Pure Blend Pro reveiws?

:shock: Holy shit!!! That just goes to show the huge difference between Soil and Hydro. 2 tablespoons (PureBlend Pro Grow) per gallon in Hydro would kill the plants.

Before I was monitoring my PPM I just followed the directions and backed off a little .... thinking I would be going easy on the nutes. I used 6 tablespoons to 10 gallons of water. After my plants suffered severe burns.... I started monitoring the PPM..... at that strength I found the PPM shot up right past 2000 PPM (my meter only goes to 2000).

Got it all worked out now and found that 2 tablespoons to 10 gallons of water is the right mix for my water.

I must say that I am very disappointed that the package feeding instructions could be so far off (for hydro). I'm going to finish this grow with these nutes... but I read another thread praising the Dutch Master Gold nutes and I'm going to give them a try with my next grow.

thanks to all you guys for the good feedback. and for florida girl i was looking at the different botanicare products and it looks like the pure blend pro comes in different versions, one for soil and one for hydro? dont know if that is correct but when i ordered mine there were the two different listings. maybe you were using the soil version? idk just thought i would throw that out there.

what other botanicare supplements do you guys use other than the nutes? i was def looking at getting some of the Clearex, i think thats what its called, for when i am flushing.
as stated earlier... i'm using Sweet(berry). never tried it before but it's supposed to make the bud taste better and the plants love it. Whenever i water with just sweet, about 3 hours later the plants are just reaching for the light. leaves straight up like they just scored a touchdown.
NPK wise it is 0-0-0 but i know it has lots of beneficial stuff other than sweetener. IDK, maybe it does the same as Molassas, but it sure seems to help, and it's easy to use. I'll have to get back to you on the taste factor though.


edit: I'm considering getting clearex for the final flush, but i want to find out a little more about it first.
as stated earlier... i'm using Sweet(berry). never tried it before but it's supposed to make the bud taste better and the plants love it. Whenever i water with just sweet, about 3 hours later the plants are just reaching for the light. leaves straight up like they just scored a touchdown.
NPK wise it is 0-0-0 but i know it has lots of beneficial stuff other than sweetener. IDK, maybe it does the same as Molassas, but it sure seems to help, and it's easy to use. I'll have to get back to you on the taste factor though.


:mrgreen: sorry didnt see that, yeah it sounds like it would do the same thing, because both are providing carbs to help fatten up the buds. if anyone use gravity from AN im curious if that is essentially the same thing
the guy at my local hydro shop told me that next year Botanicare's whole line is going to be OMRI certified. cool.

Love to know more about the Pure Blend Pro myself. heard great things.

Using fox farm liquids and botanicare Sweet now. no complaints.


yeah that would be cool. i like to keep it as organic as possible. do you ever get any nute burn with foxfarms in your experience? i was thinking about going with them on this grow but i dont like the fact that it does have some inorganic nutes in it.
is the liquid carma more for frowering?
i think its mostly to help the roots and increase nutrient uptake to the rest of the plant

pure blend is the shit i dont ever want to change but yes the back is wrong i use like 1/2 a teaspoon this time and finally barley any nute burn but other than that there whole line is fuckin greattttt. My hydro store guy told me that liquid karma helps the roots grow and isn't as important in flowering but who nos i use it all the way thru.

heres a pic of some aurora b with all pure blend nutes

I've had really good luck so far. I started with the FF Ocean Forest soil, and didn't feed them anything for about 5 weeks in veg. Even then i didnt' think they really needed anything, but i fed the Grow BIg at about 1/2 strength. Didnt get any nute burn, but my plants were very dark green. I think i started the tiger bloom at 1/2 but now im giving 100% strength and the plants are taking it just fine. Big Bloom always 100% throughout.
I've since found out that if you use the Ocean Forest soil, that you really don't need teh Grow Big, but everything is ok. I guess if you use the Fox Farm stuff, just start slow and feed more as you know they can take it. I definately wouldn't start off at 100%.
I hear ya on wanting to be all organic, I would have gone with the pure blend pro, but i didn't know if it was organic when i was buying nutes, and the hydro store guy (the store i don't go to anymore for various reasons) said that FF liquids are approx. 80% organic sooooooo... that's what i went with.

anyway, my plants are doing beautifully, and I'm happy.

florida girl i was looking at the different botanicare products and it looks like the pure blend pro comes in different versions, one for soil and one for hydro? dont know if that is correct but when i ordered mine there were the two different listings. maybe you were using the soil version? idk just thought i would throw that out there.

Good thought but nope... the one I have is for hydro, coco and soil (says so on the label). Not sure if you read the whole thread.... but I did post a link to where a hydro shop is reporting that many hydro growers have noticed the same issue with the product. My guess is that the feeding instructions on the back are for soil.... although they don't state that on the label...

Don't get me wrong... I do like the product now that I understand the issue and have it under control.... I only posted my responses so that others new to hydro don't make the same mistake I did (which was to just go by what the label said).

Are you guys who are burning your plants using 30ml per gallon of PBP using tap water? I have an aero system and use 30ml of PBP Bloom with no problems at all ... but I use RO water. That could be the difference.

