Punch a Panhandler in the Face Day

Originally Posted by Puffer Fish

So once you write a post .... it is bad to edit ?
What if one is using a non Microsoft browser
and keeps all posts organic .... and evolving.
Never standing still ... ?

Is that against the rules you choose to follow ?
Yes, it is.

So you are a slave to a set of functions written withing a program of the browser in use ?


Hey Doc !
You turned into a poet ?
Got any other talents ?
Please brake down for us your Panhandler categories ... !
Bro I got a bag of blow and am doing sys admin work all night ..... enlighten me with your genius as you see it !

For clarity .... there is many people out there that should be institutionalized ..... crime in
poor ghettos is rampant ... I defend no scum.
I speak of folk in need.
But what interests me the most ..... is your attitude towards them. And the basis of this foundation.
So you are a slave to a set of functions written withing a program of the browser in use ?


Hey Doc !
You turned into a poet ?
Got any other talents ?
Please brake down for us your Panhandler categories ... !
Bro I got a bag of blow and am doing sys admin work all night ..... enlighten me with your genius as you see it !

For clarity .... there is many people out there that should be institutionalized ..... crime in
poor ghettos is rampant ... I defend no scum.
I speak of folk in need.
But what interests me the most ..... is your attitude towards them. And the basis of this foundation.

Blabbity blue bop, blop blop, bla-bla bla-bla bla bla bla-bla bla bla bla.
I smoked a lot of bud, drank quite a bit, and worked from 4:30pm till about 9:30pm.
Smoked while I was driving @ work on the NJ turnpike. Smoked on the way back home, popped a perc when I got home and ripped another bong..

I'm feeling nice. :lol:

How bout you homie. What's good.

i think its hilarious,people really take this shit personal.
you do anything for 420?
I smoked a lot of bud, drank quite a bit, and worked from 4:30pm till about 9:30pm.
Smoked while I was driving @ work on the NJ turnpike. Smoked on the way back home, popped a perc when I got home and ripped another bong..

I'm feeling nice. :lol:

How bout you homie. What's good.

wasn't gonna do shit at first but it was really nice out today so everybody was out with the grills and speakers.
Just smoked,drank and watched a bunch of girls shake there ass out front.
Sounds like you had a decent day yourself. That's wassup homie.

I can get them . Pm me and I'll let you know

lol maybe another time I got someone coming over with one for me right now.How much you get them for?I never pay more then 20 but I know a lot of people who try and get 25,I even had some dickhead try and say 30 before.
Here in Sac, especially downtown, at certain times of day there are vagrants with signs on almost every major intersection, I even see teenagers and people in their mid/late 20's with sighs and this in particular PISSES ME OFF TO NO END because they are OBVIOUSLY able bodied so instead of spending hours holding a sign begging for money why don't they spend that time, dare I say, LOOKING FOR A JOB???????? ANY FUCKING JOB????? Now if their sign said that they want to work for money or food then I could respect that, I may not agree with it or hire any of them but I can respect it. The little money I do have and I do mean little, I work my ass off for so why in the fuck would I "give" my hard earned money to someone who "claims" they need it for whatever reason? Fuck that! If you think that's mean or inconsiderate then by all means you give them all the money you want, I can barely afford my own bills and sometimes I truly can't, however you won't find me begging for money on the streets.

Just for shits and gigs, what would you do if you saw someone holding a sign that says "Will Smoke Your Pot For Food" ?
Here in Sac, especially downtown, at certain times of day there are vagrants with signs on almost every major intersection, I even see teenagers and people in their mid/late 20's with sighs and this in particular PISSES ME OFF TO NO END because they are OBVIOUSLY able bodied so instead of spending hours holding a sign begging for money why don't they spend that time, dare I say, LOOKING FOR A JOB???????? ANY FUCKING JOB????? Now if their sign said that they want to work for money or food then I could respect that, I may not agree with it or hire any of them but I can respect it. The little money I do have and I do mean little, I work my ass off for so why in the fuck would I "give" my hard earned money to someone who "claims" they need it for whatever reason? Fuck that! If you think that's mean or inconsiderate then by all means you give them all the money you want, I can barely afford my own bills and sometimes I truly can't, however you won't find me begging for money on the streets.

Just for shits and gigs, what would you do if you saw someone holding a sign that says "Will Smoke Your Pot For Food" ?

Are you fucking stupid? What jobs? Where? The only thing that doesn't make what we're living through right now a Depression, is semantics. These are people who lost their jobs, homes, cars and savings because there is NO work out there. What else would you have them do? Lay down and die?
Here is my favorite bum story.

It was several years ago. I was walking to a meeting downtown and this bum sees me from across Congress Avenue. I see that he sees me. He then crosses the street on an angle to intercept me.

When we meet, the following exchange occurred:

Bum: "Are you my friend?"

Me: "What can I do for you?"

Bum: "Can I have a dollar?"

Me: "You are not my friend. My friends know better than to ask me for money."
Everyone hating on the homless can suck my ass. But yeah if they are beligerent and rude or try to intimidate you then go on and punch them in the face- fist fighting between adults should be legal.
Fuck urban outdoorsmen. They are a nuisance; what with all the panhandling and street urination.

Permissive policies and touchy-feely social programs directed at bums only attract more of them.

I'm not advocating punching them in the face, but they are parasites who have have given up on society. Society should give up on them.

Fuck them.

Fuck them all.