Well-Known Member
The beautiful blue agave cannabis of jalisco Mexico.
Could be my favorite .
The tequila cannabis and number one aphrodisiac.
The zacatecas we have is number two aphrodisiac as hybrid Bob will tell you.... Instant Bonner and Bob is right at sixty now.
You want to see them in the wild?
I will tell you guys how.
Go to google and type in.... Cannabis jalisco Mexico.
It should pull up pictures of a crop in 2012 the assholes came and burned down.
God makes it easy for me at times to prove.
You will see these short trees planted with wild blue agave everywhere.
The article says the Mexicans do this to hide the tree wich is completely horse shit.... These old Mexicans have known for years what rev has been shouting.
They have tailored these particular trees for generations down there and look at the pictures of what they get from assholes for all their hard work while Pahanna oops tries to tell the white man to turn from horse shit and look at common sense and stop buying books that lead to more confusion and debate and horse shit seperation.
My seeds of agave came from this crop.
Me enjoy pictures of gods and the sons of Adams work that makes our work look like bubble gum puke.
Just being honest as I try to be with a big smile.
My brothers will awaken to truth.
One love

Could be my favorite .
The tequila cannabis and number one aphrodisiac.
The zacatecas we have is number two aphrodisiac as hybrid Bob will tell you.... Instant Bonner and Bob is right at sixty now.
You want to see them in the wild?
I will tell you guys how.
Go to google and type in.... Cannabis jalisco Mexico.
It should pull up pictures of a crop in 2012 the assholes came and burned down.
God makes it easy for me at times to prove.
You will see these short trees planted with wild blue agave everywhere.
The article says the Mexicans do this to hide the tree wich is completely horse shit.... These old Mexicans have known for years what rev has been shouting.
They have tailored these particular trees for generations down there and look at the pictures of what they get from assholes for all their hard work while Pahanna oops tries to tell the white man to turn from horse shit and look at common sense and stop buying books that lead to more confusion and debate and horse shit seperation.
My seeds of agave came from this crop.
Me enjoy pictures of gods and the sons of Adams work that makes our work look like bubble gum puke.
Just being honest as I try to be with a big smile.
My brothers will awaken to truth.
One love