Punch a Panhandler in the Face Day

You have no respect for anything. Perhaps some material things. One day tho, a misfortune will happen to your child.
It will be saved by a selfless man. And the memory of your sentiments ..... as you verse them here .... will burn
a guilty hole right through your psyche.

That has already been ordered.
I certainly do not need respect from
a scumbag. You need to earn that.

But you will get this message. Of that I am certain.


I'm not having kids because I hate kids. You're going to have to do better than that to justify your position. Or just keep this conversation as abstract as possible, not like you're getting anywhere either way.
If you are a logical person as you put it ... and assuming .... you have money .... why don't you move ...?
Who cares about what a person needs money for ? That is not your business.
You give it .... or you don't ..... not cause you have to ..... but cause you want.

Who are you to legitimize anything ?
Have you taken into consideration mental conditions
of people who ask you for money ?
Perhaps they will never work .... cause they don't want to ...... and that is ok !

You HATE way to much
to be capable of attracting anything that would bare fruit. At this time. But one day you will.

We are going to keep this abstract .... that is obvious ..... as you are a 'TYPICAL'
and there really is no way .... for me to make your realize the error in your ways.
That is up to you.

But it is great that you keep on posting all these ...... strings of madness .... in public.
For all of us to understand who you are at this junction so we know what ....
WE might expect.

But then again, I'm a logical and rational person capable of thinking that you apparently are not capable of.

You are not making a logical sense here, your syntax is all fucked up .... have you finished High school, FriendO ?
just yesterday I bought a homeless man some new socks, a pillow, a blanket, some soap, and a few joints. People never think about them needing socks.
If you are a logical person as you put it ... and assuming .... you have money .... why don't you move ...?

Family, friends, familiarity with the area. What an absurd question though, kind of implies that 100% of people who can afford to move have an obligation to move, no?

Who cares about what a person needs money for ? That is not your business

Neither is it my business to financially support them, but for some reason you seem to think it's yours (as well as mine lololol).

You give it .... or you don't ..... not cause you have to ..... but cause you want.

Occasionally I give it, if my car is traveling at a high enough rate of speed for a handful of coins to leave substantial welts and bruising on the dirtbag that gets hit with it, I can justify giving up virtually infinite change. In fact, this is such a +EV situation for me that I'll oftentimes drive by the area multiple times just to keep donating.

Who are you to legitimize anything ?
Have you taken into consideration mental conditions
of people who ask you for money ?
Perhaps they will never work .... cause they don't want to ...... and that is ok !

Work on coherence and structure then rephrase that so it's in understandable English.
What you are failing to realize is that .... every person on this planet .... in fact is the same person.
When you kick a bum in the balls .... you are really kicking yourself in the face.
Your environment is a part of a whole. It offers a trigger response to how you perceive.
As you build life around you .... it becomes who you are. The Panhandler included.
I do not support them .... I help all I can ... and wish I could do more ..... hard times for many.

In terms of my English. I am very much schooled.
The words choosen and fused ..... deliver a message.
One you are not capable of comprehending.
I speak and written in three languages ... and program in 4.
Please allow yourself to envision the concepts and ideas
in their 'dumbed down' way.
I do it just for you to save on the footnotes.
We have a problem in your inability to comprehend ...... and not the delivery.
Perhaps you just don't want TO.
What you are failing to realize is that .... every person on this planet .... in fact is the same person.
When you kick a bum in the balls .... you are really kicking yourself in the face.
Your environment is a part of a whole. It offers a trigger response to how you perceive.
As you build life around you .... it becomes who you are. The Panhandler included.
I do not support them .... I help all I can ... and wish I could do more ..... hard times for many.

In terms of my English. I am very much schooled.
The words choose and fused ..... deliver a message.
One you are not capable of comprehending.
I speak and written in three languages ... and program in 4.
Please allow yourself to envision the concepts and ideas
in their 'dumbed down' way.
I do it just for you to save on the footnotes.
We have a problem in your inability to comprehend ...... and not the delivery.
Well when you want to address any of the issues at hand feel free to let me know, until then just keep making empty death threats on the internet.
Ohh I have not threatened you yet !
Just to be clear. But I am versed in
Astral Projections and would love
to terrorize your dreams ... and
reprograms some functions.

It would do you GOOD.
I certainly do not want your death.
A realignment in thinking before you are on the other end of the stick.

Well when you want to address any of the issues at hand feel free to let me know, until then just keep making empty death threats on the internet.

This statement is just illogical.
As I have addressed all the issues ...
And you must be SO stoned !!

Who is Ms. Cleo ?
You know The whole world is not 'America' ..... this Web SPace is not even hosted in your country.
You wanna fill me in on you local Shenanigans .... as per Ms Cleo ...... is that your mother ?

If the whole world was America, I wouldn't have to explain rudimentary things to idiots from Northern Europe.
So once you write a post .... it is bad to edit ?
What if one is using a non Microsoft browser
and keeps all posts organic .... and evolving.
Never standing still ... ?

Is that against the rules you choose to follow ?
miss cleo is a fake psychic who screwed millions of idiots out of their bomb shelter money in the 90's. callmi now!
no, im just saying your logic is rather strange and twisted on your side of the street....


i wish the lsd i used to do was that good :lol:
If the whole world was America, I wouldn't have to explain rudimentary things to idiots from Northern Europe.

Come again ?
Who lives in Norther Europe ?
Are you calling me an idiot ?
What are you trying to explain and where ?
What supporting data do you have to explain this ?

Do you know what rudimentary even means ?
Not Ms. Cleo ..... please pick up a book.
miss cleo is a fake psychic who screwed millions of idiots out of their bomb shelter money in the 90's. callmi now!

Thank you sir. My question of Ms Cleo was Socratic in nature. I hold a PHD in psychology and am versed.

no, im just saying your logic is rather strange and twisted on your side of the street....


i wish the lsd i used to do was that good :lol:

Thanks buddy ..... nothing BUT the best LSD here !

Have a great night DOC !
