Well-Known Member
I don't think systemic force is necessary to bring about a peaceful society

I don't think systemic force is necessary to bring about a peaceful society
You described pedophilia as consensual. That is consistent with your views.
Now you're combining things to try to make me seem like a pervert, because you can't handle me in a straight up debate.
If something is consensual, it means the participants have consented. It doesn't mean that others, like me or you or anyone else approve of or disapprove of what they may have consented to does it?
No, you literally (as in not figuratively) described pedophilia as consensual. I'm not trying to make you seem like anything, I just stated a fact.
Inb4 my Veteran's disability check gets compared to rape.
So what constitutes a voluntary act? Are you saying that an act you and I find reprehensible can never be voluntary if all of the parties to the act agree to it? Is the nature of the act what confers consent or does consent confer consent?
@Rob Roy a child cannot consent to any sexual act with an adult. I know you hate laws, but this one you should obey.
You should learn the difference between defensive force (permissable in defense of life or justly acquired property) and offensive force (assault, trepass, shitting on floors etc. )
Nice drawing though....Poopy.
defensive force: laws to protect minorities from racists like you who cause harm by booting them out of stores
offensive force: kicking someone out of your store because they were born with the wrong skin color
justly acquired property: land stolen from the natives by genocide which you refuse to return to its rightful owner
we agree that racism is stupid
a racist remaining peacefully or neutral on his own property
It almost seems like you want to harm somebody for their thoughts....are you the thought police?
Wherefore doth thine non-aggression principal reconcile upon exclusive deed regarding innate wherewithal?
Who, if anybody, remained in a given place and made improvements to it?
It would be so much better if we privatized fire dept. Having to give your credit card # before they turn on the hoses. Having a few thousand in fire bills and still be looking at a pile of ash. So sweet.I was outraged when I first saw that then I talked to my brother-in-law who is a fireman Lt. He said that the way the department is set up they operate under that 75 dollar fee. If they had put the fire out, first of all, if one of the men gets hurt, or worse dies, they would not be covered by the fireman's insurance and the family would not be eligible for death benefits because it would operating outside of their jurisdiction unsanctioned. He also pointed out that if they saved a house for the guy who wouldn't pay (he'd been asked for months to send in his 75 dollars) then what incentive would there be to pay for the service? Nobody pays for the service and the firemen don't get paid, the trucks don't get maintenance and nobody can pay the electric bill.
The next door neighbor who had paid his 75 dollar fire fee had their house protected from the fire spreading to them.
I get that it's a shitty thing to do, but this is what that city agreed to and the guy refused to pay the fee until the fire started. Under the system they have, did they do the right thing?
300K home, 75 dollar fire insurance.It would be so much better if we privatized fire dept. Having to give your credit card # before they turn on the hoses. Having a few thousand in fire bills and still be looking at a pile of ash. So sweet.
300K home, 75 dollar fire insurance.
Seems like a no brainer to me.
i'm too much of a coward to defend my white supremacy "neck down evolution" views in your thread. this is because racists like me are cowards.
It would be so much better if we privatized fire dept. Having to give your credit card # before they turn on the hoses. Having a few thousand in fire bills and still be looking at a pile of ash. So sweet.
now you're defending pedophilia.
this is fucked.
native americans did, then their land was taken by force and genocide and now you occupy it.
you gonna give it back?
Wherefore doth thine non-aggression principal reconcile upon exclusive deed regarding innate wherewithal?Who was standing in a given place first?
Who, if anybody, remained in a given place and made improvements to it?
How is property made and who can own it?
Thank you for attempting to ask a reasonable question.