Puff and Listen Thread.


Active Member
Excuse me officer whats the charge? I got my Card, I got my card :)


Well-Known Member

these guys are pretty good :P
(no, Skrillex isnt there)


Well-Known Member

these guys are pretty good :P
(no, Skrillex isnt there)
Listening to trash like this just reminds me of the Apple Store consultants in South Park. I really hope real music isn't lost if this fad progresses.


Well-Known Member
When I saw this thread it really put me in the mood to listen to some hip hop.



Well-Known Member

these dudes live are amazing...


Active Member


Well-Known Member
Listening to trash like this just reminds me of the Apple Store consultants in South Park. I really hope real music isn't lost if this fad progresses.
you say this... ^^^
then you post some lame ass, same ol' , tired hip hop something or other?:confused: same 'trash' different venue.


Well-Known Member
Lol I won't even argue with you why I'd rather listen to some good lyrics than jumbled up noises that sounds like someone is adjusting a CB radio rapidly. If you like Skrillex good for you. The use of real instruments for the song wasn't bad, but using Skrillex -__-.


Active Member
Hey to each his own... a couple of Skrillex songs used to get me really going when I was mountain biking... but then again I have some Jazz / trance/ hip hop / alternative / rock and roll and a lot of other stuff on there as well, no point in dissing on someone's likes in music.

Right now I'm listening to Luniz - I got 5 on it


Well-Known Member

"Take drugs with no conscience, my pupils dilate like Columbine killers with slow watches"

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
I will see your Bee Gee's and raise you one Nat King Cole!
