Pull up a seat, there's room for everyone

thats cool man. as soon as i get my flower room done, im going to lay the whole plant and pot on its side for the whole flower cycle. end up with something like that but 6ft long not tall. LOL
WOW!! you got a sexy set-up there. I'm getting my caregiver card this weekend and am def. thinking about doing a stadium grow.

Have you thought about having plants tilted at a 30-45 degree angle towards the lights to really juice up the top colas?? And have you adjusted with wattage?? It seems harder to judge amount of light w/out reflectors and with the 360 aspect... Any opinions???
i was thinking:
one should veg the plant while it's standing puright in a 5 gallon bucket. then when it comes time to flower you can cut a slot in the lid to slide the stalk into and then snap the lid on and flip it over and hang it. then just cut the bottom out and water it. you could cver the slit in the lid with a strip of plastic once the lid is in place.
i was told that if you veg upright the roots circle the bottom,upside down they dry out first and burn,better to veg the way you flower,i never tried either way,just passing information.but looking good,they look like nice hybrids.look like they yield well too.
users with huge avatars have size issues :)..... I used to be one of them, I've since taken extenze stacked with some viagra..... as you can see, I lost my avatar