so with the world getting there panty's spun all tight and the USA beating its military Drum Great !!!!
i would like to take a minuet to make us think of all the people who died and more to the point the people who lost loved one,s and survived. I think the world has got so desensitized to war and attrostrositys that go with it . I hope they can find peace .
I always ask myself this question when faced with things like this.If we stopped messing with other nations business and looked at our own sorry state of affairs maybe we could quell some of the poverty stricken people in this country .Hell fuck no should we even think about it
we are 34 out of 35 on the child poverty list , We don't make many cars in the car capitol anymore WE let our politicians lead us round by the nose like were some obese nation addicted to self gratification and quick short term results (profitable)we readily feed petty criminals into the jail system to keep the corporate jails flush with slave labour not only draining space for the real scum bags
we critique the rest of the world like we were watching some fucking lame episode of the worlds got talent,
We believe 99% of what were fed through main stream media classic example. in here i bought a tent a light and a fan
"please advise me on which hole the weed comes out" its not the fact that cant we wont we will never really care about our fellow man cos if we did we fucking do something about it . I feel a lump in my throat when i see maimed brave americans walking around trying to justify what they were made to do in the name of what fucking Halliburton GE i fuck me we cant keep our own border free of scum .I would crawl over broken glass to protect this country's borders fuck give me a pitch fork i will stand there . So i say no to the poll bring all our brave solders home .
I am sure given a choice they would prefer to help out say with the infrastructure of Detroit as it loos like they could do with it .
I dont know what scares me more the fact that how many presidents have basically bent over immediately after the presidential inauguration, to let the corporation with the fattest cheque book insert there arm up to the fucking arm pit ..
Or the fact that we all just go on like nothing happened like a bunch of lemmings . Its sad that we have lost sight again of the bigger picture .
America is nearly bankrupt. The two Bush,s managed to spend ,Hock and steal our grand kids security and spit whats left with the fucking blood sucking scumbags called the corporations, that are human really Honestly !!!! .Ok OK time out .Fuck im spitting on my screen
I have to share this with you and i know its going slightly off topic but during the occupation of France the brave men and women running round blowing up bomb dumps and rail yards were in today's theater of Bull shit Terrorist
I say this, as with all arguments with guns the winner rights the history.Yes they were undeniably heroes and saved lives by giving there own .
Today anyone who choose,s that line of ...i will use the word defense is immediately classed terrorist and deemed to be executed by a fucking drone carrying a missile We don't see the fact that America is seen as the guns for hire by most .As the the chair in the white house is sold off every four years. ergo whos wins the chair gets the military toys at his (the winning corporation) disposal.
I say this as its only when there is vast wealth at stake that we America break out the bottle of crocodile tears And draw the stars and stripes a little tighter around our shoulders .
when asked whos side i am on i will always reply humanity although that is getting a little thin .
Dont get me wrong i hate all violence but one day we will realize the cost of letting our supreme leaders play world monopoly with our lives
Why do you look at the spot of dust in your brother's eye? But you do not see a big stick in your own eye!
A new report by the United Nations Childrens Fund, on the well-being of children in 35 developed nations, turned up some alarming statistics about child poverty. More than one in five American children fall below a relative poverty line, which UNICEF defines as living in a household that earns less than half of the national median. The United States ranks 34th of the 35 countries surveyed, above only Romania and below virtually all of Europe plus Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.