Pure DXM Dosages

I am planning on isolating DXM using the method found on this page:

Anyway, about how many milligrams would you recommend for mild tripping for a first-time user to DXM? What about for more moderate tripping? And can anybody who has been on DXM describe to me the visuals/perceptual changes you experienced?

I did 4-aco DMT hardcore for my first and so far only hallucinogen experience. I ingested 70 mg and hallucinated so hard I couldn't feel my own heart and had to think to breath. I'm planning on taking several steps down from whatever plateau I was on while on 70mg 4-aco DMT. So how much DXM should I/my first-time tripping friends take? And how does it compare to the DMT experience?

heir proctor

New Member
To start, DXM is in an entirely different category than 4-AcO-DMT. It's a dissociative while 4-AcO is a tryptamine. I only like DXM at higher doses, I find second plat to be rather mundane. Here is some good literature about the various plateaus: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dxm/faq/dxm_experience.shtml read it and decide for yourself what kind of experience your are looking for.

I myself hit a high 3rd plateau my first time and thoroughly enjoyed it. If I were you, I'd do 800-1000mg, however most people say to stick to second plateau for their first time (~400-600mg).

Body weight is very important when determining dosage. You should also check this out: http://dxm.darkridge.com/calc.html It's a dosage calculator that takes weight into consideration.

As per the effects at higher doses (3rd and 4th plat), well you'll see for yourself. It's very different than 4-AcO-DMT and tryptamines in general. It will feel as if your are flying/ floating away while your are actually completely still. It's sort of like a rollarcoaster through space. Think Tron. I find DXM to be sort of dreamy and usually do it late at night in bed with headphones. Also you will have to relearn how to walk as well as speak.

Good music and a comfortable bed are a must for higher doses.

Have fun!
Thanks a lot this summarizes a lot of jumbled information I've been looking over. I'm assuming there won't be such extremely colorful visuals like I saw while tripping before, I'm sure it will be an interesting change.