Good thought but nope... the one I have is for hydro, coco and soil (says so on the label). Not sure if you read the whole thread.... but I did post a link to where a hydro shop is reporting that many hydro growers have noticed the same issue with the product. My guess is that the feeding instructions on the back are for soil.... although they don't state that on the label...

Don't get me wrong... I do like the product now that I understand the issue and have it under control.... I only posted my responses so that others new to hydro don't make the same mistake I did (which was to just go by what the label said).

yeah i knew that alot of hydro growers were having that problem. maybe they just put the same thing in both:weed: but put a hydro label on it:o
Well just to be on the safe side I cleaned off my granny glasses and went and read whut it say on the jug PBP Bloom. It say...1 oz. per 2.5 gallons of water with a boost up to 1 1/4 oz per the same amount of water if they in rapid aggresive flower mode. Aint sure where I come up with that 1 oz per 5 gallons. Guess I just made it up:) I still have quite a bit of confidence in the one capful per gallon. I'm not very good at math but figger that cap hold about 1 T. or so. Guess I need to measure it one of these days. Seems to be about right for the Hempy buckets delivered daily in half gallon doses with an occasional pure water flush. I use stale tap water which starts at 158 ppm using a gauge the little bride got free with some kind of filter pitcher. Otherwise aint got a clue on the ppm. Gotta give Ganjababy credit for being at least half right about whut it say on there.

Big Wheel

:shock: Holy shit!!! That just goes to show the huge difference between Soil and Hydro. 2 tablespoons (PureBlend Pro Grow) per gallon in Hydro would kill the plants.

Before I was monitoring my PPM I just followed the directions and backed off a little .... thinking I would be going easy on the nutes. I used 6 tablespoons to 10 gallons of water. After my plants suffered severe burns.... I started monitoring the PPM..... at that strength I found the PPM shot up right past 2000 PPM (my meter only goes to 2000).

Got it all worked out now and found that 2 tablespoons to 10 gallons of water is the right mix for my water.

I must say that I am very disappointed that the package feeding instructions could be so far off (for hydro). I'm going to finish this grow with these nutes... but I read another thread praising the Dutch Master Gold nutes and I'm going to give them a try with my next grow.
Yea bc...I'm using them.....grow for veg res and bloom for flower res. At the moment I'm using 30ml per gallon (10 gallons total, so close to 300ml) of bloom in my res. It's tap water that I let sit out...and I don't see much of a problem. I DO, however, see a bit of yellowing, and/or the leaves aren't as green as I would like...but otherwise I haven't had much of a problem with using PBP in hydro. I would DEFINITELY recommend having distilled water or RO water, however. I was using 5 gallon distilled jugs, but that got too expensive :/
Just dragged this up off the net. I am now using pure blend pro grow, bloom, liquid karma, hydroguard, cal mag, and klearex. Call me organic. Now I need some more enhancers. I got a little bloombastic for flower left.

Any body recomend any more botanicare organic vegg enhancers and flower enhancers? I about to peruse the shops.

I love the thought of organic. I would appreciate anyh expereince shared.:)
Just dragged this up off the net. I am now using pure blend pro grow, bloom, liquid karma, hydroguard, cal mag, and klearex. Call me organic. Now I need some more enhancers. I got a little bloombastic for flower left.

Any body recomend any more botanicare organic vegg enhancers and flower enhancers? I about to peruse the shops.

I love the thought of organic. I would appreciate anyh expereince shared.:)

check out hydroplex and sweet. i havent use either of these yet but both look like good supplements
I use PBP in a hand-watered hydro set-up.
This is the first time I'm using it for hydro but it seems to be doing great at one cap-full per gallon of tap water.

Not the slightest sign of nuit-burn and my seedlings (roughly two weeks old) are growing way faster than back when I used dirt.

I am keeping a close eye on ph though because my tap water has a really high ph normally, around 8.5 and up.

There is one thing I was wondering about, does the PBP have all the secondary and trace nuits the plants need or should I be using a second brand for secondary and trace nuits?
i have been using pbp grow and bloom and have had no problems. i use the amount on the back of the container. First grow so i will post some pics and you guys can tell me how i did
I only used pure blend pro very briefly. The entire grow I was plagued with one deficiency after another.

Pure blend pro was easily the hardest I've ever had to work for the worst harvest I've ever gotten.

I've even heard that pure blend pro isn't even really organic. How messed up is that?
I've even heard that pure blend pro isn't even really organic.

Not organic, where did you hear that? Because the company states otherwise: http://www.americanagritech.com/product/product_detail.asp?ID=1&pro_id_pk=34

I'd like to know if that's just hearsay, opinion or from a legitimate source.

Most folks have no issues with the Botanicare line.

I will emphasize though, that PBP does not have any other micro nutrients beside Calcium and Magnesium, and should be combined with a trace element additive to provide the plants with a more complete nutrient program. Although there is some kelp in there, without some additional trace elements, you'll see deficiencies late in flowering, or earlier with a prolonged veg period.