taped the firedept sitting in the street in front of the house burning but refused to do anything because that house didnt donate.

There are areas of the country if you don't pay at the grocery store....they don't bring you food.

There are areas in the country if you don't pay for your weed and smoke everyone else's don't get anymore weed.

There are areas in the country if you don't fix the leak in your roof get wet.

Also, when you said "donate" above, you might have meant another word. Donations are voluntarily given. The irony is, if you don't pay the extortion...."they" will steal your house anyway.

Private insurance and fire protection (if it were truly allowed) would create more service providers and if there are more service providers and free choice, people would use that which suits them best, not that which suits the people benefitting from the extortion best.
There are areas of the country if you don't pay at the grocery store....they don't bring you food.

There are areas in the country if you don't pay for your weed and smoke everyone else's don't get anymore weed.

There are areas in the country if you don't fix the leak in your roof get wet.

Also, when you said "donate" above, you might have meant another word. Donations are voluntarily given. The irony is, if you don't pay the extortion...."they" will steal your house anyway.

Private insurance and fire protection (if it were truly allowed) would create more service providers and if there are more service providers and free choice, people would use that which suits them best, not that which suits the people benefitting from the extortion best.
These people pay taxes, but without a 75 dollar fee, fire departments will let their houses burn down.

Notice the word "again".
I am not sure your point.

These people pay taxes, yet if they do not give extra to their Fire Dept, the Fire Dept does not come, and yes they are called "donations".

Sorry, if I misunderstood.

I made an assumption that in the case you described, that some form of the forcibly extracted property tax was allocated to the fire department. Are you saying that on top of the standard extraction, the fire department also seeks "donations" above and beyond in order to put out fires?