Purchasing Items


Well-Known Member
Here's my question i am on probation and i already ordered seeds. I was wanting to order lights, and ext. My question is, is it a bad idea to have all the equipment delivered to my house if im not planning on growing for another 8 months (when i get off probation). I am currently staying at my moms and im not planning on growing here (not my house).

So basically i was wondering what u thought about me ordering this stuff in my name, but not using the equipment and seeds for another 8 months and after i leave this house.

Thanks for you time.


Well-Known Member
Here's my question i am on probation and i already ordered seeds. I was wanting to order lights, and ext. My question is, is it a bad idea to have all the equipment delivered to my house if im not planning on growing for another 8 months (when i get off probation). I am currently staying at my moms and im not planning on growing here (not my house).

So basically i was wondering what u thought about me ordering this stuff in my name, but not using the equipment and seeds for another 8 months and after i leave this house.

Thanks for you time.
That sounds like a good plan. I would still try to see if you can have it shipped to a friends house in their name though. Always best to not be connected in any way to grow supplies or seeds. Best of luck my friend.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Never your name---Never to your address.... DEA buys or coerces data lists and looks for "knowns or possibles" Just paranoid and still squeaky clean


Well-Known Member
I feel you on that cali chronic but i did use a money order witch should come back with no name but my address im sure they could get a hold of. Basically having no paper trail is the best beat. There just isn't many places around my town that i can think of. Of getting the kind of lights i would want. I havent really looked around except wallyworld, didn't have any luck there. I wouldn't want to go some were like home depot and order stuff thought. Almost defeats the perpuse.